Saturday 20 February 2016

Day 968

Day 968;

So I  have just got my 30 for today in as I am thinking just before the death of the day.

But today as usual I'm thinking I ate a bowl of cereal and a banana, then for lunchI'm thinking that I ate another bit of a buffet lunch (why do I always say it how it reads in my head before correcting myself, as I am usually saying Buff Et first before correcting myself by saying Buff Ai), For todays dinner I ate a portion of some pie with mashed potatoes as an ingredient, and it also had cheese on, so I'm thinking that a name for it is some kind of shepherds/cottage pie.

But my eldest cousin has grown up a little bit since the time that I last saw him. I'm thinking at least in terms of his sporting nonsense. As I believe that he is coming more to grips with his team loosing. But I don't think his team will loose tomorrow as the team that I'm going to support has lost a lot of their players to England for England's six nations match. But in the Rugby match that I'm going to watch tomorrow I have discovered that I'll be sitting on a chair that is in the first row(s) so if you watch the game that I'm going to see on the TV tomorrow you might see me, I'll be the drooling imbecile with a Saracens scarf on nearby some Gloucester supporters. One that is a very small child I think he's 7 the day after the match, and the other is a very tall 6'3",

Savage have you got them the right way around?

I don't really know it should have meant 6 foot 3 inches.

But the internet connectivity problems have reared there they're ugly heads again. By having my internet connection to turn from connective one minute to non connective the next second and repeat.

But today I have plated on Zelda Triforce Heroes but I still have to do a lot on ZTH to make myself better so I can defeat the Lady in single player mode as that id the only mode that I can get onto at the moment.

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