Friday 16 June 2017

Day 1440

Day 1440;

21.03 which was good if I was still aiming for my long term goal instead of my short term goal, of which I have 44 days left to achieve.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, strawberries, apple and grapes (green).
Lunch: cheese and ketchup toasty and 2 fruit slices.
Dinner: turkey drummers, carrots, crocket potatoes and tiramisu.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 3 300ml mug of fruit juice and 1 300ml mug of fruit squash.

Is it just me or has the world gone soft? As I state that it is because I have just realised that a British (impereal) pint is worth more than an American pint,as British=20 while the American=16, now I state this as isn't bigger and better one of your sayings over the other side of the pond, may I point to dress sizes over state side, and probably the average sizes of men and women over there, I know there are some anomalies but that is why I'm working in averages.

So today I have learnt that there is something else wrong with the tandem, other than the obvisious; being that the second range being bent out of shape. Which had happened because we were going off-road with the bike, apparently which I think is what I had told Mich would more likely be the cause, but he was just saying that we were being too strong with it.

But Mich and I had a hour long walk today, which was basically on the old schools cross country route, apparently, well it may have started the same way as the old schools cross country run, from my memory of doing it that one time, and it ended the same way, but I'm unsure if it went the same way in the middle section of the course, as we were walking it and I couldn't remember going through a little village that we walked to today in our one hour and one minute walk.

Mich disapproved of the walking part, as he had to do everything for himself while we were walking, unlike on the tandem where he can take it easy, as he's got me sitting behind him powering him on. Needless to say we both miss the tandem, me as I get a breeze to cool myself down on the tandom, as soon as we get up to speed, and Mich for the reason that was previously mentioned. In the walk that we did today I walked into a tree but I csn't remember much else about the walk, but I was feeling very bloated today.

On Breath of the Wild today I managed to find myself 2 more shrines which takes my tally up to 101, and I now have 194 Korok's found, so I'm 31 behind being quarter of the way there.

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