Tuesday 6 September 2016

Day 1167

Day 1167:

But today in one of my two journeys in a car, which I didn't enjoy I always tend to get headaches whenever I'm in a car, the man on the radio stated be thankful you're not Tom Hiddleston (or Taylor Swift) as they have broken up, again... I never knew they were together? Anyway why can't they both speak? Plus both of their memories must be good, seeing as one is an actor and a singer, you have to memorise a lot of lines for both of those  jobs.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and strawberry.
Lunch: I can't remember.
Dinner: margarita pizza, emu's home made Jaffa cakes and strawberries.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk 4 300ml mugs of fruit juice.
Snack: I can't remember.

 Today was another day of my life but today I only did a little bit of running as Mich and/or Allergy warned and instructed me not to push myself before it as they had left the inhaler at home so if I started wheezing I'd have had to go home, so to stop myself from wheezing I held myself back. Every time the left hand side of my chest started feeling weird I'd just back myself off, from the pace I was going at by a couple of seconds. But when we were doing the 3 by 25m relay race against DP I dropped the baton I managed to get the baton from T but it was just my passing the baton on to S as I was attempting to pass it to him while he was moving away from me so I let go of the baton before he had seed his grip around the baton. But I've got to do is accelerate up to about 20m then I have to decelerate so while S is accelerating so as I arrive at S we are both traveling at approximately the same speed for the change over.

S I'm thinking I can remember being called S-monkey in the old days go the HS, that must have been before I lost my voice and  my marbles (the plot) I was probably insane back on my last contact with the rest of the HS. As I may have been still in rehab or I had just escaped it back then and I think I also changed my email address to something that I have forgot now also, let alone either of my passwords. 

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