Tuesday 17 January 2017

Day 1301

Day 1301;

Yesterday I had reached my KCAL goal,  
21.94 my BMI is keeping it’s self steady at 21.94 now, by that I mean for today and yesterday.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: ham sandwich and beetroot cake.
Dinner: quorn balls, cheese and pasta.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Yesterday I was also playing on Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, I think I managed to defeat the first boss, in the game and I think I had sailed to another place which looked a bit like some stuff from Luigi’s Mansion, I think.

Now today I started off by doing the usual, I ate my breakfast, went to the toilet, showered and I brushed my teeth, but I forgot to shave; I know I’m such a let down. And while I was typing that up I was thinking can I hear something, but I didn’t get up to investigate until Tini came bursting through the front door. But before that and before I ate my lunch I had already done 100 press-ups, sit-ups, crunches and squats, for today. Just something like 300 more of each to do to get myself back on target.

The target was 3100 of each for this month, so far this month I should have done 1700 of each. Press-ups and squats I had done 1180/1600 yesterday, then for my sit-ups and crunches I had done 1170/1600. Which left me with 420 press-ups, 430 sit-ups, 430 crunches and 420 squats more to do today. 

Now today I had only done 100 press-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 crunches and 100 squats before lunch and then I had done 100 more press-ups and 50 sit-ups before the light started to fade so I stopped doing that to get on the rower on which I ended  up by doing 620 which was after I stopped at 612 to turn the light on to see if I could stop, which I obviously couldn’t as I hadn’t ended on a number that is divisible by 10 and you’ll get a whole number so I did 8 more.

320 more press-ups and 380 more sit-ups to do to get myself half of the way from where I was just after lunch to where I should be for today. I have done 20 more press-ups and 10 more sit-ups until I was disturbed by Allergy, I’m thinking it was to go downstairs for dinner of which I ate and I came back then I went back downstairs to watch the FA cup (I watched that see bellow for information on the match). Then I came back upstairs after playing a bit on my DS, it was Phantom Hourglass I got a cannon, and I did 70 more sit-ups, which makes it just 300 extra press -ups and sit-ups that I need to do before the end of this month.

I’ve watched the FA cup tonight and Lincoln City managed to beat the team that is 59 places above them in the English football association hierarchy. Which in the first leg of these two teams the game ended 2-2 but the but the second ended 1-0 to Lincoln which makes it a score of 3-2 in the end, but the goal for Lincoln came at the start of the 4 minutes recommended of stoppage time, and the Lincoln player could have walked the ball into the back of the net, which was as he’d got a 1 on 1 with the opposition’s goal keeper and the foolish goalie leapt down way too soon so it was literally the Lincoln player was there with a shot, that even I would struggle to miss, to win the tie and they scored it to knock out the favourites for that match.

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