Sunday 30 April 2017

Day 1403

Day 1403:

21.19 wasn't my best result, but I have been travelling miles in a car today,.

Breakfast: banana, blueberries, raspberries, bacon, sausages, hash brown and fried egg.
Lunch: double cheeseburger and cold chips.
Dinner:macaroni cheese.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 2 250ml mugs of fruit juice and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Now this morning I woke up moderately early, as I had a sleep which somewhat reminded me of D of E that I only did the first practise  of and of it I can remember sleeping soundly on one of those Tempur (memory foam) mattress things, to wake up early I the next morning thinking of how much I miss my own bed and that I'd have rather slept on the floor.News flash I would've still refer slept on the floor as I'm sure that the foam still don't agree with me. But at least with D of E I could step outside of my tent without knowledge that I'd be locked out, but I have got around to pacing up and down the room. I have also done 25 press-ups, 25 sit-ups,25 crunches and 25 squats.

I played on some more breath of the wild, I think I have found a Korok today. I've also found where a new shrine is but I haven't managed to get into another shine.

Vladimir clitchco is the Russian boxer that got beat up by Tyson fury 17 months ago and yesterday he fought ant Joshua, I think that you said earlier that the mightiest ant in the world, beat him up as well. As it was a fight for the world heavy weight championship title. so I'm thinking that the Ant is now the world heavy weight champion.

Saturday 29 April 2017

Day 1402

Day 1402;

21.32 was my BMI for today which was up on yesterdays by 0.03,which id a results but it's still not as high as itt was 2 days ago.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, pear and grapes (green).
Lunch: chicken sandwich (brown brea abs half of a pork our).
Dinner: chicken, carrots, roast potatoes, pavlova and chocolate brownie with ice-cream.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 2 250ml mugs of fruit juice and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Ok so today I have been board for the most part with a little bit of entertainment mixed in namely the 3 speeches, father of the bride, groom and the best mans speeches, but they all had a soppy element to then, and the time I got to play on my switch, until my battery started to run out.

In Breath of the Wild today I got 2 more shrines and 1 more Korok, which leaves me with 90 shrines found and completed, 30 to go and I've got 106 of the Koroks found.

As fitness today I did 50 sit-ups and I did as many press-ups as I did until I fill off to sleep.

Friday 28 April 2017

Day 1401

Day 1401;

21.2 smoothing which was a slight decrees from yesterdays which was 21.36 I think, and I'm thinking that today's was 21.29 or something like that.

Breakfast: cereal, apple, grapes (green), pear and banana.
Lunch: cheese and salad cream sandwich.
Dinner: beef, peas, carrots, baked potato, horse radish and baillieys bread and butter pudding.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 1 300ml mug of fruit squash and 1 300ml mug of fruit juice.

But today I got another little cycle and I played on the switch for a short time, well the time was so short I didn't get anything done on Breath of the Wild, apart from moving around a bit, other than that I can't remember wha I have done today on it.

But today was a iny bit interesting as we had GM and GD around today, now it was GD's first visit to our house and it was something like this GM's 3rd and I can actually remember the first but not the second, which maybe as I got whacked by a car before the second visit, so I mightn't have actually been here for that one as I would probably have been in hospital, such a shame.

Thursday 27 April 2017

Day 1400

Day 1400;

My BMI was up I don't rember what to but it went up, again and today I only did a small cycle in the morning and then I can't rember what I have done until I played on Breath of the Wild.

Breakfast: cereal, apple, banana, grapes (green) and pear.
Lunch: sausage roll, tinned spaghetti with mini sausages, toast and 2 Bakewell slices.
Dinner: pasta bolognaise.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 1 300ml mugs of fruit squash and 1 300ml mug of fruit juice.

So today I first off went on a little tandom cycle with Mich, but I forgot to get changed into my gym gear before Tini got back home so I wasn't allowed to go to the gym today as wel, which was irritating, as Tini rang the home phone multiple times and I was attempting to get the phone to Mich so he could answer it but no I wasn't quick enough, the phone kept going to answer machine and then the person on the other end (Tini) would hang up instead of leaving a message like the message was telling her to as if she had done then I might have been ready to go to the gym. Instead I played a bit more on Breath of  the Wild, today I have only found a few more Koroks, which takes my tally up to 105 now but I'm still on 88 shrines. But I did get myself some Dark Link costume.

In town today Mich and I had to go to the hairdressers as we've got a wedding to go to this weekend. Wedding that if you haven't got the concept from me already I think it is just pointless that's not saying It's pointless because they're them, I'm stating it's pointless because what they are doing is paying a fortune and causing a scene to make themselves feel special. If they really wanted to they could do all of this bur without all the faffing about and they could do it without all of the spectacle, asthey could just head off to their local registry office, from their it should be as easy for them to say that they'd like to be married then the person behind the counter may ask for some ID to check ages then ask for at least one witness,then it should be up to the three of you to sign your names. 2 getting the marriage and the 1 witness.

Wednesday 26 April 2017

Day 1399

Day 1399:

21.22, it was an improvement may have only been slight but an improvement none the less.

Breakfast: cereal, apple and banana.
Lunch: tinned spaghetti with mini sausages, toast, fruit cake (with only marzipan on top) and chocolate doughnut.
Dinner: pie, carrots, crocket potatoes, 4 Jaffa cakes and a Turkish delight.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 2 300ml mugs of fruit squash and 1 300ml mugs of fruit juice .

Earlier today I dropped the chest that we were moving into my room, as the room that it's from was going to get a new carpet laid, I dropped ir  just as Mich was talking my praise to Allergy, as he was saying literally the second before bumped into the door frame and the chest we were carrying dropped onto my right big toe of which the throbbing sensation that arose from my toe was irritating but it's nothing to write home about, it was one of those irritating little pains that only get on your nerves if you let it, by not doing anything, which in turn gives you time to dwell on things... perhaps I should write a book called :pain, the mind virus", and within it I could explain that pain serves a very important purpose I mean as it's there to act as a deterrent from doing things that are pottentially harmful to your chances of being alive, alive enough to pass on your seeds to the next generation, or a the very least help some people, as life breeds life and death in equal measure. As everything alive will one day die, fact of life you could gloss it up or put it behind as much smoke and mirrors as you like, but that still won't change the simple fact that everything that comes from nothing must someday return to nothing.

Today in the gym I had another basically full body work-out. then I got home and I played on Breath of the Wild, I managed to get 3 more shrines done today one I think was the one in the dark, another was a blessing which I got as I has beat up/killed another one of those Hinox chaps and the third was on the island that is just above/north of Robbie's ancient lab.

Tuesday 25 April 2017

Day 1398

Day 1398;

21:00 my BMI continues to fall nw it's exsactly 1 under where I would like it to be.

Breakfast: cereal, apple banana and pear.
Lunch: cheese sandwich (white bread) and 3 Bakewell slices.
Dinner: macaroni cheese, carrot and 4 Jaffa cakes.

Today I have been to the gym, again, for more cycle training, as well as that I have done some more training to ride a bike today I got to about 10 miles by the end as the bike said that I'd covered a distance of 14.something and I still had my 10 minute cool down to do, so within that 10 minutes as I was cooling down I did a distance of about 2 more so I'm guessing that the distance was in KM not miles and if 1.6KM go into a mile, so therefore 16KM equals 10 miles.

But I also remembered that I had an "off turn" on the bike yesterday. by the terminology "off turn" I meant something happened to me to inhibit my optimum performance on the bike which I had forgotten about until Tini said to me something about my exercise bike ride today being better than it was yesterday. It was then that I remembered the spinning sensation that I had felt yesterday on the same exercise bike but then I didn't feel it today.

In Hyrule today I have not completed any more shrines, I've been attempting to complete side quests, and especially the one about finding he knights garb in the castle, but I have been a failure in that quest, but on the positive side I have found 100 Koroks.

Monday 24 April 2017

Day 1397

Day 1397;

21.19 was my BMI of today disappointment my weight for today was 10stone 3LB which wasn't far off of Allergy's last result in weight. But I have put that result down to the fact that I was doing a 50 minute on the exercise bike today. In preparation for the ride that I don't even know that I'm doing yet.

Breakfast: cereal, apple, banana and pear.
Lunch: cheese sandwich (white bread) and a cake.
Dinner: turkey, carrots, pear, peas, potato and some Jaffa cakes.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Now today I started my day off by eating my breakfast, then I came back upstairs, to my room, in order to get myself dressed and ready or the day, but before I did the in order part I played a bit on Breath of the Wild, but when the consoles battery died, well it ran out of charge, I had a great idea. My idea was to get myself fitter as I was doing in the winter months, so I started off by doing 30 press-ups, which was harder than I remembered, next up I did 40 more press-ups then it was onto a finishing off 30 to make my 100 for today. So what was that routine again? Press-ups... S...-ups Oh yeah thank you it went press-ups, sit-ups, crunches and squats. So for sit-ups I have now completed 2 sets of 50 which means that I have completed 100 sit-ups. Crunches I have done 100 simply enough finally it's time for some squats of which I have done myself 100. So that's it for today, in fitness, But I've still got that back log of something like 53 days to get onto. Also today I have been in more training, at the gym, for the cycle ride which we still don't know if our application to enter the ride has been successful, or not.

In Legend of Zelda: Breath of the wild today I completed the 4th dungeon/divine beast, fire blight Ganon he was a bit easy to defeat and claim my 18th heart container, then I beat the shrine of hidden winds, i fund the hidden wind,.

Sunday 23 April 2017

Day 1396

Day 1396:

21.26 the day after I had announced that my BMI had appeared to stabilise it drops how dissapointing, I know nor bt much but disappointing.

Breakfast: cereal, pear, banana and apple.
Lunch: egg and grass (cress) sandwich (white bread), cocktail sausages and ketchup.
Dinner: Lamb, pear, peas carrots, potato and 4 Jaffa cakes.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 1 300ml mug of fruit squash and 1 squirt of Lucozade sport.
Snacks: 6 jelly beans.

Today I was in another Boccia matchBut this time I was in the first game again and we lost the game some score in the teens, I think, to nil, nothing nada, zero, zilch, But the second game after 6 ends the score was tied at 5-5 and it went into a decider the team that I'm part of still lost the game 9-5 but why did they have to ram it into the younger folks on my team so bad, as they could have stuck with the 1 point after all 3 of the team that I'm on had played there shots, I'm thinking that it was Link, Lafv and Icar who were playing at this time. as they had just managed to score 4 points after Nut thad got them by the first 3 ends winning our teams first point of the day and by only allowing them the chance to get 3 points in the first 3 ends. Then Link came in for Nut and Icar came in for Nath meanwhile Lafv replaced Nut as captain. as I was the captain for the 6 ends of the first game. I suck at being captain, I think it may have something to do with my inability to speak but that's just a thought, not an excuse.

In Breath of the Wild today I have completed either 2 or 4 shrines, and I have increased my heart containers to 16.

Saturday 22 April 2017

Day 1395

Day 1395;

21.32 again, now that ,must be something of a record, for me at least at managing to stay at the same BMI for 3 days consecutively.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: Swiss baked eggs, chocolate eclair, apple, banana and pear.
Dinner: pie, carrots, peas and potato.
Drinks: 2 30ml mugs of milk and 1 300ml mug of fruit juice.

In a football league season, excluding the Premier League as in that league there is only 20 teams so therefore they each team only has to play 38 games in the season (each other team twice) meanwhile in the three other leagues there is 24 teams in each (which equals 46 league games per season),which is honestly fine due to the top teams in the Premier League get to play additional games in European competitions,whille all of the teams within the FA have to play in the FA cup and the Premier League clubs are more likely to progress which gets them more games, and the EFL cup (which has some welsh teams in also) which is only the teams from the top 4 leagues enter, and then again the top teams are more likely to get further in, so therefore that's supposed to make up for the lack in game time for some of those clubs. What's the forth competition? Oh I forgot it's 1. the League, 2. FA cup, 3. EFL cup, 4. the Champions league/other European competition. They are the 4 trophies that the clubs in the english football league system are permitted to go for.

Now the team that I support ended there game today In a draw which puts them back in the league so now they have to win there last 2 games of the season to even stand an outsiders chance of making it to the playoffs.

But rgis morning, before I went to the game I played some Boccia my team lost 9-2, thank goodness it wasn't an official game. The two teams were J, Nut, Link and Nath who was against Laffv, D, Icar and myself.

I think J is weird asshe always makes a big fuss about shaking my hand, and I think she loves Tini but Tini iis a married woman already. I don't understand love.

Then Ialso completed 2 more shrines on Breath of the Wild, of which I think the second one of the day was the Blessing I got for climbing up that rocky surface collecting rupees along the way.

Friday 21 April 2017

Day 1394

Day 1394:

21.32 was my BMI as my BMI ha remained at a constant from yesterday and I have expelled none of my energy, minus the parts that I have through playing on Breath of the Wild. I was slacking today as I only managed to complete 2 more shrines.

Breakfast: cereal, apple, banana, grapes (green and purple) and pear.
Lunch: cheese and salad cream sandwich.
Dinner: half of a margarita pizza, chips and 4 Jaffa cakes.
Drinks:  300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.
Snacks: 6 jelly beans.

Europa League/the champions league for teams which aren't champions yesterday I think that Manchester United managed to salvage a draw with which ever club they were playing with a late goal, from Rashford, to put the tie to 2-1 instead of 1-1 as it had ended at the end of 90 minutes, plus stoppage time, then they start play 30 minutes of extra-time, plus stoppage time, and I'm thinking that the mr Rashford's goal came in the last minute of stoppage time after 30 minutes of stoppage time had elapsed. Manchester United still have to win their semi-final tie which is against Celta Vigo then the final which will be against either Ajax or Lyon, so good luck Manchester United, in getting past Celta Vigo and if you manage to get past them good luck on getting past either of the other two sides.

What I was attempting to do today was some of the side quests, as I have got Urbosas Fury which helped me getride of that Molduga and the Lynel for the "Hoofs" or the hooves but I only got 2 from it, for the final riddle what ends with 'oofs' and starts with 'H' which should be hooves, but I gave him 1 Lynel hoof and he accepted it and he did something for me, or he gave me something, but I cannot remember what. Was it a diamond that he gave me? As I know that I had myself 11 earlier due to me giving that nice Zora 10 Luminous stones over and over, well that may be correct as I now have 12 Diamonds.

Thursday 20 April 2017

Day 1393

Day 1393:

Today I got an even worse BMI, it was 21 32, and what did I do today? Well I played some more on Breath of the Wild and I went out on the tandem.

Breakfast: deal, apple, banana, grapes (green and purple) and pear.
Lunch: cheese and ketchup toastie.
Dinner: fish, crocket potatoes and peas.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 1 300ml mug of fruit juice and 1 300ml mug of fruit squash.

Now today in breath ofd the Wild I mannaged to complete 4 more shrines so that takes me up to 76 shrines, and 90 Koroks found, as in discovered, The most frustrating thing that I have accomplished today was when you have to thread the block through the hole as I kept attempting to put the block in the wrong way around as it kept getting jammed then it kept slipping right through the hole until I managed it. But now I have made it into the Goron City, I have purchased some of the clothing that you can wear in the Burning conditions if the Goron/Eldin. The Gerudo, I managed to listen in on the conversation so I have completed that tsk also.

Today on the tandem I had to save the tandem as Mich said that he almost steered it into a ditch when I heard that Mich had got himself into a spot of bother all I did was I placed my feet on the floor and I steadied the bike I couldn't see what had happened but Mich seemed to be grateful.

Wednesday 19 April 2017

Day 1392

Daay 1392;

21.36 was my BMI of the day and I had another lazy day today but hopefully tomorrow will be a more energetic day for me, not that there's anything wrong wirg having a lazy day,as today I managed to beat the fateful stars shrine, and I managed to tame the pure white horse.

Breakfast: cereal, apple, banana and grapes (green and purple).
Lunch: cheese sandwich (brown bread).
Dinner: pasta bolognaise and 4 Jaffa cakes.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

I also Mannaged 4to beat that thunder-blight Ganon today and I have had a thought of how I could gain access to the secret Gerudo of which I am going to attempt as son as I have posted this blog article, so in the early hour of tomorrow.

My taste buds are maturing that is all I can say, It's not as if I like brown bread but I have got to that stage in my life where I will jusy eat some food that you pit in front of me taste buds be dammed, which id one of the reasons that I am willing to eat that tomato pasta..

Tuesday 18 April 2017

Day 1391

Day 1391;

Now today my. BMI result was up by 0.1 at 21.39 and my age was up by 3 as well so I could have read into it way too much and said that means the score in the champions league is going to be 3-1 but it wasn't it was 1-1 Leisester City go out of the champions league.

Breakfast: cereal, apple, banana and grapes (green and purple).
Lunch: tinned spaghetti with mini sausages and ham on toast.
Dinner: pie, peas, potato and chocolate.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 1 300ml mug of fruit squash and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Today I have been to the gym in the afternoon I did a "full" work out today, and I played inn breath of the Wild but I only got one shrine completed today so it has been a disappointing day, it's the hidden winds shrine and the fateful stars that I'm stuck on and in the mountains (Hebra) I have located the shrine that has a boat outside but getting from the boat to the shrine is a problem for me at least.

What else have I done today? Basically naught, but I think Mich said that the bike ride application thing was going well but I couldn't tell from his words how. As he was telling me that he had received an email response from the person, and they'd said that they guessed or something and they'd have to talk to their supervisor, I'm not attempting to be too pessimistic but it was only a guess.

Monday 17 April 2017

Day 1390

Day 1390;

Today was another big drop in my BMI 21.29 or something like that, which may be in part at least due to the 35 minute cycle I did full throttle, full power almost, followed by a 8 minute cool down, but it's to help me reach my goal which is the 100mile cycle down London way.

Breakfast: cereal, apple, banana, grapes (purple), pear and a toasted "hot" crossed bun.
Lunch: I've forgotten what I ate for lunch.
Dinner: gammon, pineapple, peas, carrots, potatoes and chocolate.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 1 300ml mug of fruit squash and 1 300ml mug of fruit juice.
Snacks: 4 jelly beans.

Now today I first went to the gym to get in a bit of training on the bike for the potential of doing a nice little 100mile cycle sometime later this year. I hope that they allow us to go for it, we'll be raising money for charity while we're at it, what else could they want? Well the entry fee is £500 of which you have to raise by charity, or something like that.

Today I have also completed 2 more shrines on Breath of the Wild so I'm up to 70 shrines completed, then I'm also up to something like 81 Koroks discovered also but the one on the mountain range that is on the left hand side of the map, you know the snowy area there you have stones which you have to make identical and you do it by moving the additional stone which is on one to the space that is on top of the other one I mucked that one up and now I cannot find it.

Sunday 16 April 2017

Day 1389

Day 1389;

21.4 something and other which was another decrees what was happening today, I have gone to the gym today, for another full work-out but it was in the morning.

Breakfast: cereal, apple banna, grapes (purple) and pear.
Lunch: Swiss baked eggs and toast.
Dinner: turkey, carrots, peas, potatoes and tiramisu.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit squash.

Today at the gym I have done a 20 minute walk on the lateral trainer, then 20 pull/push my arms together/apart each on the flying machine, then 20 more on each of the 4 pieces of equipment which are there to strengthen arms, before moving on to the excersise bike.

Then after that excersise I have been playing more on Breath of the Wild, I have rushed around to get the 55 rush shrooms, and I have completed 2 more shrine quests, so I'm up to 68 shrines completed.

In F1 today Vettle has won again with Hami in second position, but as the race was unfolding Hami got a 5 second stop and go penelty, for slowing Rai down in the pits, but Bottas was quickest around the track in the pole position thing they do at the start. Bottas can drive fast in a single lap, next up I want to see if he could preamps challenge for the title.