Thursday 11 February 2016

Day 959

Day 959;

Now today I probably hadn't done my 30 this morning as I was going to go to the gym later on today, which I did, but as you should know by now no rest for the wicked. Which probably should mean no rest for me so I have just done myself my daily 30.

Now today for my breakfast I ate the usual combo, separately as usual. But now for my lunch what did I eat? I am thinking that I ate spaghetti hoops on toast but did I? As I know that I had some pasta Bolognese for my dinner with cheese.

I just checked my daily page views statistics and it's saying that I have had 16 page views a day for the day, wow how amazing, I bet amazon has that number about every minute. Yes I know. You are in thee 15 most uninteresting people that I have ever had the misfortune to meet. So does that mean you have got who 14 of the page viewers were already?  No I didn't say that. Then what were you meaning with your statemenrt? Exactly what I wrote, Ok I get that but what does it mean? You are in thee 15 most uninteresting people that I have ever had the misfortune to meet. I just told you that I know what it says but what was your intended purpose of putting that sentence together?  I've forgotten. Oh gordon benet.

But today in games I have played more on Zelda Triforce Heroes and I have continued my play through of Splaltoon, the story mode. As I had forgotten it until I read through a 3 issue comic book about it online. Now for he game to be completed I just ned to get the last 6 Zapfish and then it'll be into the flying saucer I go to rescue Captain Cuttlefish and The big Zapfish. I have been making sure that I collect the sunken scrolls as well so I can read the complete back story after I have completed the game. But I'm not sure which part I enjoy the most, if it's either splatting the enemies or if it is running around swimming through ink in an attempt to find the portholes to the the levels. On second thoughts I've got to say that it's neither instead it is squishing your enemies with a roller that really gets my satisfaction.

Lets just take a look at David Cameron's laughable attempt to keep the EU in the EU.

Red card system is a joke. Look watch David Cameron himself laugh at it.

But then I thought that you could veto the proposals already. but apparently you cannot veto the laws. So what good are the people that we have elected to represent us in the EU, if they have no power to change any of the law's that are put in front of them. What is the point the EU should be honest with all of it's nations, and just state all of you within the EU are now under the control of the EU, all of you people and all of your possessions now belong to the EU.

Is the EU basically a dictatorship, under the disguise of a democracy? 

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