Tuesday 31 January 2017

Day 1314

Day 1314;

21.91  was my BMI for the day it's an improvement but it's still not there.

Breakfast: cereal, apple and banana.
Lunch: canned spaghetti and mini sausages on toast.
Dinner: quornballsm pasta and tiramisu. 
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Donny Trump has taken the first step towards saving the western world with 2 phone calls, more than Obama did in 8 years in one day, and he is condemned for it.

It's sad to say but no he hasn't as some of his senators (at least I think that's  what they're called) are going against his will calling him unconstitutional and un-American, But what is an American? If someone says to me an American I think of a fat orange man/woman wearing a red, white and blue top hat and waist coat, I know it's just a caricature which looks somewhat similar to the below image. An important character trait to him would be his almost overbearing level of pride for his nation and not all of the pandering to the extreme left which will only end with your nations self-destruction, and I would hate to see that happening.

Could you please loose some wight also while your at it,

Yours Sincerely,

Today in fitness I did 20 press-ups before lunch then after lunch I have been to the gym, for a 32 minute spin on the exercise bikes. Then I went to eat my dinner next up I did 100 more press-ups, 120 sir-ups, 100 crunches and 100 squats. So my total number of press-ups, sit-ups, crunches and squats for the month was 3120 out of 3100 intended, but my rowing has really let me down this month by me doing some at some times of the month but no where near regularly enough, so I must get to a total of 14000 strokes for next month minimum and then I shall start by eating away at the left overs from this month, not literally.

Monday 30 January 2017

Day 1313

Day 1313;

So today was the double unlucky day. 21.88 was my BMI for this the unluckiest of days, so I hope your ready for the following heap of... I don't know what to call it but misfortune maybe? I don't even know why  I typed it.

Breakfast: cereal, apple and banana.
Lunch: porkpie, scotch eggs, mini sausages and beetroot cake.
Dinner: chicken, peas and crocket potatoes.
Drinks::2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Basically I was a psychopath before the incident that turned me into a cripple I just didn't understand morality and I thought that the word of law was a good enough moral guide. I didn't understand how feelings worked, I still don't for the most part but I am attempting to become more human. After the accident a girl told me that she loved me and she asked me to to be her boyfriend so I accepted foolishly expecting to pick the whole relationship thing up as I went along, big mistake I never did. I never understood pretty much anything about her; so that is my reason, not excuse, for the failure in the relationship. During the relationship I had certain psycopathic tendencies just as I have had my whole life but never anymore so than in the first couple of years after our breakup I regressed into a more psychotic state then I moved on with my life as I had to. The next thing that happened to me was I went to a college not one of those American colleges which are really universities, and in this college I met someone that I felt attracted to, not as in love, just as in pulled towards. Anyway what is love, I have no idea, if it is just a feeling of liking someone a lot then yeah I'd admit it I love her but it also could be said that I love a couple of other things also, or if it's more than that then could someone please tell me what? But now stating that where anyone could just read it makes me feel like a pedophile as I'm older than her. It may only be by something like 2 years but anyway, I feel like a pedophile I know It's not actually a dictionary definition of a pedophile it's just that she looked very young so I didn't actually find her appearance attractive at first but it grew on me. But her personality was what drew me in.
Amendment: a Pedophile is a person that's sexually attracted to children at the time of the above incident I was 18 or something like that and she was 16 or something like that about the time that I first saw her so she looked about her age but some of the others that were her age were looking to be more like 18 year olds, you know that compulsion with young girls to look as old as possible and the older ones is to look as young as possible, so perplexing. and I thought that me being a 18 year old male is no longer classified as a minor, I was thinking, but her being 16 which is classified as a minor, so I was thinking that could classify me as a  pedophile, especially if I was as old as I was thing for the time, which was something like 50.
Amendment 2: I currently think that I loved her, but I maybe mistaken but the smell that I smelled (obviously) that one time deffinatly when I was near to her... Know that humans aren't supposed to give off pheromones but so far there has been 1 person that has been interested in me enough to ask me to be a boyfriend for and that smell it may not be the most pleasant of smells but it had similar properties to a narcotic for me at least. I could smell a similar smell around this new person also.
Amendment 3: I truly hope that this person gets everything out  of this life which includes a better boyfriend (or girlfriend [as we all know we have to be PC now]) than I (a muted moron) could ever have been, as she deserves it.
Amendment 4: by the term "I loved her" I mean it in the most positive way I can think of, at least I think that accurately describes my feeling on the matter as I'm not too good at describing feelings especially not that one emotion that I may have only used once before in my life, and the next part amendment was more out of fear than any kind of other emotion, by that I don't mean the fear of rejection, I can deal with that I mean the fear of being accepted and discovering however small the possibility that she also felt those emotions towards me as I don't know how I'd react to that most startling revelation.

So why have I suddenly decided to write about my feeling? don't worry I won't make a habit of it. I can't make a habit of it, as I don't have a very deep kind of personality to start with. I have no idea why I decided to type about it today it could be the thing about this being the double unlucky day so to all my readers that's unlucky for you.

In fitness today I started off by doing 40 press-ups, now it's just 90 more. I should do 240 sit-ups 280 crunches and squats. But instead I only did 120 of each of the 3 formally mentioned which just leaves me with 120 sit-ups and 160 more of crunches and squats, that was for the before lunch time work-out. After lunch I decided to do a row so I started off by telling myself It should be a 1 hour row today, then I negotiated myself down to half an hour then it was just 10 minutes as I had noticed that in in the approximately 8th minute I was stroking at 50+strokes per minute so I stopped at 10 minutes and as the back right foot f the rower had come off 467 strokes was what it said on the stroke counter,
so I completed my 500 strokes and  the clock that is on the rower said 11:16 or something like that. Then it was the time to go to the gym.  while I was at the gym I basically did 30 minutes on the exercise bike and then on 4 of the 5 arms weights machines I did 20 repetitions at the correct weight thee on 1 of the leg weight machines I did 20 repetitions on at the weight that the machine was set at as I didn't want any trouble with me putting it to a "too high" weight as it was Tini that I was having being my instructor for today and she even objected to the weight that the machine was at to start with it was only on 30 I weight greater than double that so I should bee able to lift that with my legs. Then I returned to my place of residence and I completed another 90 press-ups so that should be that up to date this month, 120 sit-ups so that's 2 exercises, 180 crunches and 50 squats before I had to go down to eat my dinner, then i did 180 squats. so I have done 30 extra of both crunches and squats (20 of each). .

Sunday 29 January 2017

Day 1312

Day 1312;

21.75 about on my BMI for today how immensely disappointing.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: shepherds pie (sheep meat minced, mash, peas, carrots) and apple crumble.
Dinner: scotch eggs, mini sausages, sausage rolls and mini sausages.
Drinks: 3 300ml mugs of milk and 1 300ml mug of fruit juice
Snacks: chocolate eclair.

So for my fitness of this day I have done 60 press-ups, then I was thinking about going down to have a go on the rower, but I got distracted, so instead I did another 50 press-ups. Which takes my daily score up to 110 press-ups, but then I as reminded that I have got skiing later on today so I've got to stop myself from doing that to get ready for skiing.

In skiing today I I disappointed myself I stacked it once, but the disappointment didn't come from the actual stack it came from my being unable to right myself and continue skiing. As I was skiing down the slope relatively speedily and just as I was almost at the bottom of the slope I shut my eyes and I only know what happened next because I felt the snow connection with me as I rolled over; I potentially did a few forward rolls down the slope. Before stoping which was the disappointing part to it, I felt that if I could just cary the momentum of the first tumble on with me I could right myself and I was so close to getting it right, if you would like my blind opinion.

Now so that should mean that I now should have 130 press-ups for tomorrow 240 sit-ups, 280 crunches and 280 squats to do tomorrow, then I will have start figuring out how manny more strokes on the rower that I have done and how many that I'll have to do in order to make up for all of the days that I have missed. 

Saturday 28 January 2017

Day 1311

Day 1311;

22.17 wow my BMI has spiked today.

Breakfast: cereal,
Lunch: forgot main, apple, banana and some pudding that I've forgotten.
Dinner: shepards pie: anyway it included mash, peas, carrots, sheep meat which was followed by a portion of chocolate trifle.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

For breakfast today I'm thinking that I also had some banana but I can't be sure, so I left it off of my list.

Yesterday I know I didn't mention it but I did do 100 press-ups and sit-ups each but I didn't do any crunches or squats, so I started off today by doing 100 press-ups and 100 sit-ups, then I proceeded to produce 2 sets of 100 more of crunches and squats. Which leaves me with only 40 more of press-ups and 40 more sit-ups or there about and 160 more of both crunches and squats, 80 each.

Today I have done some boccia, and it is looking like I'm on the team Nut, Laffv and myself are the extent of the team. 3 persons on a team much like the old England football song, but it's persons not lions and it's on a team not a shirt.

Friday 27 January 2017

Day 1310

Day 1310:

22.07 was my BMI of today see what doing absolutely nothing all day does to me.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: I've forgotten.
Dinner: chicken, peas and chips.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

So what is the purpose of life?

The purpose of life is the creation of life and for those that are unable the protection of it. They are they are the only natural purposes for this thing we call life. there is no great big brother like creature or entity in the sky watching you every day every second knowing everything about you, it's just yourself and other people they are the only ones that know about you some of them even care for you, probablyThe only force judging you should be you, but that is hardly ever the case and some people come over to congratulate you for just being yourself in the gym and then you get home and you feel like you have to apologise for being yourself,

As when ever I go to the gym I try my hardest to put the effort in so that I can feel as if it was a good purchase, but as I'm now a member at the local gym I feel that I should test the pool out as my membership gives me access t the swimming pool as well as the gym, and Allergy has told me that swimming is an excellent way to keep fit so I have been attempting to find my swimming shorts, Without success.

Thursday 26 January 2017

Day 1309

Day 1309;

21.84 was my BMI for today.

Breakfast: ceareal.
Lunch: apple, banana and chocolate chip muffin.
Dinner: peas, crocket potatoes and chocolate brownie trifle.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Now for lunch today, I ate more than that but I have forgotten what it was. I'm thinking it was a sandwich but of what I cannot remember.

 So what have I done today?

You have gone to the gym, and you have defeated the demonic quartet in Zelda Phantom Hourglass. In your daily fitness thing didn't you only do the 100's required for today.

Ok thanks, and yes it was I did  all the work-out shenanigans in the morning. 

Wednesday 25 January 2017

Day 1308

Day 1308;

21.81 yet another disappointment.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: cheese with ham in pastry, 5 sour cream and onion Pringles.
Dinner: fish pie with peas & carrots and chocolate brownie trifle.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Today in fitness I have accomplished my 100 press-ups, sit-ups, crunches and squats each. Next up I next up I went to the gym, for an attempt on a broken lateral trainer which wasted a lot of time. Then I went on the rower I did 1300 strokes. Then it's onto the bonus for today, I have done press-ups 100, sit-ups 100, crunches 100 and squats 50 before my 7 minute work out and weigh in today. Then finally I did 50 more squats. so that means that I have done 200 press-ups, sit-ups, crunches and squats each today which puts me at 2460/2500 for press-ups and sit-ups while I am on 2420/2500 for both crunches and squats.

So it was today that I have watched some Misfits and a load of other suff on the internet. I've also been attempting to work out the words that I was supposed to use to respond to an email from a friend who was telling me that a relative of theirs died but I suck at using words to do tackle any emotive topic I'm unsure of what your supposed to say, is it anything like I'm sorry for your loss what does that mean anywayI'm sorry for you loosing something, but why should I be sorry for you loosing something? it's not my fault it's lost it, and the vast majority of the times it's none of the mourning parties faults either so why are you playing the blame game at a time that's supposedly best spent looking back on the best points of their lives?

The way that I would like to sent off would have nothing to it, I would expect all the people that were close to me were just to get on with there lives and no need for a funeral you can just feed my body to the pigs for al that I care and use my bones as some ivory for a piano. That would be a fitting send off for this good for nothing bumbling buffoon. But I am getting my game plan sorted for myself over the past few days also. So I'm just attempting to create a good opening to the game now as in I've got the splash screen and the start-up menu sorted I've even got the opening cutscenes planned out in my head, not it's just how should I start the playing though from a bed, standing up or even swimming?

Tuesday 24 January 2017

Day 1308

Day 1308;

So today is that day and I got myself a pretty good BMI not perfect but still pretty good as it said that my BMI for today was 22.01 It may have taken me 2 attempts at weighing myself but, as the first time I had it taking off some weight for my clothes but the second time I put clothing weight as 0, even though I was wearing some clothes.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: porkpie, pizza pockets, pickle, cheese stick and beetroot cake.
Dinner: fish pie and a  chocolate cheese cake thing..
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Today in fitness I first off did 60 press-ups, then I took a break and I went to the rower to get myself warmed up for the gym that I was scheduled to of later on today.  Then in the gym I did a 32 minute cycle ride I got over 6KM so that means I was cycling at an approximate average speed of 12KM per hour. Then I got home and I completed the final 40 press-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 crunches and 100 squats.

Through the day I have been playing a load of casual games just to pass the time when I realise that I probably shouldn't do that I should get back to working out. or playing some actual games like the Legend of ZeldaPhantom Hourglass, saving the Cubus sisters is my task that I got up to the last sister I found her as she's in a barrel on the bottom floor of the ghost ship but I couldn't get to her then I got called dpwn for dinner so I stupidly turned the game off loosing all of the progress that I had made, so it's up to me to rebuild the progress.

Monday 23 January 2017

Day 1307

Day 1307;

31.81 was my BMI for today.

Breakfast: cereal, apple and banana.
Lunch: ham sandwich and fruit cake.
Dinner: quornballs, pasta and
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 3 300ml mugs of fruit juice.
Snacks: 1 slice of beetroot cake and icing.

Yesterday I also played a bit on Phantom Hourglass and I completed the temple of courage, the final boss for the temple of courage I found it more difficult but that could just be me that found it that challenging.

The 4 Cubus sisters, are the 4 "captured" maidens on the ghost ship, cubus looks like the word succubus which is a female demon.

After my lunch I decided to get a start on my fitness regime so I did 100 press-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 crunches and 100 squats. Now I do this as a duty, as nothing in life is free so I do this as a payment so hopefully if the time comes I can pay it back but if I ever manage to pay it back, if by some miracle, then I'll have all of the interest for me to pay off then I can rest in peace with my remain scattered across some fields as fertiliser, it'll be time for me to give back to the planet.

100 more press-ips and 50 more sit-ups before going to get my snacks, after my snacks I left my home and I went to athletics. Then I returned home since I've had my dinner and I have only just remembered that I still had to do 50 more sit-ups and 100 at least of crunches and squats. I accomplished al of them with 15 minutes to spare. Which puts me 40 behind on press-ups and sit-ups then 80 behind on crunches and squats, but I also didn't do anything today on the rower. But I'm still waiting for me to get my act together and make sure that I'm on target to reach 15,500 strokes by the end of this month, and if not I really must pull the proverbial finger out.

Sunday 22 January 2017

Day 1306

Day 1306;

21.81 was my BMI for today, 

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: ham sandwich.
Dinner: ham with cheese omelette and chips.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.
Snack: 1 sour cream and onion Pringle.

So yesterday at boccia, I noticed something, it was very odd as Mr Laffv admitted his feelings to, well he said he really liked ,Nut and Nut just looked at me. Well she could have been meaning to look right through me at Laffv, I'm guessing. Emotions... what are they? I'm unsure but the definition is:
a strong feeling deriving from one's circumstances, mood, or relationships with others: 
instinctive or intuitive feeling as distinguished from reasoning or knowledge: 

In fitness today I had done another 20 press-ups last night (the time was past 0:00) and I did 40 this morning, just as it had started to get dark I was discussing with myself wetter or not to do 500 strokes on the rower I did 50 more press-ups in the afternoon which made it up to 110 press-ups for today, then I did 510 strokes on the rower, before it got dark. Then next on my list of things that I have done today was 120 sit-ups, which put me 10 ahead on sit-ups but I couldn't be having that so I drew myself level with another 10 press-ups. 200 crunches and 200 squats. So that puts me  up to 1960/2200 , a massive 240 behind, and 1920/2200, an even bigger 280 behind.

Now why do I do all of this working out you may ask, if you asked meet that question I would attempt to say something like the "as I feel indebted to the nation that I live in". Now I feel in-debt to this country as it has given me more than I could pay back. Now I'm not just typing about the dissability living allowence that I have no choice but to accept, but I also never see it either, so in return for all of the stuff that this country and it's people have done for me, I am attempting to become the fittest cripple that it is possible for me to become in order to get selected for the national team and to become a cripple sports person that some people someday can become inspired by me.

But there is an alternative motive to me attempting to get fitter which is so I can use my body as a playable characters body for the upcoming game of my creation, as I haven't even started making it yet, other than in my mind. Be they my nieces and nephews or something like that as they aren't going to be children of mine as due to the abject failure of me attracting a mate, which invalidates the base function of life so I should attempt to be a good role model, for the future generations, lead by example and all of that gobbledygook but I think my days of leading anyone at anything are well and truly over I must have left it behind before I stepped into that road to get hit by a car, and by all accounts that is exactly what I did. By the account that I heard of the accident I had finished walking/running across the road and I stepped back into  oncoming traffic, what a ditz, Savage you are a total wombat. well I know that if hat is what really happened as I don't know what happened I damaged my brain, back then and I turned into an Onision grade psychopath than but then I'm thinking that that I managed to shake it, for the  most part at least. 

Saturday 21 January 2017

Day 1305

Day 1305;

21.84 it was a slight improvement on yesterdays result but it's  still not good enough.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: sausage roll, porkpie, pizza pocket banana and apple.
Dinner: chicken wrapped in bacon, peas and roast potatoes.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs .f milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Yesterday I also did 1270 strokes on the rower, but I think that I forgot to type that for my daily fitness routine. Whereas today I only did something of the order of 640.

Now today I first went to the town that I go to for boccia, I did some boccia and then I came home, Then up I played on  Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass some more I managed to complete the second dungeon, but as i was defeating it the red light was flashing to signify that the battery life was critical so I had just beaten up Cyclok who was the boss of the Temple of Wind on the isle of gales. After all of that I traveled back south using a X on the slate get me back to the south western sea on the right hand side of the rocks. Then I completed the bit which ended up with me getting the sun key, now I just need to remember where it was that I saw that logo before.

But today in fitness I have done my 500 strokes row but only 60 press-ups for the moments, I will just get on to it now.  Now next up I have just done 40 ,ore press-ups to take me to 100, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats and yes there's still enough time in today to get 100 crunches off, and I have which means that I have only done a minimally required workout today in my 4 most common 

Friday 20 January 2017

Day 1304

Day 1304:

21.81 was my BMI again today, how disappointing.

Breakfast: cereal and banana.
Lunch: porkpie, pizza pockets and
Dinner: scampi, chips, peas and tiramisu.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Now I'm starting this with a dream that I had 2 nights ago, I had this dream and I was aware I was having a dream during the dream as it was about a girl/woman that was a friend of mine but I have currently lost her, but the thing about this dream was that I could actually see her better than I ever could at least that is what I thought, now a days at least and I was admiring the detail that had gone into making her to look exactly like the girl/woman that I knew, I hadn't even realised that I had paid that much attention to detail on her appearance but it was beautiful. I felt as if I could count every hair on her head that is how well defined this dream was for me. I'm not saying that the girl isn't beautiful, as she was very beautiful in my opinion it was just the detail that had gone into her appearance in my dream I didn't realise that it was possible for it to render images that clear in my dreams especially with the state that my eyes are in now, as I can't even see that much detail at the moment. Could you I ever... well evidently.

Today in fitness I did myself 120 press-ups,sit-ups and crunches each and I also did 130 squats. Which puts me to 1740/2000 so I’m 260 behind, then I did 120 crunches and 130 squats which puts me to 1620/2000 for each so I am now 380 behind.

I played more on Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass and I worked out a way to get into the dungeon on gale island also I worked out the riddle, well actually you didn't you just decided the one on the right hand side of the island would be the first to hit with your sword then you methodically picked one of the others and through trial and error you finally got guessed it correct. So what It worked didn't it, and I got the gale slate from doing it so now if I draw a backwards N on the slate I get myself teleported to the north western sea, the south western sea I have  to draw a like o which turns into a i.

Thursday 19 January 2017

Day 1303

Day 1303

21.91 was my BMI for today which is a slight improvement on yesterdays result. 

Breakfast: cereal and banana.
Lunch: 1/2 a sausage rol, 1/2a ham sandwich, some pizza pockets and something else but I cannot remember what it was now.
Dinner: chicken balls and chips.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Purpose, what is my purpose in this life? 

I don't know of a purpose for my own life, but an objective purpose for this existence, I can think of none other than good old Dr Darwin's continuation of the species. Or basically however he said it but it had something to do with if more women women were having sex with big strong men which makes men work out to try to get stronger to impress women to give them more chance to procreate with at least 1 woman, therefore getting there genes passed onto the next generation, but now the roles are kind of reversed by looking at the gyms at least with there being approximately 4-8 men in the gym at a time and about 10-20 women on average from the times that I have been recently.

But  female and male biology hasn't changed drastically enough for this to actually work within the long term. As female are now going to the gym in greater numbers than their male counter parts, good for them, as women are now more likely to be attracted to the intelligent men as opposed the strong men and now that women are getting more intelligent on average than men are now, I mean with more women going to university than men now a days and they are only going for men that went to University as well as them as they aren't going to buy down when thinking about possible mates, so therefore that means that a high percentage of those women aren't going to be able to find anyone in order to fertilise their seeds. Leaving a load of women barren as all of those lowly men won't be good enough for the women.

Which leads to low birth rates then in a few generations surely (hu)man kind is going to go extinct. But then that's where Islam comes to our rescue, except it's not going to come to anyones rescue just as the catholics before them it's going to reach it's maximum number and then it'll undergo a massive transition into something which is more acceptable, by the west, not just those seriously self-hating SJW's, I'm not saying that there will be a west for them to be accepted by, in the future I'm just saying that the number of them will get so great sometime in  the future that this planet won't be able to sustain them and then humanity will come to an end.

Which is why space travel is crucial for  the human species to advance but by the time that we mastered (if we ever do) space travel we probably would have evolved into something really quite different than we currently are at the moment.

Today I have done 110 press-ups and sit-ups each,  which took me to 1620/1900 so I’m 280 behind where I should be at this time. 110 crunches which left me at 1500/1900, 400 behind where I should be and squats I did another 110 which left me at 1490/1900, 410 behind where I should be.

But also today I managed to progress on Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass to the Isle of Gust, Zauz's (the blacksmith) island and the uncharted island. 

But today I also attempted to complete SMB 8-1 to no avail,as I had my friend round today and we both took it in turns to attempt to leap the chasm, we both failed at the task, numerous times. then he didd another bit of his drawing of me. And then he left to catch his bus home.

Wednesday 18 January 2017

Day 1302

Day 1302;

21.81 was mu BMI got today I've slid down again, I'be got to try harder to keep my weight.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: left-overs from last nights dinner.
Dinner: chicken wrapped in ham and cheese sauce, peas crocket potatoes and tiramisu.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Today has been another one of those days when I have gone to the gym, and my gym instructor has stayed the same. Even though he got the sack just before the celebration of the winter solstice. So I did the same thing that I usually do while I am there, 20 minutes on the lateral trainer then I spent 15 minutes on 5 arm weight machines, until I finally had my 10 minute cycle at 100 RPM's to end it. But as the RPM counter isn't on the same layout as the RPM

By today of my daily fitness routine I should have totalled by now for this month 1800 on each of them, but I am currently on 1510 for the press-ups and sit-ups each, as I did 110 of each of them today. now the 100 of each had me back to the 300 more press-ups and sit-ups to do to get me back to target, so the additional 10 got me to 290 behind the target. and with crunches the initial 100 left me with 430 and the 10 extra got me to 420 and in squats the initial 100 got me to 420 and the additional 10  got me to 410 behind the target.

So I have remembered why I was interrupted by Allergy yesterday, it was for Allergy's, Mich's and my daily 7 minute work out of which we did again today, so that is 21 minutes. over the past 3 days.

Tuesday 17 January 2017

Day 1301

Day 1301;

Yesterday I had reached my KCAL goal,  
21.94 my BMI is keeping it’s self steady at 21.94 now, by that I mean for today and yesterday.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: ham sandwich and beetroot cake.
Dinner: quorn balls, cheese and pasta.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Yesterday I was also playing on Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, I think I managed to defeat the first boss, in the game and I think I had sailed to another place which looked a bit like some stuff from Luigi’s Mansion, I think.

Now today I started off by doing the usual, I ate my breakfast, went to the toilet, showered and I brushed my teeth, but I forgot to shave; I know I’m such a let down. And while I was typing that up I was thinking can I hear something, but I didn’t get up to investigate until Tini came bursting through the front door. But before that and before I ate my lunch I had already done 100 press-ups, sit-ups, crunches and squats, for today. Just something like 300 more of each to do to get myself back on target.

The target was 3100 of each for this month, so far this month I should have done 1700 of each. Press-ups and squats I had done 1180/1600 yesterday, then for my sit-ups and crunches I had done 1170/1600. Which left me with 420 press-ups, 430 sit-ups, 430 crunches and 420 squats more to do today. 

Now today I had only done 100 press-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 crunches and 100 squats before lunch and then I had done 100 more press-ups and 50 sit-ups before the light started to fade so I stopped doing that to get on the rower on which I ended  up by doing 620 which was after I stopped at 612 to turn the light on to see if I could stop, which I obviously couldn’t as I hadn’t ended on a number that is divisible by 10 and you’ll get a whole number so I did 8 more.

320 more press-ups and 380 more sit-ups to do to get myself half of the way from where I was just after lunch to where I should be for today. I have done 20 more press-ups and 10 more sit-ups until I was disturbed by Allergy, I’m thinking it was to go downstairs for dinner of which I ate and I came back then I went back downstairs to watch the FA cup (I watched that see bellow for information on the match). Then I came back upstairs after playing a bit on my DS, it was Phantom Hourglass I got a cannon, and I did 70 more sit-ups, which makes it just 300 extra press -ups and sit-ups that I need to do before the end of this month.

I’ve watched the FA cup tonight and Lincoln City managed to beat the team that is 59 places above them in the English football association hierarchy. Which in the first leg of these two teams the game ended 2-2 but the but the second ended 1-0 to Lincoln which makes it a score of 3-2 in the end, but the goal for Lincoln came at the start of the 4 minutes recommended of stoppage time, and the Lincoln player could have walked the ball into the back of the net, which was as he’d got a 1 on 1 with the opposition’s goal keeper and the foolish goalie leapt down way too soon so it was literally the Lincoln player was there with a shot, that even I would struggle to miss, to win the tie and they scored it to knock out the favourites for that match.

Monday 16 January 2017

Day 1300

Day 1300;

21.94 today I went to the gym, laugh down athletics club and I have done a quick (well 7 minute) work out as Allergy got a new DVD so she's got Mich and myself roped into doing it also.

Breakfast: cereal, apple, banana, green grapes and purple grapes
Lunch: canned spagetti on toast, mini sausages, a slice of beetroot cake and a slice of chocolate cake.
Dinner: chicken stew, chicken things in garlic and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: 3 300ml mugs of milk 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.
Snack: a slice of chocolate cake.

I'm terrible with faces. I don't even recognise myself, the majority of the time at least until I grow accustomed to it. Like with B, Allergy's boyfriend, when ever I see him he looks like a different person as during the festive period of time he came around on one day the day that all of Tini's friends came around and I left room just before they arrive as the cackling and other noises they make in an attempt to communicate I find somewhat irritating, to put it mildly. Well I looked at at a boy sat down in the room that they were in and I thought 'who the hell is he' it wasn't until a by of time passed I got onto the correct identity of the boy.

Anyway today I have done none of my daily routine but I have proposed my own little plan to get myself the most out of my gym membership, which even included a little bit of swimming, but that was just as a failsafe for if I haven't got anything planned for a Sunday as If I planned to go to the gym on each of the 5 weekdays I almost did this in the week before the new year, then if I am going to go to boccia on the Saturday which is at a gym, then I could have that day as a cool down day then on Sunday I could go for a ride on the bike with Mich, I could go to the gym's swimming pool or take advantage of the gym membership in another way. Allergy has also acknowledged how unfit she is, it has something to do with having to climb 3 floors of stairs and being really worn out by the top of them, but needless to say she's wanting  to get fitter especially as I'm not saying anything (I'm typing).

Butt the desire of hers to get fitter is all fine, everyone must have one of those deep down inside of their minds somewhere but it is whether they're going to act on it or not and it is for that reason that I'm willing to commend allergy as she is appears to actually want to do something about it now and she started saying something about swimming and how good swimming is for people, then I forwarded an email to her that I received from the gym, that I'm a member of, one which says to forward to people to inspire them to get fitter, by having there own free gym membership.

Sunday 15 January 2017

Day 1299

Day 1299;

21.84 was my pitiful BMI for today.

Breakfast: cereal, purple grapes, green grapes and banana.
Lunch:  I can't remember.
Dinner: chicken stew snd chocolate trifle.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Now what have I done today?

What you can't remember?

No I cannot.

What about you're playing on Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass?

Well obviously I can remember doing that I have just put the game down.

Ok, why?

As I have decided that I would need to write for this (my blog).

Well we all could deduce your reason for stopping to play the game but why were you playing that game today?

As I found it while I was sorting out my wardrobe... So now that answers another thing that I have done today, and before now but after dinner I went for a row on the rowing machine, I did 520 strokes but on the rower before I started it read that I had done 810 strokes, but I didn't row at all yesterday so thsat means that 810 was my stroke total for the day before yesterday.

Saturday 14 January 2017

Day 1298

Day 1298;

21.94 It's an improvement, but anyway.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: egg on toast.
Dinner: sausage stew and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.
Snacks: more of the jelly beans.

So today what have you done...

Well I have been to boccia.

Anything else?

I've eaten 3 meals.

I have also done 150 press-ups. 150 sit-ups, 150 crunches and 150 squats, otherwise today I have played on some casual games, and Mario Run which I think is a casual hame but it may not be in actual fact, but only the first 3 levels/the free levels.I am attempting to complete them all collecting all of the special coins in the progress. So far I have only got the first 5 special coins on the first level.

Friday 13 January 2017

Day 1297

Day 1297;

21:89, my BMI is getting better but It's still not perfect.

Breakfast: cereal, purple grapes, green grapes, banana and apple.
Lunch: cheeses sandwich and a chocolate chip shortbread cookie.
Dinner: scampi, chips, peas and chocolate brownie trifle.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs f milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.
Snacks some more jelly beans.

When Brexit actually happens I heard on the radio that some cities are wanting their own autonomy from the government. I am wondering where all this will end as I'm an immigrant into the county that I'm living in at the moment and the first town that I lived in I immigrated to from the county city, that I was born in. I was born in a hospital in the county city and I stayed there until my skin turned the correct colour, as I was blue at birth (I think it had something to do with my lungs not functioning as efficiently as they were supposed to),

With or without you- lyrics conversation.

See the stone set in your eyes,
What stone set? I'be heard of a sun set is it similar?
See the thorn twist in your side,
No I can't, sorry.

I wait for you,
Well ain't that good of you.

Sleight of hand and twist of fate,
What are they card tricks or something?

On a bed of nails she makes me wait,
Tough luck dude but at least your waiting for someone and your not one of those nut jobs that just lay there for no reason what so ever.

And I wait, without you.
Yeah obviously  you don't even know me.

With or without you.
Didn't I just tell you that I don't know you so it's going to have to be without.

With or without you,
Without me.

Through the storm we reach the shore.
No, it's just you.

You give it all but I want more.
What do I give you?

And I'm waiting for you I can't live,
 With or without you,
Now I'm thinking that these lines are supposed to go together. as it could mean that I have rejected him so he wants to die now or something.

And you give yourself away,
Do I?

And you give yourself away,

And you give

And you give,

And you give yourself away,
No thanks I'm not that cheap.

My hands are tied,
Are they now.

My body bruised, she's got me with.
Wha did she get you with, a mallet? That'd explain the bruising.

Nothing to win and,

Nothing left to lose,
I think they should probably go in the same line also, as the old saying goes if there's nothing to win nor lose there's little point in participating, I think that;s how the saying goes..

And you give yourself away,
And you give yourself away
And you give
And you give
And you give yourself away
With or without you
With or without you
I can't live
With or without you
I'vve aleready dressed this part at least once.

Yeah I think you were repeating yourself.

With or without you
With or without you
I can't live
With or without you
With or without you
Looks like your doing it again.

Read more:  U2 - With Or Without You Lyrics | MetroLyrics 

Now that was my conversation that I had with the lyrics of the above song. 

Bt today I have done approximately 780 strokes on the rower but I have done 0 press-ups, sit-ups, vrunches or squats, so that should mean that I have a lot of them to do tomorrow.

Happy Friday the 13th

I'm hoping that you all have an excellent Friday the 13th today, 

Why today?

As it's a Friday and it's the 13th, why else?

Well wasn't there supposed to be something unlucky about today or something like that?

I don't know but Today I found out that Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild is coming out on the 3rd of March so I'm guessing that you could call it a lucky day for me.

Thursday 12 January 2017

Day 1296

Day 1296;

So today I got a BMI of 21.81 I think, it was at least, but I have forgotten.

Breakfast: cereal, apple and banana.
Lunch: spaghetti with mini sausages on toast and 
Dinner: pie, peas, potatoes and chocolate brownie trifle
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.
Snaks: some jelly beans.

Today in summery:
Now today I awoke at a time before 7 as my alarm didn't wake me up I was just having a calm lay in this morning but Mich shouted at me to get out of bed as I had my friend coming around today, or at least I was supposed to. As it turns out he didn't come today he had a better offer from the court that he works at. I spent the morning waiting for my friend then Mich and I walked to the shop in order to buy our lunches and stuff then we walked back to our residence and he made our lunch but before that we got stopped by a lorry driver I think he noticed I was crippled and he started saying stuff abut how his wife was a stay at home carer for some young people then he offered to take me to the pub the next time that we meet. I had never met him before to my knowledge but he was very nice, I'm thinking that I really should have recognised him from somewhere, was it from school that I remember him, I don't know? But anyway we ate our lunches and I played a bit more on the NES, more of SMB world 8 level 1, but I still can't get over that large gap. Then I did 770 strokes on the rower., 120 press-ups before going off to eat my dinner, then I returned from eating my dinner and I did 120 sit-ups, 120 crunches and 130 squats. I brushed my teeth and I got ready for bed, then before long I will go to bed, I plan at least.

It's been snowing tonight but it not been settling, Today. But both Allergy and Tini each said that it wasn't going to snow, today. But I didn't have an opinion on the matter and Mich was the one that was saying that it was going to snow today. But when I went out and it was raining this morning to lunch time I felt the rain and I thought is that snow I could feel in the rain? as it turns out it wasn't it must have been my mind playing tricks on me as it wasn't until much later on that it snowed.

Wednesday 11 January 2017

Day 1295

Day 1295;

2.64 which is so pitiful, I have fallen away from my goal, it may have been in part at least that when I was doing my 500 strokes after I had reached 500 I stopped to check the time and it said something like 13:34, so I decided to do up to 1000 strokes instead.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: 1 sausage roll, 1 grab bag of quavers ad more chocolate from my box.
Dinner: sausages in yorkshire pudding, carrots, potatoes and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Today in Summary:
First thing I did today was... go to the loo, then I washed my hands, but that should go without saying, then I went to eat my breakfast, then as soon as I finished the first meal of the day, I travelled back upstairs, then my mind goes blank for a couple of seconds when I'm looking back on it now, so at this point I must've brushed my teeth as I van remember brushing my teeth this morning but I'm unsure about when. Now today I got changed into some of my gym gear, as I was going to go the gym this morning, as I did and then on my return home I showered, and got changed into some of my more usual garb. Then I ate lunch next thing that I remember doing was my daily 500 strokes on the rower then i watched some video's on the internet before and after getting my 100 press-ups, sit-ups and crunches but before my 100 squats which I did then I went downstairs to eat my dinner. I then went back upstairs to drop my arm weight off in my room before going to the loo once more and to get downstairs again for my weigh in. Now I am back upstairs sitting down with my weight back on my arm, now that I have brushed my teeth again today I could finally get some more sleep.

Today I got to sleep about 2 am as I knew that I'd have a gym session in the morning so I had to be up by 7 in order to get to the gym around about 9. But I honestly don't know hoe I did it all those years ago as I would deb getting up at 7 and I would be ready, with my bags packed, breakfast eaten, shirt buttoned up and tucked into my trousers a blazer/jacket on and ready to go by half 8, and that could be after I had a shower. how did I manage to fit all of that in in the olden days but now I was even 10 minutes late getting to the gym today.

Tuesday 10 January 2017

Day 1294

Day 1294;

21.81 was my BMI of the day, disappointing. 

Breakfast: cereal, apple and banana.
Lunch: cheese sandwich, pickle, cheesy sticks and chocolate box.
Dinner: chicken, chips and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Then I don't remember what I was going to type about for this first part but I'm thinking that it had something to do with the radio that I was listening to during lunch time.

In fitness today as it is getting lighter in the evenings I have decided to attempt to do my first 100 press-ups, sit-ups, crunches and squats before my daily 500 stroke row, then I could get along with doing the rest of them later on today after I have done my daily 500 strokes. Then today I did 30 press-ups, 50 sir-ups. 30 press-ups, 50 crunches, 20 press-ups, 50 squats,  20 press-ups to make it 100 press-ups, 50 sit--ups to make it 100 sit-ups, 50 crunches to make it up to 100 and then finally 50 more squats to make that equal 100 also. Next I did my 500 strokes on the rower, as it was still light out.

In the universe of MOI (My Overactive Imagination) there is many worlds, some even have life forms on them. Like there is one world that has a continent shaped similarly to Australia but it's size is more like Africa, and in the centre there is 1 giant tree, which branches out over 500m. With a canopy so dense that no light can get through it to make it's way towards the soil beneath it. It's roots spread out kilometres from it's trunk just to gather enough water for the tree to stay alive.

Monday 9 January 2017

Day 1293

Day 1293;

21.98 so close to perfection I was just 0.02 away from it today which may have been as I only put on that I had 1 pounds worth of clothing on today as I had socks, tracksuit trousers, boxers, T-shirt, wrist bands and specs on today.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and strawberries.
Lunch: spaghetti on toast and some of my chocolate box.
Dinner: pasta, quornballs, chocolate trifle and strawberries.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

This morning I hadn't set an alarm but I first woke up then I fell back to sleep, then I woke up again just for me to fall back to sleep, again, until I thirdly woke up and then next up I got up and I decided to go downstairs to eat my breakfast. Then as soon as I had  ate my breakfast, I'm thinking, I went back upstairs I went into the shower room and I went to the toilet, showered, brushed my teeth and I shaved, Then I went back into my room and I got myself dressed for the day in jeans, t-shirt, boxers and obviously my specs, but then I remembered that I needed to put my socks on for my 750 strokes on the rower

In fitness today I firstly did my 750 strokes on the rower, then I attempted to do my press-ups for today, I got a tenth of the way through, 20, before I found myself distracted and then I subsequently forgot, which was until Tini came up to me and said "as the weather is bad outside would you rather go to the gym or to athletics" so I was thinking which would make more sense should I go to the gym, which is in walking distance from my place of residence, or to athletics, which is a few towns away, so I said to the gym as it's save money and I still need to go twice more this week to get myself up to the target for this year so far, as 2 weeks will have passed by the end of this week I have so far only gone twice which is on average 1 time per week but at the beginning of the year I stated that I should go to the gym twice per week.But then as I was at the gym Tini's phone rang and it was Mr athletics coach saying that it was too wet out to do athletics anyway. 30 more press-ups so I had done 50 press-ups today, so far 1/4 of the way there, Sit-ups i did 50, then back onto press-ups and I did 40 so that makes it 90 out of 200 press-ups and I have done 50 out of 200sit-ups, 45% press-ups and 25%sit-ups. Then it was time for me to do some of those crunches and I did 100, then it was back to press-ups I did 20 more of them so it's 55% press-ups, 25% sit-ups and 50% crunches, as of now. But I have now done another 50 sit-ups and 100 squats which gets them both up to 50% of todays requires amounts so I still have to do 190 press-ups, 200 sit-ups, 200 crunches and 200 squats tomorrow as I ran out of time today, which is just pitiful.

Sunday 8 January 2017

Day 1292

Day 1292;

21.91 was my BMI I've started moving away from my target again, how disappointing.

Breakfast: cereal, purple grapes. green grapes and banana.
Lunch: Swiss baked egg, bread butter and
Dinner: chicken, potato, peas and strawberries.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Mich and I have been on a third cycle of the month. But it may have been the shortest one as well but I still managed to keep my hand on the handle bars for the complete trip today, which was a first, If you were only counting the times that I have been on a bike since the accident, that left me a cripple as I'm unsure if I had ever done that before but I'm sure that it must have happened at least once.

Today on the rower it said 530 before I started rowing which must have been left there from my last rows I canceled it and I rowed 250 strokes, so my fitness for today has only been half done as of the 200 prescribed press-ups, sit-ups, crunches and squats, so far today I have only done half of my prescribed amount for today so I have got to do 750 strokes, 200 press-ups, 200 sit-ups, 200 crunches and 200 squats tomorrow. Good luck with that. Luck? what do you mean it should be all to do with my personal discipline. What kind of discipline was it? personal, don't make laugh. I know that it hasn' been very reliable recently, but.... Recently, you've never had good self discipline you've always  had the same old excuse. Which is what? Your memory. But it generally is my memory. It's still an excuse, you need to get your mind in order more so you can find your way through your memory better.

Saturday 7 January 2017

Day 1291

Day 1291;

21.94 I think was my BMI today and I have done none of my daily work out thing today, at least that I remember. So tomorrow will be me doing 200 press-ups, sit-ups, crunches and squats, but none other than the usual 500 strokes as I had already done enough earlier this week.

Breakfast: cereal and banana.
Lunch: spaghetti hoops with mini sausages and toast.
Dinner: cheese & pickle omelette and some chocolate fudge brownie trifle.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Today I have forgotten wether I went on the rower today, as I went to watch a football match which was in the league and the team that I support climbed 2 places up the league table today with a fantastic 4-1 victory. It maybe as the two teams above them played in the FA cup today instead of the league so I know that I should rake the results with a pinch of salt, but anyway it's looking to be a promising season this year, now that they're in the play off positions.

Before the match started I called it at 0-4 0 for the team that I was there to support and 4 to the other team but by half time the team that I support was winning 2-1, so I had to admit that I was wrong, but just before the half time whistle sounded the ball ended up in the back of the team that I supports net fr a second time but it was discounted as the player was offside, apparently. But I thought that the ball had ricochet off the keeper before getting touched by the other teams player to put it into the back of the et which should have played the other teams plater on side. As I was thinking, but then that was the end of the first half, second half kicked off shortly after and the team that I was there supporting just took the opposition to task, at least I think that's an expression that would fit as the first half was pretty much end to end stuff and the second half the team that I was there to support was attacking for the majority of the second half snd the team could have had something like 7 extra goals by the end of the game.

So I have also been looking at a blender tutorial in order to get a better idea of how to create a 3D model of a human person as I am going to attempt to make at least 1 male and 1 female for my game, which could be one of the reasons as of why I am attempting to get myself fitter, as then I would be able to use myself as a playable character for my game, or at least my body, for the majority of male characters within the game, but even if I get myself fit enough I would still have some obstacles like:

  1. getting myself half decent at blender.
  2. find a female willing to star as the basis of females within my 3D world.
  3. convince her to donate some pictures.
  4. creating /finding face's for all of the characters, and then if necessary voices also.

Friday 6 January 2017

Day 1290

Day 1290;

21.84 another disappointing day for my BMI.

Breakfast: cereal and banana.
Lunch: cheese sandwich, mince pie and a slice of fruit cake.
Dinner: sausages wrapped in bacon, carrots, potato and chocolate brownie trifle.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, a couple of squirts of Lucozade sport and 1 300ml mug of fruit juice.

Today Mich, and I, have been for a cycle around a lake/reservoir/pond, it was a body of water, and we had reached approximately 5 miles around the edge of the thing and a wheel got a puncture, now as Mich had just got a puncture prepare kit on the way to the place where we were cycling but neither of us could find the puncture anywhere on the tyre, so we had got off the bike and we were walking the remaining 2, or so many, miles bike back to the car. I joked that we should have a swim to make it a triathlon.

530 strokes is how many I did today on the rowing machine. Press-ups I have done 120 today before dinner and after dinner I did 30 more to give me a total of 150 for today which when I add it to the 50 that I did last night gets me 200, now today I just have to do 200 sit-ups, 200 crunches and 200 squats, as I only did 50 press-ups last night. So I still have a lot of work to do. First off I did 60 sit-ups and 100 crunches, then I noticed the time, it was BMI time. Next up was 80 more sit-ups then 100 more crunches before 60 sit-ups, so now it's only my squats to do, and that be it done I have just spent the last 10 or so many minutes doing squats to wrap up today's fitness.

But within my game idea, I have got ann idea for an interesting mechanic you could have stone circles like Stonehenge;

They could be teleport spots to other times e.g. there could be one gate that teleports you back in time to the day that a king gets killed during the opening of the game, for example, but your warned at the start that you're only supposed to be an observer in the events you interfere with the events as they are supposed to happen then that could really muck up your life within the future, and you could be only allowed back in time once through each portal else wise you'd meet yourself and paradoxes happen.

Thursday 5 January 2017

Day 1289

Day 1289;

21.84 was my BMI for today which is pretty abysmal for me, especially seeing as I had another lazy day today.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: banana, cheddar cheese, Hovis biscuit and cheddar biscuit.
Dinner: chicken nuggets, peas, chips and lemon meringue pie.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Today it has taken my alarm took 2 attempts to get me up, again, the first awoke me the second got me up.

By the time that is now I have realised that even though I have done 510 strokes on the rower today I have kind of ran out of time to do the 100 press-ups, sit-ups crunches and squats today, so it should be double for tomorrow. 

Then today I git around to playing on Super Mario Bros. and I got to world 8 level 1 again, but I'm still not getting any further, than that level.

Please check this out:
at 51 seconds is that boobs that Link is supporting? 

Wednesday 4 January 2017

Day 1288

Day 1288;

21.91 was my BMI of the day still too low but it's an improvement.

Breakfast: cereal and banana.
Lunch: porkpie, 2 types of cheese and apple.
Dinner: turkey drummers, chips, peas and lemon meringue pie.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

This morning I was awoken first by my alarm, I switched it off by hitting it on top and then I found myself still laying there 5 minutes later when it went off again so I got up and switched it off.

Mr writer- by Stereophonics, is the song that I have had stuck in my head ever since I heard about Pep Guardiola post-match interview with BBC Sport, when he said 'You're the journalist, not me.' but on the radio they were saying that he said to the journalists "You're the experts, not me" or if they weren't it must have been me hearing things.
So I was confused when I was heading them on the radio being called experts and they were all acting hurt by the Manchester City manager, a man that was hyped up a lot for hid managerial skill before the season started, calling them experts, but now I have watched the interview I'm still none the wiser as to what the whole affair is all about. As he said in the interview that he was happy with the result and then the interviewer seemed to forget what he had just said.

Then after I had got up I left my room and I went downstairs to eat my breakfast, of which I did, Mich had told me earlier to have a shower after eating breakfast as I wasn't going to the gym today at least not until the evening time earliest. So I got into the shower and I turned on the water, and that was that; I showered. Then just after the shower I was told that I had to change into my gym attire for a gym session which I did as I usually do in the gym; start with a 20 session on the lateral trainer, 10 repetitions twice on each of the 5 arms weights machines before finally going on the exercise bike for 10 minutes. So I have been to the gym once this week so far.

Today I have also done 100more press-ups, sit-ups, crunches and squats, I'm thinking that I did 520 strokes on the rowwer tofday alsoto make thee total number of dtrokes I've done so far this year 2520.

Tuesday 3 January 2017

Day 1287

Day 1287;

My BMI was 21.84 now it's falling away from where it's supposed to be, how disappointing.

Breakfast: cereal, purple grapes, banana and green grapes.
Lunch: porkpie, cheese, purple grapes and green grapes.
Dinner: chicken pie, carrots, new potatoes and lemon meringue pie. 
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

So for my new years plans that I made earlier this year I have got one to add onto it, it is get my act together and get my game created. Which game you may ask, as you may be a bit confused by this proclamation, I mean the game that I have been intending to make for many years, I'm tempted to say decades now, but I'm unsure if it is that long, I mean I know I have had all of those drawings (character designs) that I drew about 12 years ago, I know that's over 1 decade but it's not decades. It's called Legend of the Wolf, it was planned to be a 3D open world dungeon busting adventure game. As it was initially planned to be a game which is similar to Zelda games single player one man finds a sword and goes around the world slaughtering enemies, to save the day and collecting things which help you progress, But the game that I want to create has more RPG elements in it. So it's basically an RPG action adventure game, which means no turn based battling systems if you were stealthy enough you could execute an enemy in the pub, while they were sipping a cup of tea.

620 was the number of strokes that I did today, which when added to the total number of strokes I did yesterday you get 1500 which should be equal to the number I was supposed to get done this year so far, as it is 3 days through the year 3 times 500=1500 but I have done 2000 strokes so far this year.

I also did my first bicycle ride of the year it was approximately 9 miles, apparently, so I've already had one for this month. and I did my daily press-up, sit-ups, crunches and squats targets before my daily weigh in. But still no time spent in the gym and the working on my balance and running I have yet to and I also haven't played on Super Mario Bros. anymore yet. But that's it for the first 10 of my goals, so what should I put for my new number 11or if I was to condense the former 8th and 9th ones into 1 say number 8. could be to work on my running and balance, and then number 9 could be to complete Super Mario Bros. and then number 10. could be get my act together and turn that game idea into an actual game.

Now I just wanted to state tat my alarm actually worked pity I don't, as the alarm woke me up this morning but I didn't get up, an epic fail of the other kind.

Monday 2 January 2017

Day 1286

Day 1286;

21.88 and I selected the light clothing option -2 pounds as I had socks, jeans, boxers, t-shirt, wrist bands and specs on today.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and 2 chocolate crossants.
Lunch: porkpie, grapes, red leister cheese and 3 cooked mozzarella sticks. 
Dinner: soufflé, turkey casserole (which included turkey, Yorkshire pudding, peas, carrots, potato, dumpling snd a sausage) and queen of puddings.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 1 300ml mug of fruit juice and 1 300ml mug of cider.
Snack: 1 chocolate thing.

2-0 was the result of the football match that I went to see today, the football team that I support is now up to 1 position behind getting into the league above's play offs. 

780 was my total number of strokes, according it the rowing machine, that I managed to get done today, As I had been rowing this morning but Mich told me it was time for lunch which was when I had done about 130 so I continued for enough time to get to 150, before going to lunch. Then by the time I had finished my lunch I went back out to continue on my row and Mich told me to go and get ready for football that i was going to watch later today of which I did and I got shocked by the result, 2-0 similar to Manchester United's score but the score of that game was 0-2, but then in that game there was a sending off and the controversy didn't stop there, from what I heard about on the radio. Then I got home from watching a game, Mich said that he'd be back by 7 O'clock for dinner as he just had to go and take GM's car home and he walked back to our residence meanwhile Tini was cooking the 4 of ours dinner. So I decided to row until Mich returned as I couldn't see the stroke counter which was due ro the fact that it was dark. When Mich had shown up I decided to stop and check by turning the light on to the room then I noticed the number of strokes so I turned the light back off once more.

So that is my daily strokes goal, press-ups 50 in my first stint of the day, sit-ups 50 in my second stint, crunches 50 in my third stint, squats 50 in my fourth stint of the day.

4 stints down 60% of the daily workout done, as I have 5 sections to my daily workout. which are the strokes = 20%, press-ups=20%, sit-ups=20%, crunches=20%, squats=20%, so it's 20%+10%+10%+10%+210%=60%, at the moment.

Another 50 press-ups 70%, 50 more crunches 80%, 50 sit-ups which makes it 90% then I have finally done 50 more squats which totals it up to 100% of the daily, workout.

Sunday 1 January 2017

Day 1285

Day 1285;

21.91 and I had my light clothes on; socks, jeans, boxers, t-shirt, wrist bands and specs.

Breakfast: cereal, purple grapes, green grapes, banana and a chocolate croissant.
Lunch: porkpie, Cheddar cheese, purple grapes, 2 brandy beans and fruit cake.
Dinner: soufflé, chicken, carrots, peas, potato and some eaten mess.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk. 1 300ml mug of fruit juice with lemonade and 1 300ml mug of fruit juice.

This morning I woke up then I got up. The next thing that happened was I received instructions of what to so so I executed the instructions which were, Toilet Teeth, Shower, Shave and then I got dressed for the day.

I met my daily goal on the rowing machine today. and I noticed that it's starting to get lighter, in the afternoons. 
52 press-ups in my first stint.
104 squats, I thinkable I kept loosing count around the 80 mark so I'd just go from 80.
40 more press-ups in my second stint.
I think I mannaged to get 40 sit-ups in my first stint for today, as I got disturbed by Tini when I had just about reached that number.
12 more press-ups in a third stint, to round it up at 104 press-ups done for today.

Now that means that I have so far done my daily 500 strokes, 100 press-us and 100 squats, that should just leave me to do 60 more sit-ups and 100 more crunches.that'll be it for my daily targets, no going to the gym, today as it's not open. No chance to get some cycling in today, as it's raining and Mich will not go out in the rain, at least not on the bike. Then 8 & 9 I will get back to athletics training one Monday in the future, or at least I should. Super Mario Bros. I still haven't got onto that yet. But I will be getting on to it, assuming I complete the daily tasks first and the TV's free.

61 more sit-ups which totals the sit-up count to 101 and finally 100 crunches which complete's the daily stuff from on my to-do list.

then I was attempting some more of Super Mario Bros. on my new NES, I managed to get up to world 4 level 2 but I still can't activate the vines which you need to climb up like I did on my first run through of the level but even though I knocked the correct block i couldn't get on top of it on my first run through I just continued through the level to the level till I got to the warp pipe that got me to world number 5.

Thanks to the welcoming warp zones I have got to the 8th world in Super Mario Bros. it was with 5 lives as well but then I lost them all on the first level of world 8.

New years plans...

Now today is the start of the new year.

So my new years plans go as follows;
  • Do 500 strokes per day, on average, on the rowing machine.
  • Do at least 100 sit-ups per day, on average.
  • Do at least 100 press-ups per day, on average,
  • Do at least 100 crunches per day, on average.
  • Do at least 100 squats per day, on average.
  • Go to the gym at least twice a week.
  • Get some actual cycling in (at least monthly I'm hoping).
  • Work on my running.
  • Work on my ballence.
Now those are just 9 of my plans for the next 12 months, I really think that I should add a tenth one, perhaps one that isn't to do with my fitness?

Perhaps it should be the task that C gave me the other day.
  • To complete Super Mário Bros. the original one for the NES.
Now the last one makes it 10, but that one might be easier to complete than the other ones as if I have discovered where the warp zones to world 8 are, Now I should just need to execute the plans within my mind to accomplish all of these goals.