Thursday 18 February 2016

Day 966

Day 966;

Today I have just completed my daily 30, just as in just before my typing of this, as in after my dinner, not before unlike yesterday, and a difference I have noticed.

For breakfast I had a bowl and a banana, by a bowl i meant a bowl of cereal and by a banana I was meaning a banana sliced up and put in a box. For lunch I ate  potato salad, sausage rolls, cocktail sausages, ham, mini scotch eggs followed by another slice of some very alcoholic fruit cake. Then foo dinner I ate pasta, vegetarian meatballs (which are basically non-meat meatballs- now if you are like what the hell is he typing about now start up a club I can see it now the Savage.1 fan club number of members 0, the person that made the group was quickly eaten by Feminazis) in bolognese sauce and cheese followed by a chocolate trifle sponge cake combo.

Today I have watched some more of the X-Files but the episodes that I've been watching are the episodes of old. Back when Scully was still a red head with that old friendly face, not the new blonde incarnation of her with her more alien appearance. I know she's got old and white of hair by now but I honestly couldn't recognise her from the clips of the new show that I'd seen. But the credits from the advertisement tells me that it is the same person, and then you've got Moulder who still looks as if he just shot the first season last week, Tini also told me that the two 'oF them, Moulder and Scully, actually despise each other which I know may seem a little shocking but on the other hand it's expected. 

Also today I played a bit on both Splatoon and Zelda Triforce heroes. before getting roped into blowing up a blow up mattress by the use of a broken foot-pump. 

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