Sunday 8 January 2017

Day 1292

Day 1292;

21.91 was my BMI I've started moving away from my target again, how disappointing.

Breakfast: cereal, purple grapes. green grapes and banana.
Lunch: Swiss baked egg, bread butter and
Dinner: chicken, potato, peas and strawberries.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Mich and I have been on a third cycle of the month. But it may have been the shortest one as well but I still managed to keep my hand on the handle bars for the complete trip today, which was a first, If you were only counting the times that I have been on a bike since the accident, that left me a cripple as I'm unsure if I had ever done that before but I'm sure that it must have happened at least once.

Today on the rower it said 530 before I started rowing which must have been left there from my last rows I canceled it and I rowed 250 strokes, so my fitness for today has only been half done as of the 200 prescribed press-ups, sit-ups, crunches and squats, so far today I have only done half of my prescribed amount for today so I have got to do 750 strokes, 200 press-ups, 200 sit-ups, 200 crunches and 200 squats tomorrow. Good luck with that. Luck? what do you mean it should be all to do with my personal discipline. What kind of discipline was it? personal, don't make laugh. I know that it hasn' been very reliable recently, but.... Recently, you've never had good self discipline you've always  had the same old excuse. Which is what? Your memory. But it generally is my memory. It's still an excuse, you need to get your mind in order more so you can find your way through your memory better.

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