Wednesday 25 October 2017

Day 1571

Day 1571;

My BMI was 19.92 I think, and I had done 11,545 steps, by the time of my body test..

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries and grapes (black).
Lunch: sausage roll, monster munch, grapes (black) and a Halloween doughnut.
Dinner: chicken balls, chips and toffee apple crumble pie + cream.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and tap water.

Apparently I had done 6334 steps by just after 5pm, I should still get done another 30 minute jog, before the time of my body test. Now I have just done about a half hour jog around my room, the little gizmo has said that I have done 11,342 steps, at least I think it has. Well I can remember that it started with 11 then there was 2 more digits and it ended in a 2. So I hope that should be enough steps to get me to 10,000 for today, unless it should have done another 15,000 for today’s step count.

So today I have been to the gym for my usual workout thing for today, the one that starts with a 20 minute thing on the lateral trainer, then I spend another amount of time, which should leave me with something like 25 minutes, on some of the arm weight machines.

I have been thinking about the druids of old days today. But I have learnt something, about myself in relation to the druids, as you could have known the druids were like the village elders which we have in common, but the druids had a lot of language skills, apparently, which I am lacking in. They were also very knowledgeable about trees, of which I ain't really. I mean I would know a Silver Birch Tree from a Chestnut Tree, but that ain't difficult.

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