Saturday 27 February 2016

Day 975

Day 975;

Today was the 975th day, of my documented existence, I did my 30 rather late on then when I attempted to continue to 60 I only made it to 45 before having to stop and again on 57 before I finally managed to complete the 60.

For breakfast I had a bowl of cereal, that was it for breakfast. Lunch I had some spaghetti hoops on a bread roll, then I cannot remember what I ate for dinner.

Today I have watched some mores X-Files, I'm still on season 3. Also today I got a bit of gaming on Zelda Triforce Heroes but I got no further in completing the game dispute some very close calls this morning. We had The Lady on her 3rd form.

I can't remember retry much anything that happened to me today.

Oh yeah I remember I watched that rugby match between France and Wales, the Welsh won by 3 penalty goals (9 points) 19-10. Which was a good result for those frogs who put up a good fight today.

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