Thursday 8 June 2017

Day 1432

Day 1432;

So today was the day of the election can Jerry do it? can jerry pull off a miracle? I don't know but it'll be intresting  to find out, I'm unsure if I should back him or not. 20.83 was my BMI off the day that I went to the polls, again.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: cheese sandwich (white bread) and 2 Bakewell slices.
Dinner: gammon, pineapple, peas, carrots, potatoes and strawberries in ice-cream,
Drinks: 2 300:ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Well there's one thing I'm not going to vote for today and that's those Lib Dems, as they want to weaken our bargaining hand with the EU, as you know they never wanted us to be on the path that we're taking so they can say to the EU to give us a bad deal so they can come back to Britain and give us a new referendum on the terms just so we vote our way back into the EU. Then they can sit in their French castles acting all smug while they're all sitting around a campfire singing kumbaya.

Now today I have done a short 10 minute row on the rower, I only managed to get myself 2.7km today, which when I'm looking to do 0.3 per minute is bad as I'm 0.3 off from where I should be, by 10 minutes, even if I'm looking back to where I was the other day at 2.2 after 8 minutes I have disappointed myself. As if I had made it onto 2.2 after 8 minutes then I'd only have to eak out another little bit of performance in the last two minutes of the row instead of being so far behind by then all I really could do was watch my back and make sure that I didn't make an even bigger fool of myself, by rowing at 0.3 per minute, which if I had done from the off I would have been at 1.5 by 5 minutes, 3 by 10 minutes and then 2.4 by 8 minutes instead of 2.1 which was what I was at by the 8 minute mark today.

I have also been to the gym today but before that I went to the polling station to cast my vote, so I cast my vote, then I went to the gym for some more of my bicycle training. I only managed to do 14.6 in 42 minutes today and it was 10.97 after 30 minutes which is poor, even by my standards.

But thanks to the exit polls we know we've got a hung parliament now but how could it be resolved? But I was incorrect on one part of my prediction.and the SNP hasn't got all of the seats in Scotland according to the exit polls that is, they have actually lost 22 of them and the Conservatives have lost 17 of their seats. But UKIP have lost all of their 1 seat that they won in the last election. But judging from the results of the exit polls Lib-Lab-SNP coalition would only get them up to and equal to the Conservatives plus the 1 green MP, but you still ain't got a majority. But I know it's just from exit polls so it could be wrong, how-ever unlikely that is.

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