Sunday 1 January 2017

Day 1285

Day 1285;

21.91 and I had my light clothes on; socks, jeans, boxers, t-shirt, wrist bands and specs.

Breakfast: cereal, purple grapes, green grapes, banana and a chocolate croissant.
Lunch: porkpie, Cheddar cheese, purple grapes, 2 brandy beans and fruit cake.
Dinner: soufflé, chicken, carrots, peas, potato and some eaten mess.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk. 1 300ml mug of fruit juice with lemonade and 1 300ml mug of fruit juice.

This morning I woke up then I got up. The next thing that happened was I received instructions of what to so so I executed the instructions which were, Toilet Teeth, Shower, Shave and then I got dressed for the day.

I met my daily goal on the rowing machine today. and I noticed that it's starting to get lighter, in the afternoons. 
52 press-ups in my first stint.
104 squats, I thinkable I kept loosing count around the 80 mark so I'd just go from 80.
40 more press-ups in my second stint.
I think I mannaged to get 40 sit-ups in my first stint for today, as I got disturbed by Tini when I had just about reached that number.
12 more press-ups in a third stint, to round it up at 104 press-ups done for today.

Now that means that I have so far done my daily 500 strokes, 100 press-us and 100 squats, that should just leave me to do 60 more sit-ups and 100 more crunches.that'll be it for my daily targets, no going to the gym, today as it's not open. No chance to get some cycling in today, as it's raining and Mich will not go out in the rain, at least not on the bike. Then 8 & 9 I will get back to athletics training one Monday in the future, or at least I should. Super Mario Bros. I still haven't got onto that yet. But I will be getting on to it, assuming I complete the daily tasks first and the TV's free.

61 more sit-ups which totals the sit-up count to 101 and finally 100 crunches which complete's the daily stuff from on my to-do list.

then I was attempting some more of Super Mario Bros. on my new NES, I managed to get up to world 4 level 2 but I still can't activate the vines which you need to climb up like I did on my first run through of the level but even though I knocked the correct block i couldn't get on top of it on my first run through I just continued through the level to the level till I got to the warp pipe that got me to world number 5.

Thanks to the welcoming warp zones I have got to the 8th world in Super Mario Bros. it was with 5 lives as well but then I lost them all on the first level of world 8.

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