Monday 16 October 2017

Day 1562

Day 1562;

My BMI was 19.79, as of today, and my step count is 21,628 as of now, when I'm typing. which should be a good help to see me get to my goal,  for the month.

Breakfast: cereal, grapes (green, purple and black), banana and apple.
Lunch: ham + cheese toasted sandwich and chocolate.
Dinner: chicken, carrots, peas, potatoes and chocolate and caramel patisserie.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and fruit juice + lemonade.
Snack: a slice of batten burg.

The Nirvana song "Come As You Are" I been listening to quite a bit this morning, t has got to be one of my favourite songs certainly of the moment if not of all time, I know you could be saying that it’s not a song of the moment as the lead singer of Nirvana is dead as he has been for a long to now, so what I’d like to say their music still stands out today. As a great track,  and the lyrics to "Come as you are" have been running through my head recently.

Now today I was reading some more on Brexit, and it’s just Mr Junker saying what are you going to pay as an escape fee, basically, but I thought that Mrs May had already told them, with it being only the payment that is due to them, which should expire when they are making in a few years/when the current spending plan is up, which I think is fully reasonable, as it’ll be the last one which will have any input from the British, but I think they want more, I cannot fathom why they are insisting on getting more out of us, other than it'll be another way of balancing their books, as the only other net contributor to the EU is Germany basically. So they just have to not allow Geri to pay for all that the EU is up to elsewise you may get another situation like Austria of which the left leaning media has warned against. As they think "right" - Germany - nazis, so that is probably why the media was going mental about the AFD (Alternative for Deutschland) getting itself third place in the recent German elections.

But it's the Austrian governments elections that I believe is the most interesting, because both of there two largest political parties, they got 57% of the vote between them, are the anti EU party, now will Jeremy Corbyn attempt to cash in on this, or is he too busy pandering to the younger demographic, of generally retainers.

Now today I had a lazy day before about 2 O'clock when I checked my step counter, it was about at 1768. I was conceerned as even though I was going to athletics later today, which last week wasn't very athletic, but this week it was a bit more athletic, as in it actually had some running this week instead of just having throwing,So before athletics I had an about hour jog, outside, which was after I had a slightly quicker jog inside for about 15 minutes, which was the time I got told to go outside to do my jogging as I was making the inside look a mess.

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