Friday, 30 June 2017

Day 1454

Day 1454;

20.8 as my BMI for today.  

07:23 about when I got up.
About 07:30 Tini left for work.
08:10 I finished cereal.
About 08:30 Allergy arrived from work.
08:57 I finished my fruit and drink
08:58 I went to the loo and washed my hands I also think I brushed my teeth in that slot.
09:10 Mich left for the tandem repairs place.
09:27 Mich returned from the tandem repairs place.
09:28 I put my boxers on
09:38 I inquired what was happening today so I could dress appropriately.  
10:07 I put my tracksuit trousers on.
10:16 I used some deodorant. 
10:17 I put my t-shirt on.
10:18 I opened a window.
10:19 I went back to the shower room to check on the state of my tooth brush, it was as a bone (dry but I've never really got that saying, maybe some other time), so I brushed my teeth.
10:29 I finished in the shower room, with brushing my teeth.
10:35 I got my wristbands on, white for right (rhymes I think) and blue for left (as it has got an L in it).
10:43 I got my socks on.
11:27 I wondered what happened in Captain America: Civil War and I was thinking that I had it on DVD but I didn't.
11:55 I have been watching more YouTube videos.
12:22 I went downstairs for lunch.
13:55 I think I returned to my room

Then I went downstairs to go out on the tandem which we did a 40.2 KM ride today in under - hours which should be good enough to get us through that London 100mi in under 8 hours. As Mich was telling me that we'd done 25mi  which is one fourth of the 100. 8 divided by 2 equals 4, so we should manage it in just under 8 hours.
19:05 I sat down to eat my dinner.
19:51 I finished pie, carrots and potatoes.
20:34 about at this time I finished my dinner.

Then afterwards I did my daily body test, I brushed my teeth and then I went to bed.

Thursday, 29 June 2017

Day 1453

Day 1453;

21.00 was my result for today.

Breakfast: cereal, apple and banana.
Lunch: spaghetti with mini sausages on toast, porkpie and 
Dinner: chicken balls (battered), chips and sweet and sour sauce.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 1 300ml mug of fruit squash and 1 300ml mug of fruit juice.
Snack: 1 slice of whisky cake.

08:16 it was before I awake, I'm getting lazy again.
08:26 I just finished in the loo after washing my hands.
08;30 I went downstairs to eat my breakfast.
08:34 I have just pored milk on my cereal. 
08:37 Allergy arrived home from work.

I heard the plan it was:
finish breakfast.
Tandem to collect the iPad.
Tandem ride in the afternoon.

08:54 finished my cereal.
08:59 I drunk my milk
09:00 I poured my bowls milk into my mug.
09:02 I finished off the contents from the mug.
09:35 I finished my breakfast fruit.
09:44 I I got changed into shorts, for the cycle into town to get my iPad, so my trouser legs don't get muddled up with the gear cogs.
09:49 I sprayed myself with some deodorant. 
09:something I brushed my teeth.
10:14 I've got myself into a t-shirt.

11:31 we have returned from the cycle to retrieve my iPad, 

13:55 I have eaten my lunch
Then on the radio either while or just after I heard an annorkist, well that is what he appeared to be, to me at least, as he was basically ripping apart labour and lib dems and when Ian said to him so you support the conservatives then, he went off on one about how he hated them also.

Then soon after I had finished lunch, I can't remember what I did after except I think that I rode the tandem, round the block. The tandem's gear set-up had broke again, I can't remember when it had broke but it had broke by the time that we had gotten home from collecting the iPad from the repair shop. Now I remember what I was about to say to it, as I hadn't, or had I?, yet completed the knockdown of that Lynel that I have been attempting to KO for some days now, but I think I finally got it; today. Anyway I was playing on Breath of the Wild when Mich was outside of the house attempting to fix the tandem's gears, and I remembered that he had told me that he needed my help, lifting up the tandem for him to do some things to the gear set-up. Which when looking at it with my stupid eyes, looks pretty simple to do. But I'm betting that it's anything but. So how does a mechanical gear change set work, I'm guessing that the little gear change thing works by having a set number of gears kind of programmed into it, so basically from gear 1-7, or however many your bike has, it will have a wire (well that is what it looks like) inside, which is getting tightened by you changing gears, so when you've tightened it to 7 the wire is at it's tightest which should mean the gear chain is up at it's highest, and visa versa.

18:52 Allergy leaves to go off to work.
About 20:55 Tini arrived back from work.
21:04 I finished spinning around and other random exercises in the kitchen, waiting for the dinner to arrive. 
About 21:15 dinner arrived, I had sat down to eat it shortly after/before.
22:14 I had finished my dinner.
About 22:20 I did my body test.
22:56 I went downstairs for my second mug of milk.
22:59 i finished my mug of milk.
23:04 I went to brush my teeth.
23:12 I had brushed my teeth.
Some time after that I went to bed to get some sleep, I could say that I'll see you in the morning, but I'm not going to sit here and knowingly lie to all of you, I don't know if I am going to see anyone that reads this blog.

Wednesday, 28 June 2017

Day 1452

Day 1452;

20.51 as a BMI of today.

Breakfast: cereal, apple and banana.

Lunch: cheese sandwich, porkpie, 2 slices of Bakewell and 1 chocolate eclair.
Dinner: sausages in Yorkshire pudding, peas, potatoes and 1 double chocolate trifle.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

06:22 was the time of my awakening, I had got up as I needed a piss.

06:33 I had gone to the loo and washed my hands by this point.
06:41 I had been thinking about what has happened to my broken iPad, as last thing I heard about it was the repairers were getting a new part for it' sounds suspect to me,

07:28 I decided to go downstairs to eat my breakfast. 

Some time after that I watched the film Justice League Dark, it was excellent. Etrigan and Jason Blood, Battman, Zatanna, John Constine, Boston Brand, Swamp Thing and there was even some cameos, like green lantern, superman, Wonder Woman and others.

11:12 I have just come out of the shower room after going to the loo, washing my hands, brushing my teeth and almost taking a shower, but then I remembered that it was a gym day today, so I'm going to be having one as soon as I return from the gym, I don't want to be a waste of water.

But I can't remember the time that the telephone rang I think it was about the iPad. But then later on it was confirmed that I's fixed.

12:29 I got downstairs to eat my lunch.

12:36 I have stared eating my lunch.
13:44 I finished my sandwich
14:02 I finished my porkpie.
14:12 I finished my 2 Bakewell slices.
14:24 I finished my chocolate eclair.
14:29 I got changed into my gym attire.
14:40 I had changed into my gym attire.
14:41 I found my gym bag and in it my hand strap.
14:46 I went to the shower room to give my face a shave.
14:56 I finished in the shower room, time to move onto getting my gloves on.
15:10 fourteen minutes is how long it took me to get on this pair of gloves, it's kind of reminding me about the ten minutes that it took me to eat those Bakewell slices earlier, but earlier it took me eight minutes to eat the first and two to eat the second, but this time it was more equal but, there was some disparity. 
15:20 it was at this time that I had got my gloves on to go to the gym, which we went to in a few minutes.
16:29 I returned from doing a 45 minute cycle on the exercise bike at the gym.
17:18 I finally remember what I had been sent upstairs to do. It was to shower before 17:30 as that time was supposed to be dinner time for me.
17:27 I had just accomplished what I had been sent upstairs to do with 3 minutes before when dinner was supposed to be.

Dinner was served 5 minutes late, 17:35, but I arrived for it 3 minutes later, 17:38. While I was eating my dinner I was wondering do they call Yorkshire pudding, Yorkshire pudding in Yorkshire, or do they just call it pudding? Why is it even called Yorkshire pudding in the first place? Didn't it used to be a miners food for while he was on the job, or was that a (Cornish) pasty? And it's not even Sunday so why am I having a double chocolate sundae?

19:49 was the time that I had finished my dinner.

At about 20:40  I started washing up my mug and placemat from dinner,
By about 20:55 Mich returned home earlier than I had been told he was getting home earlier.
So then later on I did my body test and then I drank my second mug of milk. I have really badly been wanting to play Breath of the Wild today, but I haven't, so far.
But I got a go on the game from in my room, thank you Switch for enabling me to play on you without use of a TV, but it's still the silver Lynel that's giving me grief, why don't you just die already? It's the silver Lynel that I'm typing to, not anyone that is actualły called Lynel, as I don't personalły know anyone called Lynel' but I think it was a humans name once upon a time at least.

I finally brushed my teeth for the second and final time today after playing on Zelda.
 Then I went to bed.

Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Day 1451

Day 1451;

20:73 closer to perfection, by 1 pound, but further away from my current goal.

Breakfast: cereal, nectarinesBreakfast: cereal, nectarine and apple.
Lunch: I've forgot, again.
Dinner: tomato pasta and I've forgot.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice and 1 300ml mug of fruit squash.

07:48 start breakfast
089:51 finish breakfast
08:58 started go to the loo, washed my hands and brushed my teeth
09:07 finished
09:09 started getting changed
09:21 finished getting changed

then afterwards we went out on the tandem, we only went into town and back, today then I ate my lunch.

then I cannot remember what I have this afternoon but I'm remembering that I think I also played on a bit of Breath of the Wild today I got a couple more Korok's and I managed to beat up the silver Lynel which was in the coliseum, to get my greedy paws on some of the savage Lynel gear.

19:22 I went downstairs for an hour long row on the rowing machine.
20:42 I completed my hour row

At about 21:23 I did my body test.
21:54 I went downstairs to drink my second mug of milk for today,
22:02 I nabbed the Switch, time for more playing on Breath of the Wild.
23:40 I have just finished off my play of the day.
23:42 I have just realised that should be getting ready for bed.

So I have got changed into my pyjamas, gone to the loo, washed my  hands, brushed my teeth and gone to bed.

Monday, 26 June 2017

Day 1450

Day 1450;

20.54 a slight improvement on my long term goal, but it was a slight backwards step on my short term goal.

Breakfast: cereal, nectarines, apple and banana.
Lunch: sausage roll, quavers and chocolate eclair.
Dinner: lamb, carrots, peas, potatoes and chocolate eclair.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice and the

03:54 I awoke went to the loo and I washed my hands.
4:02 I went back to bed.
07:20 I got up.
07:25 I went downstairs for breakfast.
09:36 I finished breakfast
09:43 I went to the loo, washed my hands and I had a shower.
10:13 I finished in the shower.
11:19 I've got myself dressed minus socks.
11:40 I have traversed between the floors of my abode to play on my 3ds.

By about 13:00 I had to go and eat my lunch

14:02 I had finished my lunch and cleaned up my pots.
14:09 I went to the loo and washed my hands.
14:15 I got change into a pair of tracksuit bottoms and socks

Then I left to go to the gym about 14:55 where I attempted to do a 45 minute cycle with a 9 minute cool down apparently but I only managed a 45 minute cycle with an 8 minute cool down. Before I started my cycle today I didn't realise how long I had to do today until Tini told me about after 30 minutes. As I had been going for 15 minutes and I had got to just about 5km, but then it felt like I was pissing myself, but I couldn't see or feel any of it coming down my leg, but I could feel a solitary bead of cool sweat flowing down my leg, so I lifted off the pressure until Tini reminded me of what I was supposed to be doing, so I put in maximum effort until I had forgot what I was doing and Tini reminded me again so I maxed out my efforts again, but the lulls in my performance today did damage my overall performance as I'm thinking that I did manage to get to 15km but I can't remember wether it was at the 45 minute mark or later. As if it was at the 45 minute mark, then I really should have managed to beat it, but if it was after then I can only stare that I'm a disgrace. If I look at the boxer shorts I was wearing for that cycle, I only saw a dry patch on their front(where my penis is) which probably means that it wasn't piss. But the rest of my boxers were drenched in what I perceived to be sweat.

16:11 I returned home from the gym.
18:58 I sat down to eat my dinner.
20:19 I finished my dinner, shut the kitchen door and blinds.
20:23 I relocated the Switch, and I played on it a bit.
21:07 I tested my body and I drunk my mug of milk.
21:36 I went to the loo, I washed my hands and I brushed my teeth.
22:31 so I played a bib more on the Switch, Breath of the Wild, today I finalły cleared the  arrow through rings shrine quest.
23:20 I have got my next spirit orb, so I'm happy enough to go to bed.
I'm unsure whether I should write a farewell now, or even if I did what should I write, see you around? No I'm not that blatant at lying.

Sunday, 25 June 2017

Day 1449

ay 1449;

20.51 was my BMI for today.

Breakfast: cereal, apple and banana.
Lunch: I've forgotten and nectarine.
Dinner:  cheese omelette
Drinks:  2 300ml mugs of milk, 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice, 2 400ml bottles of Lucozade sport (Orange) and I had some of a bottle of Lucozade sport (mango and passion fruit).
Snacks: some whhiskey cake, some mini Battenberg and some fruit cake.

06:54 I got up.
07:01 I went downstairs for breakfast
07:05 loo and washed hands
07;07 second attempt at eating breakfast

A bit passed eight to just about one o'clock in the afternoon I went on a cycle on the tandem today we did a 60 mile ride and I probably did the majority of the 24244 steps that I have done today on that small cycle. Now today we did a categorised climb, I know it's not a literal climb, it's more of a hill that we ride up in a really low gear, which could get frustrating, as we are peddling away hardly going anywhere and then some other cyclist just comes along hardly peddling storming ahead of us. Which probably would get frustrating if The tandems gears didn't break. On us right at the top of the climb.

13:14 we returned from our 60 mile cycle
13:44 I had had a shower, loo, wash hands, and I went for my lunch, I got changed into pyjamas
14:58 I finished my lunch,
15:02 got changed into my skiing get up

Now today at skiing I stacked it 3 times, the first was apparently caused by me skiing into a deep patch of snow which was just after I had performed my  greatest 360 ever, well it was like performing 2 180's back to back. Then my second stack of the ski session was similar I skied into deep snow and the ski's came off, I have got an idea as of why they could have come off, it may have had something to do with the weight of the snow? The third wasn't actually while I was skiing, it was down the bottom of the slope when I was attempting to get on the pomber(sp.) lift, as I had my eyes closed at the time I wasn't ready for the lift to be passed to me at that time so I gripped onto it and it pulled me over.

21:14 I finished my skiing, I returned home, I went to the loo and washed my hands.
21:19 started eating my dinner
21:51 finished eating my dinner

After that I did my weigh in, drawn (as in shut) the blinds in the kitchen-dinning room, drunk my second mug of milk, been to the loo, washed my hands and brushed my teeth. All of that was to hopefully get to bed sometime before I'm supposed to be up tomorrow morning.

Saturday, 24 June 2017

Day 1448

Day 1448;

As a BMI for today I got 20.6.

Breakfast: cereal, apple and banana.
Lunch: pizza with ham on it.
Dinner: pie, carrots, new potatoes and a fruit pastry.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 1 300ml mug of fruit squash, 1 300ml mug of fruit juice and lemonade and 1 400ml bottle of Lucozade sport.
Snacks: some pieces of a mini batternbug.

00:30 got ready for bed
00:39 brushed my teeth and î we to the loo, washed my hands.
00:44 I went to bed.
06:10 I initatItally awoke,
07:10 I got up and I came down to eat breakfast.

I thought about things like what I should do when Tini and Mich have had enough of me, and I am forced to stop being a leech. So I first thought about getting a home, what I first need os a job. A real job, one that actually earns me money.

07:51 finished my breakfast and I went to the loo.
07:54 washed my hands
08:09 finished in the shower room by brushing my teeth and shaving.
08:34 left for boccia

10:56 I returned home after boccia and I ate my breakfast fruit.
11:44 I finished my breakfast fruit
11:46 I went to the loo and I washed my hands.

Now it is almost 12:00, almost lunch time about at least, I am about to inform my blog/it's readers about boccia that I left a black space in-between. The reason that I have done that was as I hate traveling in cars, as I tend to get very bad headaches in the contraptions,  which may have something to do with my getting hit by one a few(more like ten) years back, but I can always seem to remember getting headaches on journeys involving cars/busses/coaches but just not quite like the one that I got today, the worst one that I got was on a coach to a foreign country, a trip that I took 3-4 times, the ends really did justify the means, as I got to go skiing in Austria on those occasions. But that's not what I want to type about, now, the blank space is to signify the 2 car journeys and the time that I spent in the boccia practice. As in boccia practice I try my hardest to throw the ball to where they want me to, sometimes failing others not. At the end of the session we were losing the game 2-0 by the end of the first end, second end we managed to get one back so we were still losing but the score was only 2-1, then it came to the third and final end which we won with another score of one to make the final result being 2-2. But then I had a decision to make, it was on whether I wanted to go straight home from boccia instead of to another town to buy myself some more trainers. So I picked go home less driving.

12:31 started lunch
12:59 finished lunch
13:13 got changed into my cycling attire
13:23 ready off to cycle

Today it was a 40 mile cycle, we had to take a couple of diversions at the end of the cycle to make sure that we were to get the correct amount. So we had done 40.07 miles in 2hrs 54mins 42 seconds at an average speed of 13.8 mph and with 858 ft climbed. But didn't we stop in a different place this time? Anyway the ft that we will have climbed will change on the air pressure and stuff

16:47 back from the cycle
17:51 finished in the shower and I got changed into my pyjamas
About 18:30 started eating dinner
19:53 I finished my dinner

Then after I finished my dinner I played on Breath of the Wild, I didn't manage much, I think I only managed to find one Korok. Then I had my body test, massive disappointment on one hand but it's a big plus point on the other, as it means less weight that we will be needing to cart around with us on the tandem ride.

23:03 I went to the loo, washed my hands and I brushed my teeth.
23:31 I went to bed.

Friday, 23 June 2017

Day 1447

Day 1447;

20.9 was my BMI of this day.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: tinned spaghetti on toast with mini sausages and chocolate cup cake.
Dinner: macaroni cheese, pulled pork and chocolate cake.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 1 300ml mug of fruit squash, 1 300ml mug of fruit juice and the about 200ml that were left out of my Lucozade sport bottle from yesterday.

00:15 I had just returned to my room after cleaning up my pots, turning the lights off (downstairs) and drawing the kitchen blinds.
00:19 going to bed.
5:38 I awoke
5:45 I got up.
5:50 I went to the loo,
5:54 I flushed and I washed my hands.
5:59 I sorted the soap dispenser out.
6:04 I went back to my room.
6:17 I went downstairs.
6:20 I sit on a chair.
6:26 I poured milk onto my cereal.
6:28 I start to eat
6:51 I finish eating and I finish my first mug of milk,
6:57 I brush my teeth,
07:09 I finish brushing my teeth and I start to get dressed,
07:33 I got my final sock on, to signify that I am now dressed,
07:38 I rummage through my draw to find myself a pair of wrist bands,
07:44 I get my wrist bands on, thanks to Mich,
07:48 I ate my breakfast fruit,
08:26 I finished my breakfast fruit,
08:33 I have gone to the loo again today, I'm not really seeing how I'm going to manage the 100 mile cycle, especially not with a digestive system like mine, yesterday the tandem Mike was putting 4 holes in a plastic container in order to use cable ties to a fix it to the bike, in order to give me some place for me to store my drinks which I can actually get.
08:44 wash hands
08:46 shave
08:50 finish shaving
Then later on I got back onto the bike and we drove it round to the iPad repair shop, but the price for the repair had increased since yesterday when we first checked the price.

Then I returned home eventually as we had to go to a couple of shops in the town before we headed homeward. Then it was lunchtime after that I have done basically nought but sit here when on the occasion I would stretch my right hand out, to attempt to get it to go into a more correct hand position.

14:50 I went downstairs to help Mich with the washing machine,
14:54 I played on breath of the wild
14:31 I went to the loo
15:38 I got changed into my cycling gear.

Then Mich and oneself went out on a 20mile cycle, Mich has got a thing which tells us how far we have cycled and it tells us how quick we have cycled, on our little route today p, it told us that we averaged at a spread of 13.5 mph and the quickest speed that we reached was 31.2 mph. The part of road that we were setting our fastest speed was a 30 mph zone.

17:33 we finished our tandem ride
17:45 I had another shower
18:00 I was out of the shower get dressed into pyjamas
18:04 dinner time
18:45 time to get dressed, again
19:06 I'm dressed and it's time to walk to the quiz

The quiz was fun we came fourth, one, point off of third and something like 6 points from first, the competition was between 7 separate teams. The 3 bellow us has scores In the 40's but our team had a score that was 61, if I hadn't have misheard the quiz masters question Ca Co3 instead of Ca C O3 then we'd have tied with the third place team.

23:20 I've returned home
23:29 I had my body test
23:37 I drank my mug of milk
23:43 I went to the loo
23:46 I washed my hands

Thursday, 22 June 2017

Day 1446

Day 1446;

20.64 I think was my BMI
Breakfast: cereal, strawberries and banana.
Lunch: cheese toasty (white bread), porkpie and 2 Bakewell slices.
Dinner: Turkey drummers, mac cheese 
Drinks: 3 300ml mugs of milk,  1 300ml mugs of fruit squash, 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice and lemonade and approximately 200ml of Lucozade sport (orange).

I awoke by 6:17, by 6:28 I had put my pyjama top on and I had gone to the loo. Then I went downstairs to eat breakfast and I returned to my room for 7:54, which was just before me going to the loo again and brushed my teeth, by 8:07, and I have got myself dressed as it's the day that we are collecting our tandem from the bike repair place, by 8:28. We wandered across town stopping by a hair salon on the way, to cancel an appointment, but then we arrived at the bike place and we picked up our bike, literally and metaphorically. Next up we cycled the tandem to a shop which was in at approximately the half way point of our cycle home. Mich went in to the shop and shopped a bit, then he returned to the tandem and we cycled the other half of the way home, the time was 10:02 by this point. Next I had a drink of fruit squash, of which I had finished by 10:34, about at the time I dropped my iPad which shattered it's screen, which is disappointing of me for dropping it. Now I want to use some stronger language than just disappointing but I can't think of how I could display my emotions that I'm feeling/felt as soon as it happened, but I can't as I an not feeling a thing, I am just empty inside, in terms of emotions. Then later on today I went to the loo again, for what is a third time now, while I was in there I remembered that I still must shave as I hadn't done it yet, and I had told Mich this morning that I'd sort it when we'd returned, so I had done that by 11:51, just in time for lunch.

12:56 was about the time when I finally finished my Bakewell slices, but they got stuck to the roof of my mouth which is really irritating, Then I can't remember what I did for the next one or two hours, but I'm guessing that somewhere along that timeline it included me going to the gym as my next entry was at the time of 15:32 as we, Tini and I, left the gym at that time, then I know that it takes us about five or six minutes to get to Tesco from the gym then we left Tesco at 15:51and we arrived back at home by 16:01. By 16:45 I had been to the loo again and I had just finished in the shower, so it was approximately time for me to get ready for bed  as I had already completed my going out of the house for today all that was left to do today was to eat my dinner and for my weigh in. Also I knew about the England vs Poland.

But after the shower I played on Breath of the Wild from about 17:10 until just before 18:21 when I sat down and I had started to eat my Dinner then 2 hours later so it was at 20:21 I finished my dinner. So it's England vs Poland in their final group game of the under 21's Euro's of which England could only need to get a draw to guarantee their progression within the tournament, which is coming after England's great performance in the under 20's World Cup a few weeks ago, I think, could the under 21's replicate the achievements of the under 20's this year? so I put the game on, I heard the first goal, it was something like in the first 6 minutes. Then in the second half England managed to rack up 2 more goals without reply, to make it 3-0 to England. Then after I had heard that I'm thinking I had my weigh in, then afterwards I had two mugs of milk before going to the loo again, must be magic number five, before brushing my teeth at approximately, 23:22.

Then I remembered something that happened to me earlier on. Now this may as a fact go in the area that I am unsure about. What happened today was when we had the tandem back Mich was sorting out the seats, as they were too low for each of us, and Mich even said afterwards that the tandem felt better to ride after we had made the adjustments, as I complained that the seats were too low..

Wednesday, 21 June 2017

Day 1445

Day 1445;

20.83 bad news. I think.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and strawberries.;
Lunch: cheese sandwich (white bread), porkpie and 2 yellow topped sponge and chocolate sponge slices.
Dinner: tomato pasta, mozzarella balls, bread (funky white stuff) and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

So I initially  awoke after 6am, but then I went back to sleep a bit before I woke up again and I got up, then I wandered downstairs and I checked the kitchen clock, it was about 6:52 then I started eating my breakfast, before I had finished my breakfast I needed the loo, so I went back upstairs to go to it, then as I was going to the loo someone entered the house said something then they preceded to leave again. Next up I washed my hands and I went back down to finish off eating my breakfast. When I had finished with that I went back upstairs, I watched some YouTube and other anime. Following that I have had a shower the time being 11:36 when I got into the shower room to brush my teeth, shave my face and shower, until 11:57 when I emerged from the shower room to get dressed, in order to get myself downstairs to eat my lunch.

The time was 12:16 by the time that I finally sat down for my lunch. I finished eating drinking and all that by 13:49, it was time for me to wash the pots up that I had used to eat my lunch and breakfast from, I had accomplished that task by 14:09. From just later on than the aforementioned time I played Breath of the Wild until 16:17 or there about, in the game I managed to complete another shrine so that is 105 now, but that leaves me with 3 more to find before I need to complete the last 12 shrine quests. Next up I was watching Akira, as I have been seeing a lot of recommendations to watch it, but I have never got around to watching it. So I have now. It's fascinating, I think at least.

Then it was time for me too eat my dinner, so I went to the table and I ate my dinner, then as I had a lazy day, today I decided to head off around the garden. But even with my pathetically low step count for today I'd still need to gain 7 pounds to reach my long term goal.

Tuesday, 20 June 2017

Day 1444

Day 1444;

BMI was 20.7 for today so it's going in the correct direction for the cycle that we are in preparation for some time next month.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: cheese sandwich and 2 Bakewell slices.
Dinner: chicken, peas, potato salad, baked potato and 1 peach and mandarine pastry.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 1 300ml mug of fruit squash and 3 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Today I have had a disappointingly bad day on Breath of the Wild, as I only managed to fine 3 more Korok's and the only giant (Hinox) that I found today I had already defeated. No more shrines today so but there is only 16 more for me to find.

But today in the gym I only went for another little cycle, it was only a short 30 minute with a 6 minute cool down period. Which reminds me about my discussions with Allergy and Tini, I am typing about how they both start talking to me as if I was speaking back to them and then they were having conversations with themselves but they were acting as if it was with me, but I wasn't responding to either of them in the manners that were expecting me to, which gets really flustrating.

Monday, 19 June 2017

Day 1443

Day 1443;

21.93 was my BMI for today which was up by two pounds on yesterday's result, that's what I get for going to athletics, I'm guessing.

Breakfast: cereal and banana.
Lunch: cheese and salad cream sandwich (white bread) and 2 Bakewell slices.
Dinner: gammon, carrots, potato salad, baked potato and strawberries.
Drinks: 2 300nl mugs of milk, 4 300ml mugs of fruit juice and some of Lucozade sport (Brazilian guava).
Snack: rum and raisin ice cream.

I hope the temperature cools down considerably by just under 6 weeks, as I'm supposed to be doing a tandem ride in that time. I don't want Mich to be complaining about the temperature as he'll be stopping every 2 minutes to get himself, and me a drink if it is, which won't be at all hard on our legs but it will severely impact on our time.

Then I had an at least half decent idea of something to write for one day in the past but I had forgotten it and I had remembered it at one point today, but then I forgot it again today, I'm hopeless.

But from what I can remember I played a bit more on Breath of the Wild, I think I managed to get up to 104 shrines completed, just 16 more to go. When I complete that should I go on another quest to find the last 693 Korok's? I think not, the 207+ that I should have found by the end of the game should be good enough, for me.  But I still have a lot of stone things, something else things and lava things to defeat for that shady guy that I'm thinking is called Clinton or something. 

Sunday, 18 June 2017

Day 1442

Day 1442;

20.73 was my BMI for today we traveled our second furthest on the tandem in one sitting, as we got to about 62 miles.

Breakfast: cereal and banana.
Lunch: ham sandwich (white bread) and scones (jam and cream).
Dinner: turkey drummers, carrots, baked potato, bread and strawberries.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 4 300ml mugs of fruit juice, 3 bottles of Lucozade sport (1 raspberry from yesterday to finish and 2 full Brazilian guava) and 1 300ml mug of lemonade.
Snacks: 1 fruit slice and 2/3 of a yellow chocolate flavoured slice.

Today I have done an approximately 62 mile tandem ride, it was completed in five hours about. So that was over the two days of this week-end we have done over 100 miles in eight hours fifteen minutes. So we should be getting it at around 8 hours especially if as they say we travel quicker in the actual thing as the roads are closed to normal traffic (cars) and other stuff.

But today on Breath of the Wild I managed to make it onto Tingle island and I got the shrine from on that rock. I've also found a load of Koroks, today, and there's something else that I wanted to inform you on but I've forgotten what it was now.

Could it have been about the temperature, I don't know? But it's been very hot today, not that I notice on the back of a bike soaking in the breeze a as a means of cooling. But while I was on the bike, I was enjoying the breeze.r

Saturday, 17 June 2017

Day 1441

Day 1441;

20.8 was my BMI for today,

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: Swiss baked eggs, bread and butter (white bread) and 2 Danish pastries.
Dinner: chicken, baked potatoe, potato salad, and other food but I have forgotten what it was now.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 4 300ml mugs of fruit juice, I also finished off 1  mango and passion fruit Lucozade sport and 1 raspberry and I started 1 Brazilian guava bottles of Lucozade sport,
Snack: banana.

Today I have gone to Boccia practise in the morning then after lunch I went out for another cycle. Which was as we had also hired a tandem this morning for today and tomorrow just so we can get our practise in as the London 100 bike ride is fast approaching.

Three and a quater hours is how long we were out for today on a tandem, within the three point two five hours we.mannaged to get to about forty five miles which was off of 15 mph pace, and we got over taken by 3 more cyclists today, but the first two that overtook us were slow, so Mich kept slowing us down every time that we were closing in on them, if they were so slow then why did they overtake you? Simple, as we were slowing down to let cars pass us by, they overtook, But the third that over took us was fair play to him, as he came steaming up from behind us and he made the move past us look effortless, he wasn't even up in his top gear, but by the time that we had responded to his speed we were just on his coat tails in our top gear.

Then tonight just before twelve/midnight I managed to complete another shrine quest and I got the spirt orb, so that takes me up to 102 shrines completed. 

Friday, 16 June 2017

Day 1440

Day 1440;

21.03 which was good if I was still aiming for my long term goal instead of my short term goal, of which I have 44 days left to achieve.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, strawberries, apple and grapes (green).
Lunch: cheese and ketchup toasty and 2 fruit slices.
Dinner: turkey drummers, carrots, crocket potatoes and tiramisu.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 3 300ml mug of fruit juice and 1 300ml mug of fruit squash.

Is it just me or has the world gone soft? As I state that it is because I have just realised that a British (impereal) pint is worth more than an American pint,as British=20 while the American=16, now I state this as isn't bigger and better one of your sayings over the other side of the pond, may I point to dress sizes over state side, and probably the average sizes of men and women over there, I know there are some anomalies but that is why I'm working in averages.

So today I have learnt that there is something else wrong with the tandem, other than the obvisious; being that the second range being bent out of shape. Which had happened because we were going off-road with the bike, apparently which I think is what I had told Mich would more likely be the cause, but he was just saying that we were being too strong with it.

But Mich and I had a hour long walk today, which was basically on the old schools cross country route, apparently, well it may have started the same way as the old schools cross country run, from my memory of doing it that one time, and it ended the same way, but I'm unsure if it went the same way in the middle section of the course, as we were walking it and I couldn't remember going through a little village that we walked to today in our one hour and one minute walk.

Mich disapproved of the walking part, as he had to do everything for himself while we were walking, unlike on the tandem where he can take it easy, as he's got me sitting behind him powering him on. Needless to say we both miss the tandem, me as I get a breeze to cool myself down on the tandom, as soon as we get up to speed, and Mich for the reason that was previously mentioned. In the walk that we did today I walked into a tree but I csn't remember much else about the walk, but I was feeling very bloated today.

On Breath of the Wild today I managed to find myself 2 more shrines which takes my tally up to 101, and I now have 194 Korok's found, so I'm 31 behind being quarter of the way there.

Thursday, 15 June 2017

Day 1439

Day 1439;

20.7 was my BMI for today, and don't drink alcoholic beverages after having a work out, that is my advice for you.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: cheese and ketchup toasty and spongecake.
Dinner: chicken balls and chips.
Drinks: 3 300ml mugs of milk, 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice and 1 440ml can of scrumpy jack.

Today at the gym I had another dissapointing gym sesion on the exercise bike, 11.11km after 30 minutes, 14.98 after 40 minutes and then 16.24 after 48 minutes. But Tini was impressed by today's, so much in fact she's saying that I should do 45 minutes, with a 9 minute cool down the next time I have an exercise bike session.

Now I had my 440ml can of Scrumpy Jack just after I had returned home from the gym, a little portion of helpful advice, don't. Don't drink alcohol after you have been out exercising, it only makes you thirstier, now it may have helped the situation if I had already quenched my thirst before sitting down to my pleasant enough can of Scrumpy but no I'm an idiot.

When I was playing on Breath of the Wild today I first broke down the gate to let me into the Hebra mountain ranges great skeleton, I did it by putting two ice blocks (use the cryonis rune) then I went up to the top of the hill and I picked up one of the snow balls and I rolled it down the slope it went over the top of the pillars and it smacked into the door knocking it down, then I went inside, I took a photo of the Leviathan's skull then I went over to the Shrine and I got another spirit orb, which makes it 99 that I have collected, 21 more to get.

Wednesday, 14 June 2017

Day 1438

Day 1438;

21.00 so today was another backwards step towards my short term goal. For which we've raised our quota of money to be allowed to ride in.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries and banana.
Lunch: I think it was tinned spaghetti on toast which was followed by something else.
Dinner: tomato pasta, bread and finest patisserie stuff.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 2 300ml mugs of fruit squash, some squirts of Brazilian guava flavoured Lucozade sport and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Now today I have got up gone downstairs to eat my breakfast before getting less than half of my way through my breakfast before having to get changed and gone out to the gym, and we walked to and from the gym today which is a bonus before returning home to finish off my fruit and to have a shower.

Also today I have played on Breath of the Wild, I managed to complete Loone's little task, which was to retrieve some photos of the three different types of guardians of which I accomplished pretty easily. Anyway I accomplished that task, then Loone allowed me to have Roscoe (her name for the giant orb thing that you put in the 'pedestal'? which got me another little modest test of strength. I have also located the 12th and 13th memories, but in the 13th memory, of the 12 you've got to find, getting killed by Zelda doesn't seem right, but it is what seemed to happen, to me at least. But I also found the location of one of the shrines that eluded me in the Hebra mountains.

Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Day 1437

Day 1437;

22.77 so it was a slight improvement on my long term goal, but it was the opposite on my short term goal.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries and banana.
Lunch: ham sandwich and sponge cake.
Dinner: gammon, pineapple, peas, carrots, potatoes, chocolate and strawberries.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 1050ml of fruit juice in 4 mugs.

Today I have started off with 5 minutes on the rower. Next up I was in the gym and I was on the exercise bike for 48 minutes after 30 minutes I peddled myself 11.41km, then next at 40 minutes I mucked up the machine but I know that I had got to 15km but then it was time for my 20% cool-down, which is 40/5=8, 8 minutes and I'm thinking that I defiantly got to 1.91, even though I have a nagging feeling in my head it was more of 1.98, but I'm going with what I know so I only got to 16.91 today on the exercise  bike today.

But today in the gym I saw a girl with bleach blonde hair, just to state now I thought that she could have been an old girl that I knew from back in the old school days of my past and I knew that she was a bit chubbier than I remembered her, but why else would she have taken up going to the gym, but alas it wasn't her. But then again in the gym there was also a very fit young woman, in both respects, she was doing a lot of different stuff in the gym and she was looking amazing also, in her gym attire, which was basically a sports bra and shorts (at least from what I can remember); she tried on 2 separate exercise bikes before realising that she had to keep peddling to keep her score on the third which was the exercise bike next to my exercise bike for this session. Then I saw a friendly face in the gym, it was my Boccia coach first he went on the exercise bike that was on the end of the row, of exercise bikes (the one with the back to it's seat), which got me thinking if I could get a seat like that for the front seat for the tandem maybe I could have him along for the ride, around London, and just a seat like that could be just what Link needs? As long as it has safety belts along with it I think, but other than that I think I could have it sorted for another year.

Well it's some insanity  by the UK's government, just a quick question, and I know I didn't get far in it but didn't I start making a Savage reads the Qur'an a while back? Maybe I should continue it?

In Hyrule earlier on today I managed to find and to get through another shrine, which takes me up to 93 shrines completed; I think.

Monday, 12 June 2017

Day 1436

Day 1436;

BMI for today was 20.73, rgis was with my weight being 10 stone which was also Allergy's weight but her goal id different to mine.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and grapes (purple and green),
Lunch: egg, tinned spaghetti, mini sausages, toast and 2 fruit slices.
Dinner: meat pie, carrots peas new potatoes and 1 peach and mandarine pastry.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 2 3000ml mugs of fruit juice and 1 300ml mug of fruit squash.

Now today I have had a bit of a lazy day, especially in comparison to yesterdays exertion. So what have I done today? Well you've been to the gym and you've played on Breath of the Wild. Wow hello there Red it's been a while. Not really, I am part of your mind.

 Well at the gym I did 11.3 in 30 minutes, 13.26 in 35 minutes and 14.61 in 42 minutes, but today Tini stated that it's time for me to extend my bike sessions at the gym next time so the next tome I will be going for 40 minutes with 8 minutes cool down.

But on Breath ofd the Wld today I got a rubber shirt and with that fashion accessory and I completed the shrine thats the Trial of Thunder, or something like that.

Sunday, 11 June 2017

Day 1435

Day 1435;

20.83 was my BMI for today, now that was more like it for my short term goal, but for the long term goal it was hopeless.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: jam and cheese sandwich, grapes (green and purple) and chocolate chip shortbread.
Dinner: chicken, curry sauce, carrots, croquet potatoes and a peach and mandarine pastry.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 3 300ml mugs of fruit juice and 2 bottles of Lucozade sport (1 raspberry and 1 mango and passion fruit).

Now today I have done an eighty mile (approximately) cycle, played on Breath of the Wild and today Hami won a GP.

So Today I had another little cycle but today this cycle took us about seven and a half hours (did it really take us that long? we started at eight thirty and we'd finished at about fifteen, 15-8.5=6.5, so the ride took us about six and a half hours), 80 miles approximately. Which gave us an approximate average speed of 12mph,  so i's still a little bit too slow for the 8 hour time limit. But we've been told that the atmosphere and the clear roads should get our speed up.

The bit of Breath of the Wild I played today I got at least 1 more Korok and I found another shrine and I completed it.

Saturday, 10 June 2017

Day 1434

Day 1434:

Today my BMI improved which is bad for me doing that cycle I think at the end of next month.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: cheese sandwich, porkpie, Pringles and Belgium bun.
Dinner: fish in breadcrumbs, peas, strawberries and shortbread.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.
Snack: strawberries.

TodayI have gone to boccia today, little cycle, watched the Scotland vs England football matchI have gone to boccia today, little cycle, watched the Scotland vs England football match and I have played some more on Breath of the Wild.

Boccia and the cycle I can't really remember, but from I can remember it was J's 18th tomorrow I know she's very young, and the cycle we did an hour.

more on So far this month hasn't been a good month for Scotland, first off they're tennis player got knocked out of the French open, then their MP's got a kick in the teeth in the general election and now they were losing at football, thanks to that brilliant own goal, but then it was thanks to Griffith's two expertly executed free-kicks from just outside of the penalty area which put them 2-1 in the lead, only for Kane to save the day for the English with his what seemed like to me lucky little shot which was right at the death of the game. Which obviously wasn't disappointing from my perspective as an English man, but from my perspective as a British man it was irritating, as it was a World Cup qualification match and in the group England is the top of the group and Scotland was in 3rd now it's in 4th, but I want all of the British teams to qualify for this World Cup, Wales, Northern Ireland, Scotland and England, as there was only 3 of them in the Euro's just gone, Wales, Northern Ireland and England, but there was no Scotland.

The Breath of the Wild that I have been playing, I got another Korok. But I'm still searching for the final (but one) memory.

Friday, 9 June 2017

Day 1433

Day 1433;

20.93 was my BMI for today, I was wondering about it today as I had been to the gym but not much else that I can remember.

EstBreakfast: cereal, banana and strawberries.
Lunch: pastry with ham and cheese and something.
Dinner: fish, peas, chips and some Belgium chocolate trifle.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 3 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

can someone please explain what's happening with the election results? It looks like Scotland, has now got blue spots all over it, Alex Salmond has lost his seat... To the Conservatives...!!!??? What? That is in Scotland, ain't it? As Alex is the ex head of the SNP, as he recently, well I think it was recently stepped down from the post, leaving it to Nicola Sturgeon, to take the rains.

But I have unfortunately noticed my head as I was just about to type this, it may have had something to do with the lack of sleep that I had been enduring since the night before as I hadn't actually got any sleep since the night before last night.

I also got on a bit more with Breath of the Wild today, I managed to find another Korok but not much else.

Thursday, 8 June 2017

Day 1432

Day 1432;

So today was the day of the election can Jerry do it? can jerry pull off a miracle? I don't know but it'll be intresting  to find out, I'm unsure if I should back him or not. 20.83 was my BMI off the day that I went to the polls, again.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: cheese sandwich (white bread) and 2 Bakewell slices.
Dinner: gammon, pineapple, peas, carrots, potatoes and strawberries in ice-cream,
Drinks: 2 300:ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Well there's one thing I'm not going to vote for today and that's those Lib Dems, as they want to weaken our bargaining hand with the EU, as you know they never wanted us to be on the path that we're taking so they can say to the EU to give us a bad deal so they can come back to Britain and give us a new referendum on the terms just so we vote our way back into the EU. Then they can sit in their French castles acting all smug while they're all sitting around a campfire singing kumbaya.

Now today I have done a short 10 minute row on the rower, I only managed to get myself 2.7km today, which when I'm looking to do 0.3 per minute is bad as I'm 0.3 off from where I should be, by 10 minutes, even if I'm looking back to where I was the other day at 2.2 after 8 minutes I have disappointed myself. As if I had made it onto 2.2 after 8 minutes then I'd only have to eak out another little bit of performance in the last two minutes of the row instead of being so far behind by then all I really could do was watch my back and make sure that I didn't make an even bigger fool of myself, by rowing at 0.3 per minute, which if I had done from the off I would have been at 1.5 by 5 minutes, 3 by 10 minutes and then 2.4 by 8 minutes instead of 2.1 which was what I was at by the 8 minute mark today.

I have also been to the gym today but before that I went to the polling station to cast my vote, so I cast my vote, then I went to the gym for some more of my bicycle training. I only managed to do 14.6 in 42 minutes today and it was 10.97 after 30 minutes which is poor, even by my standards.

But thanks to the exit polls we know we've got a hung parliament now but how could it be resolved? But I was incorrect on one part of my prediction.and the SNP hasn't got all of the seats in Scotland according to the exit polls that is, they have actually lost 22 of them and the Conservatives have lost 17 of their seats. But UKIP have lost all of their 1 seat that they won in the last election. But judging from the results of the exit polls Lib-Lab-SNP coalition would only get them up to and equal to the Conservatives plus the 1 green MP, but you still ain't got a majority. But I know it's just from exit polls so it could be wrong, how-ever unlikely that is.

Wednesday, 7 June 2017

Day 1431

Day 1431

21.80 was my BMI, Mich got himself a little friend on the bike ride.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: spaghetti hoops with mini sausages. on toast and something that I have forgotten.
Dinner: pie, peas, crochet potatoes and chocolate trifle. Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 3 300ml mugs of fruit juice and a few squirts of Lucozade sport (raspberry).

Now today I have been to the gym, played on Breath of the Wild, gone out on a small cycle and listened to a bit of the politics, on the radio

But in seven hours and one minute from the time that this blog-post is set to go live the polling booths are set to open, and I will be going to the booth to put my cross in a box, I don't know who I'm going to vote for yet I have a basic idea, but you never know until your down there with the pen in your hans, as I could discover that the candidate has just rolled up and died, so I'd have to reconsider my options. But I'm a lot more connciderate than that when I'm going in to vote.

Tuesday, 6 June 2017

Day 1430

Day 1430;

21.03 was my BMI for today, which was a backward step from the direction that I want to be going in, at least until the end of the bike ride.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and grapes (green and purple).
Lunch: ham sandwich (weird bread) Bakewell slice.
Dinner: pasta bolognaise, cheese, tiramisu and 4 Jaffa cakes.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Today in politics we received a message from the conservative candidate, for our local constituency, it warned of the dangers of a labour, lib dem and green coalition but there was also the photo of the SNP leader there also of which I think is more ;likely a Labour, Lib Dem and SNP coalition, that's probably the only way you'd win a an overall majority as the SNP will probably win all of the seats up for grabs in Scotland which will be an improvement of three on last time as the only three that they missed out was one Lib Dem hold then the one patch of red, the labour hold, and the one patch of blue, conservative hold, and I can't really see Teresa May who repeatedly stated that she wasn't going to hold a snap election then she did call a snap election, just as she saw that Jerry Corbyn was behind so she got a bit of capitalist spirit and she's decided to wing it, and I'm kind of half wanting it to backfire on her but the other half of me doesn't want it to as if we get a Lib-Lab-SNP(and/or green) coalition government in place it's going to be like the past again with witch hunts a plenty but it is not going to be witches that get tied to the stakes in the centre of the bonfires it's going to be the people with different opinions of how to run a country, like back in Stalins Russia.

Today at the gym I git 11.02km after 30 minutes, 12.96km after 35 minutes and 14.3km after 42 minutes. Now I can't remember where I was on either of the other few days that I have been on a cycle at the gym, but the practise was the same, I'd go on a "hard:ride for 35 minutes then I'd be having a cool-down for the remaining 7 minutes,I know I have done poorly in the gym session today but not as pathetically as yesterday.

Today in Hyrule I haven't done much I've been doing more searching for memories, the only memory which Zelda has left me a clue of where to find it, then I am unsure of how I am supposed to locate the final memory.

A bit more on politics; my hopes for this coming election: well they're that UKIP actually wins some seats this electionI know they won 1 seat in the last election, but they have now lost the MP that won it, for them, Now why should UKIP have more of a say from now on as they wanted to get out of the EU and we're now out of it, so that should be it from them now? Nigel has now left. So basically all of the other, mainstream, parties wanted us to stay a member and we aren't out of the EU, yet, so if The Lib Dems get into power and they want a second referendum on the terms of the deal, so that could and most probably would mean that they deliberately give us, the public, a bad deal just so we all reject their proposed deal and then whooopdedoo we have to stay in the EU. We need a strong UKIP to hold whoever leads us, into these talks, feet to the proverbial fire.

Monday, 5 June 2017

Day 1429

Day 1249;

20.84 was my BM.Iof today but Mich reached his weight goal today, he blamed me for it, he's blamed me for taking him on the tandem, but I don't really get that, as we weren't on the tandem today.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and strawberries.
Lunch: cheese sandwich (white bread) and 2 Bakewell slices.
Dinner: chicken balls, chips, sweet and sour sauce, strawberries and grapes (green + purple).
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Strawberry juice and strawberry cider, I would have said banana juice and banana cider but you'd probably use a complete forest of bananas to make 1 150ml cup of the stuff, and I know that the banana factory that I live by makes the bananas brought to it ripe and all shenanigans so it's not a factory for making bananas from scratch. If it was a factory for bananas to be made in, how would they do it?

Nudity why is it such a big deal, if you look at any other creature in the animal world clothing is a freak occurrence, even among our fellow primates, it's just that people have got it into there heads that being clothed is a necessity it's just like the necessity for law, which there is none, out of how many people that you know how many of them would like to kill you, but they don't as it is against the law? The real reason why people don't kill each other, in my opinion is that it's simpler to just go on there way, well for the vast majority of the cases, the other people, the people that actually kill others, have reasons for doing what they're doing, like little Tommy who shot his father when they were of holiday stateside. The story goes "Tommy's father was a gun enthusiast, so he took Tommy with him when he went into a shooting alley, he put Tommy down just next to the holster which was on the table, so the Father puts his hand onto where he thought the holster was he grips his fist, nothing there he looks to his hand and to his surprise it's the gun, but Tommy is holding it, as he tells Tommy to put the gun down his son pulls the trigger, splat the wall behind his head is now covered with his blood and the bullet". Where was the law when this happened?

The election farce this years election is just a bit of a piss-take, but it's a piss-take from the conservatives in an attempt to wipe out the Labour Party, but judging from the BBC's coverage it's going to backfire on her in number ten. Even if we're talking about the conservative held land of where I live, the majority of the signs which say "I'm voting [insert party name here]" are for the Lib Dems, not the conservatives, at least where I have been, even down in Devon I saw one house of UKIP many for the Lib Dems a couple for the Labour Party and about the same amount as Lib Dems for conservatives. Out of 4 people from my home I'm betting the results will be 2 Conservative, 1 Lib Dem and 1 UKIP, but then I know of the result of one of my relatives that live in the same constituency as me and they have voted, postal voting, Lib Dem so out of 5 so far we have 2 conservative and 2 Lib Dem. So what is going to happen? Will there be another hung parliament? What will it look like? Labour, Lib Dems and a bit of SNP, to make up the numbers? I don't know.

2.2km in 8 minutes on the rower today, which was an improvement of 0.2km on the last 8 minute row I did some time in the recent past, I can't remember when it was exactly but I think I wrote it on this blog probably last week sometime. I have been to the gym today also, for another little machine cycle, but today I have done pathetically on the machine.

The inside of my mouth is so huge, I've been attempting to get some of my lunch time sandwich down, off of the roof of my mouth, for ages now; since lunch time it's now half six at night just half an hour left until my dinner and I'm still struggling with a a little bit of left overs.

In Breath of the Wild today I got another 2 or 3 Korok's, but other than that I ain't sure what I accomplished today.

Sunday, 4 June 2017

Day 1428

Day 1428:

21.06 my BMI was traveling in the correct direction again for the cycle ride, but also so was Mich's after our 50 mile cycle for today.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries and banana.
Lunch: ham sandwich, grapes (purple and green) and a chocolate chip cookie.
Dinner: chicken, bacon, sausages peas, carrots, potatoes and some tiramisu.
Drinks:Lunch: ham sandwich, grapes (purple and green) and a chocolate chip cookie. Dinner: chicken, bacon, sausages peas, carrots, potatoes and some tiramisu. Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice and the remaining liquid that was in the mango and passion fruit Lucozade Sport that I have been drinking.

Now today we were going out for a long ride on the tandem, we had taken out lunches out with us also, and the purple grapes that we shared for our lunch were apparently supposed to be for me as Mich had a load of them stuffed inside of a piece of kitchen roll in his lunch box. But when we returned home earlier than we had planned, due to circumstances not under our control, namely GM. The palaver that can be caused by an elderly woman. We stopped our cycle at 50 miles today, and after we had returned to home he stated how unfair it was that I could still be looking fresh while he was sweeting, and he'd had a little rest on the bike nearing our destination- home- as he had stopped peddling to put his feet up on the bikes shasis, at least I think that is the correct term used for a bikes body, when I noticed he did that I stopped peddling as I thought that he'd lost his footing, but then he told me to carry on peddling, so I did and it was actually easier without his feet on the peddles but that may have also had something to do with the gradient, of which I don't know.

I also managed to find a lot of Korok's today on Breath of the Wild. But I also snapped a few more photos for my photo album. I also gained a few more of the Royal guards equipment, namely a shield and Sword.

Saturday, 3 June 2017

Day 1427

Day 1427;

Today my BMI was 21.19 which is good if I was still goin for perfection, but now it's bad.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: bread and butter (white bread), Edam cheese, beetroot, banana and chocolate from my chocolate box.
Dinner: ham, peas, chips, pickle, strawberries in cream and chocolate.
Drinks: 1 300ml mug of milk, 1 300ml mug of fruit juice and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice and lemonade.

Now earlier on today I went to boccia today, played a bit more on Breath of the Wild, watched The Wolverine and I have sorted out my collection of DVDs.

So I have played a bit too f boccia today, it was in the place that I always go to play boccia and I don't really know what else to state about it I go there I throw a few balls and then I return home. But within the past 2 weeks the boccia team that I'm part of has managed to continue the impressive 100% run that we have been on, as we lost both of the games that we played, so we can lose with or without me, I was thinking that they may have stood a better chance for winning without me, but no.

Ok now I should inform you people of the Breath of the Wild accomplishment that I have achieved today on the Switch, as I have just managed to find and beat another shrine it was one of those major tests of strength I think, but it wasn't very major as I must have beat it on my first run through of the shrine, as I can't remember me getting stuck on this one, which could mean that I have got better at the game... I said could mean not that it does mean.

The Wolverine is an interesting film as it shows you Wolverine's obsession with Jean, which I didn't even realise that he had from the 90's X-men cartoon, which I used to watch earlier on in my life. From that I thought that Jean was Scot's (Cyclops's) love interest, But then I remembered what had happened previously in the X-men films and then Jean had killed Scot with her amazing psychic abilities but she wasn't in control of her actions back then as it was phionix or something that had taken her body which caused the wolverine to kill her, which made for an interesting bit of viewing but if you ask me it was too drawn outm from what I can remember of it.

Then I moved onto sorting through my collection of DVDs, which was as they had got slightly out of hand with them all being on a bookshelf.

Arms global test punch was today but I had downloaded it but I haven't yet tried it out, But elsewhere in gaming today I destroyed Ganon, I know I've mucked it up slightly as I still haven't located all of the memories nor have I completed all of the trials but just as it was going onto the final cut-scene my consoles battery gives up the ghost.

Friday, 2 June 2017

Day 1426

Day 1426;

My daily BMI check was back up to 21.09 which wasn't as bad as it was yesterday but it was by no stretch of the imagination my best, it was a slight improvement.

Breakfast: cereal, pear, banana and apple.
Lunch: sausage sandwich (white bread) and a chocolate eclair.
Dinner: chicken, peas, potatoes, curry sauce and tiramisu.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 3 300ml mugs of fruit juice

Today there has been a storm it has been magnificent, there has been thunder and lightning going off todayI can still hear a loud grumbling sound coming from outside, but I am unsure of what the noise actually is, as it sounds as if a cars radio has got stuck on the same tune for wha seems to be like hours now. That is as well as the rain which keeps drilling down onto the surfaces that are outside.

So I have been to the gym in the morning of today, I had one of my little cycling sessions today, I'm typing about the ones that have me sitting down peddling hard for 35 minutes before backing myself off for the remaining twenty percent of the time that I have already been on the bike, which happens to be seven minutes. After 30 minutes I had got 11.03km, so I was traveling at an average speed of 22.06km/h for the first half an hour, but then after thirty five minutes I had peddled myself 13.08km, then for the final seven minutes of the cycle I only managed to get the total number of km cycled up to 14.6.

If I could keep that pace for 8 hours I could complete the London-Surrey 100, within the 8 hour time limit, But that would be me going solo, but the tandem moves quicker despite having about double of the weight on it, but it should mean that our hill climbs should be slower but our hill descent should be quicker, of which Mich has been getting a tiny bit concerned about lately, due to the rides organisers sending an email to him warning about the down hill sections in the course as apparently there has been accidents that have happened on the course in the downhill sections.

Also I have played a couple of times on Breath of the Wild. On each of the times I have found a new Korok but I only got two chests today and it was in my first play of the day when I found them.

Thursday, 1 June 2017

Day 1425

Day 1425;

21.06 was my BMI for today which was another backwards step in my goal of perfection, but it was a forwards step within my other, short term, goal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: bread and butter (white bread) and porkpie.
Dinner: tomato pasta with cheese
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 1 300ml mug of fruit squash, 1 300ml mug of fruit juice and lemonade and 1 300ml mug of fruit juice.

On this day I have been to the gym for another 35 minute "hard" cycle followed by a 7 minute cool down cycle. The 7 minutes cool down I think it's supposed to be a 20% of the time allotted for the main exercise. As that is what 7 is of 35, it's a fifth or 20%. So judging from this model if I did 5 minutes it would add another 1 minute, 10=2, 15=3, 20=4, 25=5, 30=6 which leads us up to 35=7 then if I was to go further I could go up to 40=8, 45=9, 50=10 which would make an hour on the exercise bike, in total. But if I was to do an hour on the exercise bike "hard" it'd then be a 12 minute cool down cycle, which would mean that I'd have to sit on the exercise bikes seat for 72 minutes.

Which should be nothing compared to the 100 mlle cycle that we have signed ourselves up for. which should take an amateur like me about 8 hours according to the cycle organiser. Not that they'd actually know it's just that they have got something on there website which says you have 8 hours to cycle the course so that is our aim.

Now in Breath of the Wild today I have done basically naught, as I have spent my time chasing what seems like shadows in the Gerudo Desert canyon, while looking for the 8th heroine.