Sunday 28 February 2016

Day 976

Day 976;

Today must have been the 15th day of my 30 a day challenge, I can't really be bothered to check right now as I still need to get it done for today

For breckfast I know I ate a bowl of cereal but I am unsure if I ate anything with that. Then it was for lunch that I had a cheese sandwich with white bread for today, which was a bonus, as well as some mini/cocktail sausages and some Jaffa cakes. Next up was dinner... What have I just eaten for my dinner? Thank you Allergy for answering my question, she answered it by messaging back to me "chicken nuggets and chips followed by profiteroles".

Now today there was a football match, but I missed that this week only as this week I had some actual Boccia practise which was after some people playing roller hockey, yes that game/sport that I used to play before I became a cripple, it may actually be the only thing, which had many layers to it that I actually miss from my past life. As I don't seem to be able to get that level of thrill anymore,

But back on to my 30 a day challenge I completed it just before midnight, twice in actual fact, as my fitness seems to be deteriating as this week has progressed, as the first 30 that I did today at approximately 11:50 I completed in aproxomatly a minute then I had about 5 minutes rest, I'm really getting lazy, then I did another 30 in aproxomatly another minute then that was that, I was done.

This morning before Boccia I was doing some of that thing that I did before Boccia practise and I tripped on the floor but fortunately I had my arms out in front of me when I was falling so I stopped myself from getting a matching scar to go with the crescent moon(ish) scar that I have got on my right hand side of my face.

I'd just like to leave you all with a quote from the X-Files:
Jose Chung: And though we may not be alone in the universe, in our own separate ways, on this planet we are all alone.

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