Thursday 4 February 2016

Day 952

Day 952;

I did the 30 a day today in the morning, I didn't end up actually doing any more yesterday, so I'm thinking that I have done my 30 a day challenge for... 6 days now I'm thinking.

Today I had to eat the usual breakfast. For lunch today I ate cheese cold pasta and ham then for pudding today I ate a Dairy Milk Pot of Joy (DMPOJ) which I'm guessing I should class as a kind of chocolate mousse, even though it seems to lack those many tiny bubbles of air, which are a critical feature of a mousse, and for the DMPOJ I have to state that they should taste mindblowingly good, but they have that weird after taste and the initial taste of them isn't as great as I was expecting either (but they still taste good). Now I have just eaten a little chocolate reindeer as a snack. Then for dinner I are a piece of chicken with some bacon, a couple of mini sausages, carots, peas and potatoes.

Such an odd sensation came over me as I was walking down he stairs, as I had got to the step that I thought was the bottom step, so I stepped backwards slightly more than usual and my elbow gave mea static shoc, it wasn't touching anything else it was just there out in front of me, when zap. Oh and if you didn't already know I walk down the stairs backwards, it's safer that way.

So today I have watched a critique of miss Anita (fem freak) it was about that video which was all to do with the video of Anita's called = "Strategic Butt Coverings" I still don't think she's being serious, about the shenanigans, as if she was a gamer she'd know that we don't sit there playing games like  Bayonetta just to sit there jacking off to her, it's very difficult, near enough impossible to do. But then Miss Anita started having a go at Lara Croft by saying stuff about how in. Tomb Raider: Underworld the game initiated some pervert mode as soon as someone started the game with her wearing that swing kit to start the game as the game zoomed in on her but tut I  have been watching through the game to see if that was the case and behold it wasn't, she was just using some footage of the game to suit her purpose, which was, as far as I can tell, to undermine, degrade and objectify one of the most well known and kick ass heroines of video in video game history. How counter productive, if what you want gender equality in video game leads; I know that isn't what feminism is actually about, but we can pretend. at least until you want to get us all of us neutered and our sperm locked in some lab somewhere labeled and stuff like that so if you want a child, a woman just has to go to the sperm centre and they would just present to the documents of ownership of said man to the front desk and then they'd perform an artificial insemination on you, using the sperm of the man that you have, a woman has got, ownership of.

But today I also attempted to get my 3Ds working again but no luck, so I was playing Zelda Triforce Heroes today, and a bit more on ALTTP today.

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