Sunday 25 June 2017

Day 1449

ay 1449;

20.51 was my BMI for today.

Breakfast: cereal, apple and banana.
Lunch: I've forgotten and nectarine.
Dinner:  cheese omelette
Drinks:  2 300ml mugs of milk, 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice, 2 400ml bottles of Lucozade sport (Orange) and I had some of a bottle of Lucozade sport (mango and passion fruit).
Snacks: some whhiskey cake, some mini Battenberg and some fruit cake.

06:54 I got up.
07:01 I went downstairs for breakfast
07:05 loo and washed hands
07;07 second attempt at eating breakfast

A bit passed eight to just about one o'clock in the afternoon I went on a cycle on the tandem today we did a 60 mile ride and I probably did the majority of the 24244 steps that I have done today on that small cycle. Now today we did a categorised climb, I know it's not a literal climb, it's more of a hill that we ride up in a really low gear, which could get frustrating, as we are peddling away hardly going anywhere and then some other cyclist just comes along hardly peddling storming ahead of us. Which probably would get frustrating if The tandems gears didn't break. On us right at the top of the climb.

13:14 we returned from our 60 mile cycle
13:44 I had had a shower, loo, wash hands, and I went for my lunch, I got changed into pyjamas
14:58 I finished my lunch,
15:02 got changed into my skiing get up

Now today at skiing I stacked it 3 times, the first was apparently caused by me skiing into a deep patch of snow which was just after I had performed my  greatest 360 ever, well it was like performing 2 180's back to back. Then my second stack of the ski session was similar I skied into deep snow and the ski's came off, I have got an idea as of why they could have come off, it may have had something to do with the weight of the snow? The third wasn't actually while I was skiing, it was down the bottom of the slope when I was attempting to get on the pomber(sp.) lift, as I had my eyes closed at the time I wasn't ready for the lift to be passed to me at that time so I gripped onto it and it pulled me over.

21:14 I finished my skiing, I returned home, I went to the loo and washed my hands.
21:19 started eating my dinner
21:51 finished eating my dinner

After that I did my weigh in, drawn (as in shut) the blinds in the kitchen-dinning room, drunk my second mug of milk, been to the loo, washed my hands and brushed my teeth. All of that was to hopefully get to bed sometime before I'm supposed to be up tomorrow morning.

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