Tuesday 25 April 2017

Day 1398

Day 1398;

21:00 my BMI continues to fall nw it's exsactly 1 under where I would like it to be.

Breakfast: cereal, apple banana and pear.
Lunch: cheese sandwich (white bread) and 3 Bakewell slices.
Dinner: macaroni cheese, carrot and 4 Jaffa cakes.

Today I have been to the gym, again, for more cycle training, as well as that I have done some more training to ride a bike today I got to about 10 miles by the end as the bike said that I'd covered a distance of 14.something and I still had my 10 minute cool down to do, so within that 10 minutes as I was cooling down I did a distance of about 2 more so I'm guessing that the distance was in KM not miles and if 1.6KM go into a mile, so therefore 16KM equals 10 miles.

But I also remembered that I had an "off turn" on the bike yesterday. by the terminology "off turn" I meant something happened to me to inhibit my optimum performance on the bike which I had forgotten about until Tini said to me something about my exercise bike ride today being better than it was yesterday. It was then that I remembered the spinning sensation that I had felt yesterday on the same exercise bike but then I didn't feel it today.

In Hyrule today I have not completed any more shrines, I've been attempting to complete side quests, and especially the one about finding he knights garb in the castle, but I have been a failure in that quest, but on the positive side I have found 100 Koroks.

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