Monday 29 February 2016

Day 977

Day 977;

So last night I was having 2 dreams the second of which may count as 2 in 1 so therefore 3 only if I count them all, but the thing is I was thinking I was awake for all except the 3rd,

Now for breakfast I had as usual bowl of cereal, next up I had a box which has 3 fruits inside, well 2 fruits and banana, as it had some grapes and some apple within. For lunch I ate food of which I cannot remember. Then fir dinner I ate some chicken alongside of some vegetables.

But today I have done mŷ first 30 before 12 O'clock midday/noon, which made a change, but I have one problem.

What! you only have 1 problem, at least 10, that is at first glance, not in total.

I'm sorry Red I forgot to add in the word more, before the word problem.

But within the game Zelda Triforce Heroes I have completed the games basic story mode so now all I have to do is complete all of the bonus levels to get the game completely finished.

I went to the cinema to see Deadpool today, it's hilarious but it's crude so it's to suitable for anyone that's probably above the age of 38 unless you have a very low brow sense of humour. But within the Adverts at the beginning of the film X-Men: Apocalypse looks very good, as did Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and it looks like bruce wayne has got a piece of bat kit that could match Superman's strength. Also there was a Suicide Squad trailer, but all of that is of what I expected to interest me, there's also a film called "London has Fallen" which has got Morgan Freeman in it so you know it's going to be good but that film was looking better than I was expecting it to be.

Deadpool I was expecting to see him just as a head, a decapitated head, talking at one stage of the film but no it's probably being held onto for a sequel. But the end scene was a bit of a let down as Deadpool's girlfriend just accepts him without any shocked/horrified expression or sounds coming from her there was no sharp inhale of breath when he revealed his true face the two of them just kissed. There was no mention of him looking like the inside of somebodies anus, at least none that I heard over the laughter. 

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