Saturday 7 October 2017

Day 1553

Day 1553;

20.40 I think was my BMI of the day and for a lazy day I managed to get 14500+ steps in today, the majority were probably done in the 50 minute jog, on the spot (basically), I did just before but anyway.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: Swiss baked eggs, bread (white), strawberries, banana, raspberries and battenburg.
Dinner: sausages, yorkshire pudding, carrots, peas, potatoes and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, dandelion and burdock and non-alcoholic cider.

Yesterday I noticed the pimple that was on my nose had changed colour, and it had got somewhat irritating, so I pointed it out to Mich who preceded to attempt to burst it, anyway the attempt apparently went by getting some puss out of my nose but then blood came out, it was a failure I think.

Today I have been to boccia in the morning, then on the way home we called at Tesco, I pushed the trolley around the shop as Tini packed the trolley, then we returned home as we had returned home I decided to go for a forty minute row, and Tini said that I should have left it until later as I had football to go to later on today, but I just thought that was why I was going so slowly at it, as I only managed 1515 strokes in 40 minutes today.

But the football team that we support actually managed to win the match that they played today, which makes it two wins in succession, first it was their first away victory of the season and then today they won at home, in the league, in between their was another match that they also won, on penalties apparently but it was a cup match, so it doesn’t count. Apparently the team they beat was one of the favourites to get themselves promoted to the higher league by the season. But they still could as there is still something like 16 more games to play, which is a maximum of 48 points up for grabs.

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