Monday 5 September 2016

Day 1166

Day 1166;

Today  I have disguised a bit on theocracies which there is only one that I could possibly find, as the term means ruled by god, and even though I don't believe in god I'm thinking that Kim Jung Il, as I'm thinking that the population regard him as a god.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries and banana.
Lunch: beef, peas, carrots, roasted potatoes, Yorkshire pudding and strawberries.
Dinner: BnB pud (Bread and Butter Pudding).
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 3 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

As biotic means pertaining to life does antibiotic mean pertaining to death? There was another intelligent prison that believes stupid things on the radio as well this morning, so I'll start from the beginning the station was BBC radio 2 and there was a woman presenting and she was introducing her guest who was another woman comedian but this one was an *actually funny* woman comedian apparently. I thought that women were funny people in general, not just this one. Who is this *actually funny* woman comedian you may ask, to be honest I'm unsure, but she's apparently a muslim woman that takes the piss out of islam in her comedy routine but then she is a muslim so she can take the piss out of Islam, apparently? I didn't realise that you had to be part of a club to take the piss out of it. I just thought anyone  could take the piss our of anything they wanted to, because they want to it could be because they believe it's absurd and worthy of ridicule, but if they want to do that they can it's part of they're rights as a human, but then I know that some countries of this world don't allow that like North Korea and probably the Ecclesiocracy nations such as Iran and Vatican City.

I respected Mr Morgan Feeman a lot before seeing the above YuTube video and now I've watched it I respect him a hell lot more.

But today I went skiing which was good I stacked it twice today, once when I was actually skiing, but my eyes had closed and I was straying onto the part f the slope that had been closed off, The second time was when I had just gone to the top of the slope i was standing still and my eyes closed when suddenly I had knocked myself over.

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