Thursday 26 October 2017

Day 1572

Day 1572;

BMI for today was 19.85 and I had stepped 15,321 times today.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, strawberries, apple and grapes (green and black).
Lunch: omelette and Halloween doughnut.
Dinner: magaritta pizza, tiramisu and Halloween doughnut.
Drinks: milk, tap water and fruit juice.

Ok now today I have been playing on Hyrule Warriors Legends, yesterday I remember that I played a bit on the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, but I didn’t get very much done on it.

Also I went to the gym for a speedy little 30 minute cycle, which I only managed to get up to about 7.2 miles covered by the end of my half hour instead of 7.5 miles which is my target, as if I managed to get to 7.5 miles in half an hour then that should mean that I’ve done an average speed of 15mph which is my target for when, like today, I’m not dealing with hills/4 minutes at 10, 3 minutes at 20, 2 minutes at 30 then 1 minute at 40. I did try to get it to go up some more levels but 40 is the exercise bikes max levels (at the gym that I go to). But today it was just a straight out level 10, 30 minute sprint, but I was on an exercise bike so it was a straight out level 10, 30 minute cycle as quick as I can, or it was supposed to be at least, I’m unsure if I managed to get it flat out for 30 whole minutes elsewise how was I still able to stand up on my own afterward?  

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