Sunday 15 January 2017

Day 1299

Day 1299;

21.84 was my pitiful BMI for today.

Breakfast: cereal, purple grapes, green grapes and banana.
Lunch:  I can't remember.
Dinner: chicken stew snd chocolate trifle.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Now what have I done today?

What you can't remember?

No I cannot.

What about you're playing on Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass?

Well obviously I can remember doing that I have just put the game down.

Ok, why?

As I have decided that I would need to write for this (my blog).

Well we all could deduce your reason for stopping to play the game but why were you playing that game today?

As I found it while I was sorting out my wardrobe... So now that answers another thing that I have done today, and before now but after dinner I went for a row on the rowing machine, I did 520 strokes but on the rower before I started it read that I had done 810 strokes, but I didn't row at all yesterday so thsat means that 810 was my stroke total for the day before yesterday.

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