Friday 30 September 2016

Day 1191

Day 1191;

22.04 an increase of 0.2 on yesterday I'm got lazy today.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and pineapple.
Lunch: sausage roll and some more of my chocolate box.
Dinner: chicken, potatoes, peas and
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 1 300ml mug of fruit juice and 1 300ml mug of fruit juice and water.

Now today my first thought of ant note, if you thought I had any which you don't obviously, was on the state of the rain as I thought that I saw some rain coming down from the sky as I looked out the window, but I couldn't see the floor getting wet, what I mean by this is the floor wasn't getting wet so I thought that I was seeing things, again, then later on I went out back of my home and behold it was raining but by raining I mean I was getting more wet than I would if I was sitting inside.

Songs that would just be shot down before even being sung, thanks to PC culture?

I have got 1 idea.

U.G.L.Y you ain't got no alibi you ugly you ugly,  I only know this because Allergy brought this song up at about lunch time today when she was going through songs that she used to like, in the older days. But then she was also saying it doesn't offend anyone (unless your name is you), but the PC crowd would like the song at all as it doesn't fit in with their standards of inclusivity,

But then I was thinking about how very Christian and therefore by default how Islamic the song is, as ain't we all dirty sinners within your religious texts? Is dirt considered ugly? Yes, at least I think so. So therefore according to you religious texts we are ugly and how are we to clean our selves? Well that is different as on the one hand you've got Christians who believe you have to believe in a crazed sky father that "Loves" you,, on the other hand toy have to perform an act of martyrdom or execute people that don/t hold to your beliefs (I'm not free tomorrow for excitation as I have an appointment with the doctor.).

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