Thursday 29 September 2016

Day 1190

Day 1190;

Today I weighed down by 2 pounds and I was 21.84 but that was after I had ben to the gym today, for "an hour" or so I was told by Mich.

Breakfast: cereal, nectarine, banana and apple.
Lunch: spaghetti hoops on toast and a plate of cut up little chocolate bites.
Dinner: saveloy sausage and chips followed by some more of my chocolate box.
Drinks: 1 300ml mug of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

This morning I was brushing my teeth and I tasted something weird in my mouth, under closer investigation it was coming from the position of tooth number 8 bottom right hand side, as I don't have a tooth there, at least not yet. How weird I have my complete 16 teeth on my left hand side of my mouth but I still only have 14 on my right hand side.

Monster hunter.. pocket monster hunter. Could be a spin off which takes place in the prehistory of Sinnoh. like there was that man that killed Pokemon for sport and sustenance from that book in the library of Canalave City.The book is in the shelves on the 3rd floor of the library it's in the back right hand side corner you press a and it says "The book is titled "Veilstone's Myth." Want to read it?" Then you can click either yes or no so I obviously clicked yes at this point and it continues""Veilstone's Myth"" "A young man, callow and foolish in innocence, came to own a sword. With it, he smote Pokémon, which gave sustenance, with carefree abandon. Those not taken as food, he discarded, with no afterthought. The following year, no Pokémon appeared. Larders grew bare. The young man, seeking the missing Pokémon, journeyed afar. Long did he search. And far and wide, too, until one he did find. Asked he, "Why do you hide?" To which the Pokémon replied... "If you bear your sword to bring harm upon us, with claws and fangs, we will exact a toll. "From your kind we will take our toll, for it must be done. " Done it must be to guard ourselves and for it, I apologise."  To the skies, the young man shouted his dismay. "In having found the sword, I have lost so much. " Gorged with power, I grew blind to Pokémon being alive. "I will never fall savage again. This sword I denounce and forsake. "I plead for forgiveness, for I was but a fool." So saying, the young man hurled  the sword to the ground, snapping it. Seeing this, the Pokémon disappeared to a place beyond seeing...

Which I am unsure about the tale, as Veilstone City has got some Pokémon living inside it. But I know it's a myth aka. not a true to life story, but isn't that what Pokémon actually is, not a true to life story as the animals we have as pets, eat or in some cases are eaten by are exactly that animals, not Pokémon I know that you only see the Pokémon that they battle with in the cartoons/games but they must eat some of the Pokémon also as they have some meat or fish that they eat Tauros as beef burgers.

But today I also went to the gym 20 minutes on the lateral trainer to start off as usual, but what wasn't usual was there was a girl/woman (I'm terrible with ages) on the cross trainer in front of me with an exceptionally nice rear end. Then I went on to some arm weights but I was aiming  more as to stretch my arms out today On the arm weights, so I progress from level 2 to level 3 then finally onto level 4 of stretch for my arms. But I am thinking that I could go out a bit more, to fully stretch my arms. But then I finished off today on a bike, 7.5 minutes level 10 attempting to get it over 100 RPM's for the whole time I was cycling but I failed at that task. But you know the lateral trainer It tells me I'm too light, gobbledy gook I tell ye, insanity pure and simple.

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