Thursday 22 June 2017

Day 1446

Day 1446;

20.64 I think was my BMI
Breakfast: cereal, strawberries and banana.
Lunch: cheese toasty (white bread), porkpie and 2 Bakewell slices.
Dinner: Turkey drummers, mac cheese 
Drinks: 3 300ml mugs of milk,  1 300ml mugs of fruit squash, 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice and lemonade and approximately 200ml of Lucozade sport (orange).

I awoke by 6:17, by 6:28 I had put my pyjama top on and I had gone to the loo. Then I went downstairs to eat breakfast and I returned to my room for 7:54, which was just before me going to the loo again and brushed my teeth, by 8:07, and I have got myself dressed as it's the day that we are collecting our tandem from the bike repair place, by 8:28. We wandered across town stopping by a hair salon on the way, to cancel an appointment, but then we arrived at the bike place and we picked up our bike, literally and metaphorically. Next up we cycled the tandem to a shop which was in at approximately the half way point of our cycle home. Mich went in to the shop and shopped a bit, then he returned to the tandem and we cycled the other half of the way home, the time was 10:02 by this point. Next I had a drink of fruit squash, of which I had finished by 10:34, about at the time I dropped my iPad which shattered it's screen, which is disappointing of me for dropping it. Now I want to use some stronger language than just disappointing but I can't think of how I could display my emotions that I'm feeling/felt as soon as it happened, but I can't as I an not feeling a thing, I am just empty inside, in terms of emotions. Then later on today I went to the loo again, for what is a third time now, while I was in there I remembered that I still must shave as I hadn't done it yet, and I had told Mich this morning that I'd sort it when we'd returned, so I had done that by 11:51, just in time for lunch.

12:56 was about the time when I finally finished my Bakewell slices, but they got stuck to the roof of my mouth which is really irritating, Then I can't remember what I did for the next one or two hours, but I'm guessing that somewhere along that timeline it included me going to the gym as my next entry was at the time of 15:32 as we, Tini and I, left the gym at that time, then I know that it takes us about five or six minutes to get to Tesco from the gym then we left Tesco at 15:51and we arrived back at home by 16:01. By 16:45 I had been to the loo again and I had just finished in the shower, so it was approximately time for me to get ready for bed  as I had already completed my going out of the house for today all that was left to do today was to eat my dinner and for my weigh in. Also I knew about the England vs Poland.

But after the shower I played on Breath of the Wild from about 17:10 until just before 18:21 when I sat down and I had started to eat my Dinner then 2 hours later so it was at 20:21 I finished my dinner. So it's England vs Poland in their final group game of the under 21's Euro's of which England could only need to get a draw to guarantee their progression within the tournament, which is coming after England's great performance in the under 20's World Cup a few weeks ago, I think, could the under 21's replicate the achievements of the under 20's this year? so I put the game on, I heard the first goal, it was something like in the first 6 minutes. Then in the second half England managed to rack up 2 more goals without reply, to make it 3-0 to England. Then after I had heard that I'm thinking I had my weigh in, then afterwards I had two mugs of milk before going to the loo again, must be magic number five, before brushing my teeth at approximately, 23:22.

Then I remembered something that happened to me earlier on. Now this may as a fact go in the area that I am unsure about. What happened today was when we had the tandem back Mich was sorting out the seats, as they were too low for each of us, and Mich even said afterwards that the tandem felt better to ride after we had made the adjustments, as I complained that the seats were too low..

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