Tuesday 16 February 2016

Day 964

Day 964;

I was thinking about if I did my 30 daily earlier today so I'll do another 30 just now........... There goes done I have done them for today.

Breakfast I had the usual, Then for  lunch I had a fish pie which consisted of cheese, mash, cod and peas which reminded me of a real first world problem that happened with my lunch yesterday. but more with that later. Then for dinner I ate some of the left overs from yesterday's dinner.

Earlier today, I caught onto a conversation between Allergy and Mich, The conversation was about Mich almost getting knocked down by a bus which turned into a van. As the tale went that Mich was attempting to cross a road and he saw a van coming towards him so he took evasive action. Next up was something that I wrote to them as I wrote something similar to' "Mich was just attempting to get 1 up on me, as I got hit by a car, so Mich gwent for a van. Allergy reminded mw that it was 2 cars that hit me, as if I'd have forgotten but I'm thinking that it was the Mercedes that hit me first which cause me to collide with an oncoming traffic.

But yesterday I was disappointed by lunch as it said sausage a and mash in bold before telling you what is included in each dish underneath, it said sausages mash and peas, but I didn't get any peas.

Now that is first world problems done correctly just as I did that flappy bird mini game on the Wii U correctly, Birds Eye Bulls Eye I think is the correct name of the mini game. As yesterday in the afternoon when me Allergy, B, C, Emu and myself were all playing on the Wii Fit U game yesterday evening and it was my go first and I had an almost perfect run through I only lost 10 on the platforms and I lost a couple here and there for dawdling about in the sky but I made it so I got full (4) stars for the end, which was the first time that I have done that, ever.

I also played a little on Zelda Triforce Heroes yesterday I think I got my 19th hero point and I got my 20th today which was in a bit of my time that I had today, on the game, or it was that I got both of the hero points today and I failed at the game yesterday.

Then today in Athletics there was only me and one other person there, for the majority of it this week then it continued with only me kicking a 1KG medicine ball around the room. Then it ended and Mich had to talk to Mr B not B from earlier who put him onto  asking questions of Dick, who in turn told Mich, that only wanted me to get involved in any of the sports just for fun, that he'd have to go onto a website to ger me signed up with some of the best in the world, actual paralympians, which left him perplexed like "how is Savage going to even be able to compete with these experts" and a quick response is I'm not going to be able to compete on a level playing field with them, I am probably going to be the cannon fodder like the pretty rest of the people there except from the winers and the people that run them close.

Cannon fodder to make up the numbers, thats me.

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