Wednesday 3 February 2016

Day 951

Day 951;

I remember what I was about to type in yesterday's post, I have my daily 30 sit-ups in the morning, just. I wonder if I'll do another 30 later on as I wasn't very sure about my counting skills.

For breakfast this morning I had more of the usual, a bowl of cereal followed by a box of banana. Next was a sausage roll and I have eaten a McVitie's digestive caramel slice or a McVitie's digestive slice Caramels, as that's what is wrote on the packaging but then I also found a thing that looks like a chocolate mousse, it's smell was stronger than that of a ordinary chocolate mousse but chocolates none the less and it tasted better than an ordinary chocolate mousse. Then for dinner I ate some pasta Bolognese.

What I was about to type in yesterdays post was Gattaca's future is almost upon us at least here in the UK, isn't it exciting? I know that they are just editing the embryos in hope of understanding them more and they currently have no plans of building designer babies, yet. But how about if they somehow create a embryo that is resistant to the common cold? What about proper test-tube babies? Lets see babies that weren't born from inside of a women but instead they were born in a test-tube you'd still need a woman for an egg but it could give more equality between the sexes, like a woman wouldn't have to carry the baby as at the first sign of pregnancy she could undergo an operation to have the embryo removed and have it placed in a vessel, that way she could keep her job and everything in her life the same as it was before pregnancy without the nee of an abortion, but this could mean that the over crowded world gets a bit more overcrowded but think of it this way probably much further in the future  we could use the technology that derives from the advancement that this technology offers and we could spread the virus of humanity to many distant planets.

The last day was a day that I had my old 3DS working, again.  So I managed to get in some playing time of Link's Awakening, but today It worked but as I was attempting to transfer my Nintendo Network ID (NNID) over to my new 3DS it kept shutting down before it transferred the whole data and then it was being temperamental the rest of the time, but fortunately I had my new 3DS to play Triforce Heroes, then I've got a Wii U to play A Link to the Past (ALTTP) on.

So then there was another thing I wanted to type about today,

Was it about the game that you thought up ages ago that you called Legend of the Wolf?

No Red it wasn't about that old RPG Idea... at least I don't think it was about the old RPG.

Was not about your old idea of a story of the same name?

No, I don't think it had anything to do with Legends or Wolves for a fact, so just shut up Red.

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