Monday 5 June 2017

Day 1429

Day 1249;

20.84 was my BM.Iof today but Mich reached his weight goal today, he blamed me for it, he's blamed me for taking him on the tandem, but I don't really get that, as we weren't on the tandem today.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and strawberries.
Lunch: cheese sandwich (white bread) and 2 Bakewell slices.
Dinner: chicken balls, chips, sweet and sour sauce, strawberries and grapes (green + purple).
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Strawberry juice and strawberry cider, I would have said banana juice and banana cider but you'd probably use a complete forest of bananas to make 1 150ml cup of the stuff, and I know that the banana factory that I live by makes the bananas brought to it ripe and all shenanigans so it's not a factory for making bananas from scratch. If it was a factory for bananas to be made in, how would they do it?

Nudity why is it such a big deal, if you look at any other creature in the animal world clothing is a freak occurrence, even among our fellow primates, it's just that people have got it into there heads that being clothed is a necessity it's just like the necessity for law, which there is none, out of how many people that you know how many of them would like to kill you, but they don't as it is against the law? The real reason why people don't kill each other, in my opinion is that it's simpler to just go on there way, well for the vast majority of the cases, the other people, the people that actually kill others, have reasons for doing what they're doing, like little Tommy who shot his father when they were of holiday stateside. The story goes "Tommy's father was a gun enthusiast, so he took Tommy with him when he went into a shooting alley, he put Tommy down just next to the holster which was on the table, so the Father puts his hand onto where he thought the holster was he grips his fist, nothing there he looks to his hand and to his surprise it's the gun, but Tommy is holding it, as he tells Tommy to put the gun down his son pulls the trigger, splat the wall behind his head is now covered with his blood and the bullet". Where was the law when this happened?

The election farce this years election is just a bit of a piss-take, but it's a piss-take from the conservatives in an attempt to wipe out the Labour Party, but judging from the BBC's coverage it's going to backfire on her in number ten. Even if we're talking about the conservative held land of where I live, the majority of the signs which say "I'm voting [insert party name here]" are for the Lib Dems, not the conservatives, at least where I have been, even down in Devon I saw one house of UKIP many for the Lib Dems a couple for the Labour Party and about the same amount as Lib Dems for conservatives. Out of 4 people from my home I'm betting the results will be 2 Conservative, 1 Lib Dem and 1 UKIP, but then I know of the result of one of my relatives that live in the same constituency as me and they have voted, postal voting, Lib Dem so out of 5 so far we have 2 conservative and 2 Lib Dem. So what is going to happen? Will there be another hung parliament? What will it look like? Labour, Lib Dems and a bit of SNP, to make up the numbers? I don't know.

2.2km in 8 minutes on the rower today, which was an improvement of 0.2km on the last 8 minute row I did some time in the recent past, I can't remember when it was exactly but I think I wrote it on this blog probably last week sometime. I have been to the gym today also, for another little machine cycle, but today I have done pathetically on the machine.

The inside of my mouth is so huge, I've been attempting to get some of my lunch time sandwich down, off of the roof of my mouth, for ages now; since lunch time it's now half six at night just half an hour left until my dinner and I'm still struggling with a a little bit of left overs.

In Breath of the Wild today I got another 2 or 3 Korok's, but other than that I ain't sure what I accomplished today.

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