Sunday 21 February 2016

Day 969

Day 969;

So today I had done my 30 in the morning. Then I had a go on Splatoon, single player as the internet connectivity wasn't working properly, I'm still stuck on the final boss battle.

My mealds for today went the following way; for breakfast I had a bowl and a box, each of the usual, lunch was the almost same as I had the last time that I had the buffet lunch thing, dinner I ate a I had a roast I think.

Today was the day of the rugby match that I went to see with Mich, the very small child and the 6 foot 3 man. As we sat there there was a professional rugby match going on and the team that I was there to support won the match but the result by then end of the first half the teams scores were separated by 7 points in favour of the team that I was there to support which happened in the first 5 minutes of the game, they scored a try and the converted it basically add 2 points to the 5 awarded for placing the ball past the line , scoring a try, it's the rugby union rules.

With the Splatoon that I played this morning the little boy told me hewas impressed by my getting defeated by the Great Octobot Octobot King, he was saying stuff like I'm very good at the game.

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