Wednesday 17 February 2016

Day 965

Day 965;

Today I failed to get my sit-ups done, well that would be in the morning and then I attempted to do 60 before getting called down for dinner. I only made it to 55, so I made my 30,

For breakfast I didn't have my usual, I only had a bowl of cereal. Then for lunch I had a egg mayonnaise sandwich and a bag of grapes. Finally for dinner I ate a bowl of Macaroni and cheese followed by a... I can't remember what I had for my dinners desert.

What I did today was simple as I only ate a bowl of cereal for breakfast this morning you could tell that I was going to do something different today, it may not have been as interesting as it actually was but I have done something different today. As I went to get my face and right arm injected with some more rat poison. Which lasts approximately 3 and a half months.

Which today after I had that done I had a football match to go and watch today so I had that to go and see later on today, with my newly opened eyes.

Just today I have had the rupees to buy myself a new outfit, on Zelda Triforce Heroes, as I have just bought myself the Linebeck's uniform, but I have had a thought about where in the time line this game could stand, as there obese character that accosts you after every time that you go into the taylor's changing facility/ you buy an item of clothing and you are changed into it, and she comments about Linebeck having something to of with her mother or grandmother which should mean that the events of Phantom Hourglass happened in the relatively close past.

I believe that this video is interesting.

I heard the news that the CoE is trolling Richard Dawkins, by the term trolling I'm not intentionally being disrespectful to any of the CoE's congregation. I am saying this as Richard Dawkins has recently suffered a stroke, which is bad, for him and all of his fans. Although I don't know what it's like to have a stroke. I do know what it's like to suffer brain damage, and that is similar I think at least when I was in rehab I think I kept being compared to people that had suffered a stroke. Anyway I hope that Richard Dawkins makes a speedy recovery.

So the CoE trolling this good man by saying that they'll pray for him? Now that reminds me of a little Meme the one that says "You pray for me, Ill think for you." or something. As I know that this stage of his second life; first before stroke, second after stroke, if it is anything like my brain damage, then I would like to state that I know what your going though but if not then I don't have a clue.

Here is the urban dictionary definition

One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument.

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