Thursday 19 January 2017

Day 1303

Day 1303

21.91 was my BMI for today which is a slight improvement on yesterdays result. 

Breakfast: cereal and banana.
Lunch: 1/2 a sausage rol, 1/2a ham sandwich, some pizza pockets and something else but I cannot remember what it was now.
Dinner: chicken balls and chips.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Purpose, what is my purpose in this life? 

I don't know of a purpose for my own life, but an objective purpose for this existence, I can think of none other than good old Dr Darwin's continuation of the species. Or basically however he said it but it had something to do with if more women women were having sex with big strong men which makes men work out to try to get stronger to impress women to give them more chance to procreate with at least 1 woman, therefore getting there genes passed onto the next generation, but now the roles are kind of reversed by looking at the gyms at least with there being approximately 4-8 men in the gym at a time and about 10-20 women on average from the times that I have been recently.

But  female and male biology hasn't changed drastically enough for this to actually work within the long term. As female are now going to the gym in greater numbers than their male counter parts, good for them, as women are now more likely to be attracted to the intelligent men as opposed the strong men and now that women are getting more intelligent on average than men are now, I mean with more women going to university than men now a days and they are only going for men that went to University as well as them as they aren't going to buy down when thinking about possible mates, so therefore that means that a high percentage of those women aren't going to be able to find anyone in order to fertilise their seeds. Leaving a load of women barren as all of those lowly men won't be good enough for the women.

Which leads to low birth rates then in a few generations surely (hu)man kind is going to go extinct. But then that's where Islam comes to our rescue, except it's not going to come to anyones rescue just as the catholics before them it's going to reach it's maximum number and then it'll undergo a massive transition into something which is more acceptable, by the west, not just those seriously self-hating SJW's, I'm not saying that there will be a west for them to be accepted by, in the future I'm just saying that the number of them will get so great sometime in  the future that this planet won't be able to sustain them and then humanity will come to an end.

Which is why space travel is crucial for  the human species to advance but by the time that we mastered (if we ever do) space travel we probably would have evolved into something really quite different than we currently are at the moment.

Today I have done 110 press-ups and sit-ups each,  which took me to 1620/1900 so I’m 280 behind where I should be at this time. 110 crunches which left me at 1500/1900, 400 behind where I should be and squats I did another 110 which left me at 1490/1900, 410 behind where I should be.

But also today I managed to progress on Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass to the Isle of Gust, Zauz's (the blacksmith) island and the uncharted island. 

But today I also attempted to complete SMB 8-1 to no avail,as I had my friend round today and we both took it in turns to attempt to leap the chasm, we both failed at the task, numerous times. then he didd another bit of his drawing of me. And then he left to catch his bus home.

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