Saturday 3 June 2017

Day 1427

Day 1427;

Today my BMI was 21.19 which is good if I was still goin for perfection, but now it's bad.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: bread and butter (white bread), Edam cheese, beetroot, banana and chocolate from my chocolate box.
Dinner: ham, peas, chips, pickle, strawberries in cream and chocolate.
Drinks: 1 300ml mug of milk, 1 300ml mug of fruit juice and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice and lemonade.

Now earlier on today I went to boccia today, played a bit more on Breath of the Wild, watched The Wolverine and I have sorted out my collection of DVDs.

So I have played a bit too f boccia today, it was in the place that I always go to play boccia and I don't really know what else to state about it I go there I throw a few balls and then I return home. But within the past 2 weeks the boccia team that I'm part of has managed to continue the impressive 100% run that we have been on, as we lost both of the games that we played, so we can lose with or without me, I was thinking that they may have stood a better chance for winning without me, but no.

Ok now I should inform you people of the Breath of the Wild accomplishment that I have achieved today on the Switch, as I have just managed to find and beat another shrine it was one of those major tests of strength I think, but it wasn't very major as I must have beat it on my first run through of the shrine, as I can't remember me getting stuck on this one, which could mean that I have got better at the game... I said could mean not that it does mean.

The Wolverine is an interesting film as it shows you Wolverine's obsession with Jean, which I didn't even realise that he had from the 90's X-men cartoon, which I used to watch earlier on in my life. From that I thought that Jean was Scot's (Cyclops's) love interest, But then I remembered what had happened previously in the X-men films and then Jean had killed Scot with her amazing psychic abilities but she wasn't in control of her actions back then as it was phionix or something that had taken her body which caused the wolverine to kill her, which made for an interesting bit of viewing but if you ask me it was too drawn outm from what I can remember of it.

Then I moved onto sorting through my collection of DVDs, which was as they had got slightly out of hand with them all being on a bookshelf.

Arms global test punch was today but I had downloaded it but I haven't yet tried it out, But elsewhere in gaming today I destroyed Ganon, I know I've mucked it up slightly as I still haven't located all of the memories nor have I completed all of the trials but just as it was going onto the final cut-scene my consoles battery gives up the ghost.

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