Thursday 29 June 2017

Day 1453

Day 1453;

21.00 was my result for today.

Breakfast: cereal, apple and banana.
Lunch: spaghetti with mini sausages on toast, porkpie and 
Dinner: chicken balls (battered), chips and sweet and sour sauce.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 1 300ml mug of fruit squash and 1 300ml mug of fruit juice.
Snack: 1 slice of whisky cake.

08:16 it was before I awake, I'm getting lazy again.
08:26 I just finished in the loo after washing my hands.
08;30 I went downstairs to eat my breakfast.
08:34 I have just pored milk on my cereal. 
08:37 Allergy arrived home from work.

I heard the plan it was:
finish breakfast.
Tandem to collect the iPad.
Tandem ride in the afternoon.

08:54 finished my cereal.
08:59 I drunk my milk
09:00 I poured my bowls milk into my mug.
09:02 I finished off the contents from the mug.
09:35 I finished my breakfast fruit.
09:44 I I got changed into shorts, for the cycle into town to get my iPad, so my trouser legs don't get muddled up with the gear cogs.
09:49 I sprayed myself with some deodorant. 
09:something I brushed my teeth.
10:14 I've got myself into a t-shirt.

11:31 we have returned from the cycle to retrieve my iPad, 

13:55 I have eaten my lunch
Then on the radio either while or just after I heard an annorkist, well that is what he appeared to be, to me at least, as he was basically ripping apart labour and lib dems and when Ian said to him so you support the conservatives then, he went off on one about how he hated them also.

Then soon after I had finished lunch, I can't remember what I did after except I think that I rode the tandem, round the block. The tandem's gear set-up had broke again, I can't remember when it had broke but it had broke by the time that we had gotten home from collecting the iPad from the repair shop. Now I remember what I was about to say to it, as I hadn't, or had I?, yet completed the knockdown of that Lynel that I have been attempting to KO for some days now, but I think I finally got it; today. Anyway I was playing on Breath of the Wild when Mich was outside of the house attempting to fix the tandem's gears, and I remembered that he had told me that he needed my help, lifting up the tandem for him to do some things to the gear set-up. Which when looking at it with my stupid eyes, looks pretty simple to do. But I'm betting that it's anything but. So how does a mechanical gear change set work, I'm guessing that the little gear change thing works by having a set number of gears kind of programmed into it, so basically from gear 1-7, or however many your bike has, it will have a wire (well that is what it looks like) inside, which is getting tightened by you changing gears, so when you've tightened it to 7 the wire is at it's tightest which should mean the gear chain is up at it's highest, and visa versa.

18:52 Allergy leaves to go off to work.
About 20:55 Tini arrived back from work.
21:04 I finished spinning around and other random exercises in the kitchen, waiting for the dinner to arrive. 
About 21:15 dinner arrived, I had sat down to eat it shortly after/before.
22:14 I had finished my dinner.
About 22:20 I did my body test.
22:56 I went downstairs for my second mug of milk.
22:59 i finished my mug of milk.
23:04 I went to brush my teeth.
23:12 I had brushed my teeth.
Some time after that I went to bed to get some sleep, I could say that I'll see you in the morning, but I'm not going to sit here and knowingly lie to all of you, I don't know if I am going to see anyone that reads this blog.

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