Tuesday 9 February 2016

Day 957

Day 957;

Today I did my 30 sit-up in the morning, a least I think

Breakfast I had the usual, lunch I had macaroni cheese and I'm thinking that it had some ham on it. Then for dinner I ate a selection of cakes.

The following video I found entertaining,

Remember it is rape when a muslim does it,

Then if someone says to you "can I rape you?" and you answered the question in a positive way, like you were to say "yes" would it be classed as rape? Because you are conversing with them about the act before the act therefore it's not rape,  which means that you didn't rape... but then they just told you that you could rape them not have sexual intercourse with them, but then with your permission it'd be consensual sexual intercourse, would that be classified as rape?

Well by the way it's too difficult for me to understand now  I only got to see that video as I had seen a video about Richard Dawkins which was something to do with the following video.

Also today I have been out to athletics, but it wasn't really athletics today. As we were inside and we were doing a load of exercises with medicine balls like we stated off by passing the medicine ball around the room but Dolly kept getting frustrated with me as I would accidentally drop it. Obviously it was my fault that I'd drop it it was these eyes of mine that wouldn't stay open, which I can probably chase back to me walking (running/jogging either way not quick enough) in front of that car all of those years ago. Else wise I probably wouldn't be here pouting the internet.

But now I remember what I was going to type on this blog, It was going to be about North Korea's new satellite launch. I had thought that it might put a stop to the seeming to be endless debate on Great Britain's membership of the EU. but no we just have more of Cameron's lies about how if we left the EU then GB would have a jungle, like the one in Calis, on the south coast of Britain. But if GB had control of they're borders they could just ship them home. they can't at the moment due to the fact that the frogs are blocking them and if they weren't how could we if they're from a country within the EU, GB is screwed.

But today in games I completed the last level on the part of ZTH before the Sky Realm. So it does only be only mean that I have 4 ore levels until I should have managed to complete the game, which would be without actually completing it 100% which would be with all of the clothes unlocked and purchased and with all of the challenges complete like how I did for the first level of the game. 5 triforces I'm thinking.

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