Wednesday 24 February 2016

Day 972

Day 972;

Basically today I have forgotten what I was about to type here but I have done my daily 30 today.

I ate a box and a bowl of the usual for breakfast today. It was a sausage roll and 2 chocolate mouses that I ate for lunch. Which has just left my dinner for me to direct for you now, which was a piece of chicken in bacon, sausages, peas and I can't really remember what else I ate with it if it was with some carrots and potatoes or not, I cannot remember and that was only for the main dishes of my dinner I can't even remember if I ate anything for pudding.

But today by my time of my weigh in I met my weight goal, on Wii Fit. If you can remember the person that I called Dolly Town, at least I think that's what I called him. Well Dolly has got a new girlfriend recently, yesterday in fact, and by the term girlfriend I am unsure what I mean by that label.

What? You are confused about what you mean?...

It's insanity in a savage shaped nut shell.

Ok thank you Red, for basically telling me I'm nuts, next time try telling me something I don't already know, anyway shall I inform you of some of my confusion?

Is this another one of those rhetorical questions type things where you're just about to tell me anyway even if I don'r want to know as I don't give two hoots about what your about to type?

Basically, well as I was about to inform you is that Dolly Is really quite larger than life, like a stereotypical american, By the term larger than life I mean physically as well as personality wise, of which he holds a full house in both of those departments; in card games speak.

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