Saturday 24 September 2016

Day 1185

Day 1185;

So today I am expecting my BMI to soar, as I have an evening of sitting down watching some Marvel thing, My BMI went upwards but not by as much as I thought it would as it is now 21.91 which is an increase of a whole point 1.

Breakfast: cereal, purple grapes, apple and banana.
Lunch: macaroni cheese and cheese cake
Dinner: cheese sandwich
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 1 300ml mug of fruit juice and 1 bottle of Lucozade sport (orange flavour).

The pricer of art work that I have been commissioned to make, is commissioned even the correct word? As it's not for any money it's for a friend of mine and it has to have Pikachu, Charmander and Jiggilypuff, within it, perhaps an Eevee also. so this is my plan for the drawing that I'm going to draw;
Pikachu and Charmander are in a fight with 2 Jiggilypuffs the fight is being looked upon by an Eevee that looks regal or maybe a rumble match and it's a free for all the last one standing wins.

Quick question, if the nation that you are a citizen of makes a dick decision of deciding to go to war with another country and when your questioned about wether your in favour of the conflict you say "yeah... I guess so" is that an overwhelming endorsement for the conflict? Luke warm endorsement at the very least the kind of support that I would say would be given by a patriot that believes in democracy, as in yes it was the will of the president so I'll go along with it, but at later times he may have been vocal about his disapproval towards the course of acton that they took.

Besides that Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama actually caused the rise of the Islamic state? I would hate to see the two of them in power, oh wait a second they have already done that while they were in power.

Prince William talking about the hunt of elephants is he a hypocrite for doing so? No as has he ever hunted an Elephant not as far as I have heard and now he won't or at the very least shouldn't, But what they were calling him a hypocrite for was for his family hunting deer and pheasant around their lands up Scotland, and I'm unsure if he ever has but I'm thinking that his father probably dragged him along on one of his hunts and probably made him shoot something at least once and just if they do that then I can see why he could be classed as a hypocrite kinda but elephants are an endangered species deer and pheasant ain't if they were then there would be uproar all the way around the British isles about the abuse of the position the heads of state are committing.

Anyway what about the following argument?

I have gone to the Marvel Universe Live! Which was interesting but why don't the Asgardians just lock Loki into a black hole or kill him ? It will stop him from escaping.

Today I have done 120 sit-ups and 120 crunches if my counting is anything to be counted on.

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