Tuesday 3 October 2017

Day 1549

Day 1549;

19.79 was my BMI of this day and I didn't even make my step goal for today, at least not by the time, that I last checked for today, maybe I'll have done the final 221 steps needed for today by the time that I check it tomorrow? But my little step counter thing says that I have done 10098 steps today, if I've read it correctly.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, grapes (green and purple) and apple.
Lunch: tinned spaghetti, sausages, and something.
Dinner: chicken, carrots, peas, potatoes, strawberries and chocolate.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and tap water.

Now today I have done my row, on the rower, and I did better today as I managed to get up to 467 strokes I think; well I know it started with a 4 and I think it ended with a 67, but I’m thinking that I have realised what I was doing wrong in my strokes, I may not have been extending my arms long enough.

Next I ate my lunch, then it was before√I had finished my something when Tini arrived she told me to get myself ready as I could go to the gym, but don't rush as she has still got to make, and eat, herself a sandwich first, So I had gone upstairs to wash my hands and face, before getting my gloves on, which took me ages today. so long Tini said that I'd only have enough time to do a 30 minute cycle and then a 6 minute cool down, but then when I was about 20 minutes of the way through Tini checked her watch and said that I could do 45 minutes with a 9 minute cool down cycle instead, so I did. Within that 54 minute cycle I only managed about 9.2km, I think.

Then I decided to attempt 20 more of the little PSCS routine, so that was done. Following this or it could be that I have got these muddled up, I ate my dinner before taking a body test, I got my age +12 today, all because I can't blow.

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