Friday 6 January 2017

Day 1290

Day 1290;

21.84 another disappointing day for my BMI.

Breakfast: cereal and banana.
Lunch: cheese sandwich, mince pie and a slice of fruit cake.
Dinner: sausages wrapped in bacon, carrots, potato and chocolate brownie trifle.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, a couple of squirts of Lucozade sport and 1 300ml mug of fruit juice.

Today Mich, and I, have been for a cycle around a lake/reservoir/pond, it was a body of water, and we had reached approximately 5 miles around the edge of the thing and a wheel got a puncture, now as Mich had just got a puncture prepare kit on the way to the place where we were cycling but neither of us could find the puncture anywhere on the tyre, so we had got off the bike and we were walking the remaining 2, or so many, miles bike back to the car. I joked that we should have a swim to make it a triathlon.

530 strokes is how many I did today on the rowing machine. Press-ups I have done 120 today before dinner and after dinner I did 30 more to give me a total of 150 for today which when I add it to the 50 that I did last night gets me 200, now today I just have to do 200 sit-ups, 200 crunches and 200 squats, as I only did 50 press-ups last night. So I still have a lot of work to do. First off I did 60 sit-ups and 100 crunches, then I noticed the time, it was BMI time. Next up was 80 more sit-ups then 100 more crunches before 60 sit-ups, so now it's only my squats to do, and that be it done I have just spent the last 10 or so many minutes doing squats to wrap up today's fitness.

But within my game idea, I have got ann idea for an interesting mechanic you could have stone circles like Stonehenge;

They could be teleport spots to other times e.g. there could be one gate that teleports you back in time to the day that a king gets killed during the opening of the game, for example, but your warned at the start that you're only supposed to be an observer in the events you interfere with the events as they are supposed to happen then that could really muck up your life within the future, and you could be only allowed back in time once through each portal else wise you'd meet yourself and paradoxes happen.

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