Tuesday 6 June 2017

Day 1430

Day 1430;

21.03 was my BMI for today, which was a backward step from the direction that I want to be going in, at least until the end of the bike ride.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and grapes (green and purple).
Lunch: ham sandwich (weird bread) Bakewell slice.
Dinner: pasta bolognaise, cheese, tiramisu and 4 Jaffa cakes.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Today in politics we received a message from the conservative candidate, for our local constituency, it warned of the dangers of a labour, lib dem and green coalition but there was also the photo of the SNP leader there also of which I think is more ;likely a Labour, Lib Dem and SNP coalition, that's probably the only way you'd win a an overall majority as the SNP will probably win all of the seats up for grabs in Scotland which will be an improvement of three on last time as the only three that they missed out was one Lib Dem hold then the one patch of red, the labour hold, and the one patch of blue, conservative hold, and I can't really see Teresa May who repeatedly stated that she wasn't going to hold a snap election then she did call a snap election, just as she saw that Jerry Corbyn was behind so she got a bit of capitalist spirit and she's decided to wing it, and I'm kind of half wanting it to backfire on her but the other half of me doesn't want it to as if we get a Lib-Lab-SNP(and/or green) coalition government in place it's going to be like the past again with witch hunts a plenty but it is not going to be witches that get tied to the stakes in the centre of the bonfires it's going to be the people with different opinions of how to run a country, like back in Stalins Russia.

Today at the gym I git 11.02km after 30 minutes, 12.96km after 35 minutes and 14.3km after 42 minutes. Now I can't remember where I was on either of the other few days that I have been on a cycle at the gym, but the practise was the same, I'd go on a "hard:ride for 35 minutes then I'd be having a cool-down for the remaining 7 minutes,I know I have done poorly in the gym session today but not as pathetically as yesterday.

Today in Hyrule I haven't done much I've been doing more searching for memories, the only memory which Zelda has left me a clue of where to find it, then I am unsure of how I am supposed to locate the final memory.

A bit more on politics; my hopes for this coming election: well they're that UKIP actually wins some seats this electionI know they won 1 seat in the last election, but they have now lost the MP that won it, for them, Now why should UKIP have more of a say from now on as they wanted to get out of the EU and we're now out of it, so that should be it from them now? Nigel has now left. So basically all of the other, mainstream, parties wanted us to stay a member and we aren't out of the EU, yet, so if The Lib Dems get into power and they want a second referendum on the terms of the deal, so that could and most probably would mean that they deliberately give us, the public, a bad deal just so we all reject their proposed deal and then whooopdedoo we have to stay in the EU. We need a strong UKIP to hold whoever leads us, into these talks, feet to the proverbial fire.

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