Sunday 31 January 2016

Day 948

Day 948;

Now today was day number 948 or day number 2  of my new attempt at my 30 a day challenge, and i know that I definatly did do 30 today.

But today for breakfast I had the same as I usually have, then for lunch I ate a sandwich and some mini chocolate brownie bites. But then it is dinner that my mind has just blanked over.

Today I missed boccia practise which was as the football team that I support had an FA cup match against Tottenham hot heels, who are a much better team than the team that I support, I'm not saying much; honest, as you could buy the whole of the team that I support for the cost of one of their players according to Mich. The full time score was 1-4 which was a better result than we were expecting, but then again all 5 of the goals were scored by the Tottenham players (as it was an own goal). But today as Flow came with us to watch the football match and she appeared to enjoy it I asked her if she'd like to use my ticket if it was for a Saturday match, as I haven't really been able to see very much of the matched due to the fact that my eyes are barely staying open today, so I now know that I nee some more rat poison injecting into the muscles around my eyes to allow me to have more control over them. Also with it being the Saturday matches that Flow would be going to for me it would mean that I could do Boccia club on the Saturdays instead of, but today's match wouldn't have counted and I probably would have gone to today's match either way, as long as I was invited.

Saturday 30 January 2016

Day 947

Day 947;

Day numbered 947, now I was supposed to have my friend come around today, but just before he was supposed arrive I got an email from him stating that "I've screwed up my bus"

But today in meals I ate my usual breakfast. As for lunch I ate a sandwich which was more of a roll with cheese inside, it initially also had some salad in which is pretty disgusting if you ask me, but the majority of the salad had been removed, I also ate a sausage roll snd half of a millionaires slice and the whole of a chocolate brownie. Then for dinner I ate chicken and chips, which was disappointing.

Today I continued my 30 a day , on those sit ups, as I thought I had yesterday but then again I couldn't remember actually laying down and counting up to 30, so I'm not counting yesterdays. Now here goes today is my new number 1 day for my 30 a day challenge.

Now I can't remember what else happened to me today, but I'm thinking that Allergy had a slight impact on what I was going to type today but I have forgotten, I know that she slapped my hands for wriyying somrthing yesterday but I have forgot what it was about.

Friday 29 January 2016

Day 946

Day 946;

Now today I went to the gym which was fun, we arrived early for the session and Allergy still  complained about me being too late.

Food today I'm guessing it was the usual for breakfast, then for lunch or dinner I can't remember which it was a cheese and ham which was cooked inside of pastry, but I can't remember what else I ate other than that for either dinner or lunch.

Ok so Allergy got in a huff with me and she attempted to guilt trip me on what I had wrote about her radio station choice the last time I was in a car with her driving. By guilt tripping I mean the type of thing that some people do when they start by stating something like this "you know that if I didn't help you in such and such way..." and it takes the tone of "now you should be worshipping the ground that I step on, you ungrateful little louse"  but she ends her spiel by saying "... but you just don't care". But then there was this little toy which looks like a spider and I had accidentally knocked it down onto the stairs and I had seen Allergy beneath the stairs so I picked it up and almost threw it at her, as she's scared of spiders. But I didn't I instead left it on the floor on the first step down from the top.

Thursday 28 January 2016

Day 945

Day 945;

So today was the third or the second day that I had set myself to do those 30 sit ups in, within my new 30 a day challenge.

Today for breakfast I ate my usual. Then for lunch I ate a sandwich but for pudding I ate a slice of fruit cake. But then for dinner I ate a dish of pasta, bolognese and cheese, I like the pasta and cheese it's just the sauce that I don'y like; it's too tomatoey.

So today I watched some more of the Robot Wars heats for series 4. I'm wondering if Richard and Ian Swan will be competing in the new series when incomes back to out screens, as I'm thinking that George Francis has retorted from battling the robots, or will George Francis come back?

I have also been watching some more Red Dwarf today, but have I done anything else today?

Haven't you bee attempting to create those 3D characters again?

Oh yes I have.

Wednesday 27 January 2016

Day 944

Day 944;

Today I thought of something to go here, then I forgot it, then I remembered it and now I have forgotten it.

Now today I have eaten my usual breakfast and I ate a cheese sandwich for lunch nut I know I ate something for my afters for lunch today as I can remember getting 2 lunch boxes out of the fringe but then the memory stops. I have just eaten some meatballs and spaghetti with some of my chocolate box for seconds.

Also today I have continued in doing my additional fitness technique, as I am planning on doing 30 sit ups a day, now I am planning to do that to keep myself in better shape,

Why 30?

Oh hello Green, it's been a long time, but I have decided on 30 as yesterday when I was working on my fitness I did a load of them then I started counting and I counted to 20 I'm thinking so I have taken the load that I did to equal 10, so then 20+10=30. I must be doing all of those sums as I'm unsure of the answer so it's for back up, otherwise I'm not sure why I do it.

Tuesday 26 January 2016

Day 943

Day 943;

Today I have asked myself, in my head, to be killed.

I had a usual breakfast. Then I had a macaroni cheese for lunch. Then I waited for a little while before I ate my pudding as I ate 3 profiteroles rolls with some of my chocolate box and some more of the gingerbread house for my pudding. Finally I ate some spaghetti hoops on toast.

Now if you see the reason why I wanted to be killed was because I was in a car twice today, one way going to a place and the second I was returning home. Now this was no normal car trip which I would say isn't my favourite thing in the world to subject myself to. But it was in Allergy's car the trip was today (I know I'm no Yoda). This' a thing about Allergy her taste in music is dreadful, so dreadful in actual fact that I'm thinking it maybe similar to some of yours, as she drives along with Kiss FM playing Kiss FM is a popular music station in the UK and it's also Kiss's fault that we all out of time with the rest of the world. As it has the slogan "Kiss FM- the beat of the UK", and it had me wondering what the Mo is a G6? for a short while before flooding my ears with the kind of rubbish that you'd expect to come out of your backside after eating a triple fried egg sandwich with chilli and chutney, which isn't pleasant.

a triple fried egg sandwich with chilli and chutney

Today I had a blood blister cut off of my left hand, well it was on my thumb just slightly up  from the first joint of the thumb, as you know that your thumb starts with a joint to your hand then if you stroke your thumb you'll get to the first thumb joint, a joint which connects two parts of your thumb together then if you'd keep going up the thumb a short distance you'd have found the blood blister there.

Monday 25 January 2016

Day 942

Day 942;

Today I watched part of the 4th series of the UK Robot Wars, but I have forgot what I ate for lunch.

Up  first i ate my usual breakfast, then I have forgotten what I ate for lunch, but I can remember what I ate for my dinner. As it was a chicken wrapped in bacon with peas and potato.

So today I saw a load of Youtube video's debunking the following YouTube video:

So I had to take a look at it to see what all the fuss was about.

But I would first like to state that she can't be serious, can she? Have you ever played any go the Legend of Zelda games with 3D graphics I know it's supposedly a tunic and you say that's ok in your video, but you can see up his skirt in some of the games, and just it's not usually done as you usually go on the games to play them not to ogle the characters and miss Anita sarcasm just as every time you go on a Playstation, Xbox or a Wii it is to vent your frustration with the industry for not fitting into your narrow feminist ideology.

Look at the above box art it is exploiting everyones weakness to the male gentiles with him blatantly performing a pelvic thrust onto his arm, which could only be to entice many women to get  this game, but no how much of an imbecile are you? Ogle and to objectify? What have you been smoking miss AS , I would ask if I could have some but no I think you should quit, getting high on substance PC as it honestly isn't working, unless you are doing it all as a method of casting your big satirical shadow over the whole absurd issue of feminism but you decided to cancel it and just continue doing it as serious profession as  you realised that you could con many gullible folks on the internet to fund your unhealthy obsession to spreading misinformation.

As you must know that you sound ridiculous when your speaking on the topic's that you cover in that video, just managing to hold yourself back from laughing out loud.

Sunday 24 January 2016

Day 941

Day 941;

Today I had boccia training without playing any Boccia, but while I was out at it my room was messed with (or yo put it another way cleared up).

So today I cannot remember what I have eaten at any point of this day, I want to write that I ate the usual for breakfast today but I don't know if I did as in the past they have sometimes skipped the banana element of my breakfast but I just don't know.

Within the American TV "horror" show called "Scream Queens" how stupid is the Grace person's character? With that I'm meaning she is 18 so she couldn't have been the dead college girl that died in the baths child as that happened 20 years ago giving birth to her child. I'm trying not to give any major plot spoilers away.

But now I have been thinking about it if miss brace face was really the gay/bi/hetro (but he lied to gain acceptance into the club) man's sister then that would make sense according to Allergy's theory but then how old is brace face anyway?

Today I completed my watch through of Robot Wars series 3. their has been the best fight in my opinion of the first 3 series's, in series 3 it's the first time that Chaos 2 flips it's opponent out of the arena, and I'm thinking "what are they going to disqualify him for knocking his opponent out of the arena as they had just disqualified PussyCat for using a hardened steel disc which shattered and was a danger to the spectators but surely throwing your opponent out of the arena would be more dangerous?"

Saturday 23 January 2016

Day 940

Day 940;

So today was the 940th day of my documented existence, and the wifi is down.

But for breakfast I ate a bowl and box of the usual. While for lunch I had a macaroni and cheese and for pudding I had a bowl of chocolate trifle. Then for diner I had something but I cannot remember what it was.

Today I watched some more of Robot Wars and I started watched Red Dwarf I. While I was watching YouTube I saw a video which said that they wanted Shantae to be the added to the Super Smash Bros roster, and I had never even seen her name before, so I was going in my head who? 

And I des overhead that she's some kind of genie. Of which if they wanted to put her a fully powered genie in a game you should have ultimate poker.

Friday 22 January 2016

Day 939

Day 939;

Now today was the day that I have mentioned above and today was a potentially boring Thursday.

Now I had the usual breakfast, and for lunch I can't remember what I ate, but I can remember watching  watching "Scream Queens" whilst I ate a pizza... so that was what I ate for lunch. But then next I ate some croquet potatoes, peas and a battered piece of fish? I have put that last thing with a question mark following as I can't actually remember if it was a piece of dish in batter or not but I think it was.

So what did I do today other than watch some Robot Wars series 3 within the UK wars of Robot Wars Chaos 2 is the most successful within the Uk's Wars as it is the only robot to win the UK championships twice, but Chaos 2 did uselessly in every other form of the sport. meanwhile Razor a robot with only one UK title to it's name must be at least one of the most decorated Robot in Robot Wars history, as it has a resume like this:

Series 3 they got the highest score in the robot pinball tournament, they also won the international league and the first world championship.
Series 4 of Robot Wars they were the champions of the Southern Annihilator.
Robot Wars extreme series 1 they were the all stars champion as well as the second world champion.
Series 5 they won, the UK championships
Robot Wars extreme series 2 they were the all stars champion.

Thursday 21 January 2016

Day 938

Day 938;

Now today I decided to watch the other part of Robot Wars series 2 and I went to the gym today,

But today for breakfast I had the usual, I mean I ate a bowl of cereal and a banana. For lunch I ate spaghetti hoops on toast with mini sausages. For dinner I have eaten some pasta bolognese.

In the gym today I first had some fun on the lateral trainer, when I did 5 laps not 4, as the number that comes up on the display of the equipment shows you how many laps you've done of the circuit not what lap your on. Which is a new warm  up for me as I used to go on the cross trainer each time that I went in the gym as a warm up, but now they've got new equipment and it's the cross trainer's that they have "Updated" and these new cross trainer's are the ones that replaced the cross trainers at the other gym that I sometimes go to on Thursdays, and I tried it out on one of those days and I wasn't exactly steady on it.

Wednesday 20 January 2016

Day 937

Day 937;

Today I have forgotten my diet for today minus the usual breakfast,

But what I have been doing today is watching a football match, it was the team that I support in a bottom of they're league scrap, the first half ended promisingly , with the score being 1-0 the one was scored by a player that was on the team that I was supporting, but then before the game was finished the opposition managed to get one back meaning the game ended in a tie, 1-1. Which equals 1 point to go towards the 30 points that they need to get before the end of the season, which means that the team I support have a goal of points to make before the end of the season, in 19 games, and  they have to get 29 more points. which could be 5 wins (15 pts) 14 draws (14 pts) but that would only be viable if they could manner those stats which is highly unlikely, if they could win 6 then they could loose twice  (6*3 =18 29-18=11 6+11=17 19-17=2) but where are the goals going to come from?

Also today I have watched some more Robot Wars, I'm only up to the second series.

Tuesday 19 January 2016

Day 936

Day 936;

So that was today and so much has happened today I have already forgotten the majority of it, if I knew it happened at least.

At meal times I ate my usual breakfast, most likely. Then at lunch I'm thinking I ate some Pasta bake with extra cheese and sausages wrapped in bacon., I'm sure there's some Bible passage that forbids you eating two separate cuts of meat at once, also the god of the Bible/Torah/Quran forbids the eating of pork, so god if your up there, wherever "up there" is please strike me down, or aren't you able? Therefore contradicting all of those Christian Zealots that "Love" you so much, meanwhile you get me sitting here at home talking to himself in his head about the long nebulous concept, of love which is apparently you; but then you hate women that get pregnant for making you (making love/sex) by cursing them to go through pains (the pains of child birth).

But I'm sorry that I got off of tack when I was attempting to tell all of you about my eating habits of today and the only other thing that I can remember of todays meal time was that I also ate some cake today well it was a slice of fruit cake and a slice of Panettone .

Now that is what I wanted to inform you people Robot Wars is returning, to our screens. I don't know when but I know that it is but I know it's promising to be epic.

I wonder if they're going to get Mr Clarkson to host the new first season of it then they get Mr Charles to host the rest lot them, which would only be if mr Clarkson gets his forgiveness from the BBC for doing that thing a while back and Mr Charles still needs to get released from his contract with ITV,

Monday 18 January 2016

Day 935

Day 935;

Today I watched Sherlock, or was that yesterday? I have watched some more of the X-Files and I have spent a little amount of time on Triforce heroes.

Now today in food I have eaten I have had another usual breakfast,a bowl of cereal and a box of a banana. For lunch I had sausage and mash, as well as some peas and carrots, but then for pudding I ate some more chocolate log, I stated more before that chocolate log as a pudding as I'm thinking that I forgotten when I had eaten it last time so then you could just fill it in on some previous day for me, if you'd be so kind. But now I'm confused as Mich has just told me that I ate sausage and mash at Dinner time insured of at lunch, so I'm getting very confused about now.

Triforce Heroes I have almost completed the Fortress level, and that is about it on my memory of todays happenings.

X-Files all I can remember of it was the empty room that was supposed to have an alien in, but it didn't. I', thinking it was called an A.B.A. (something like Alien, Bodied. Article).

Sunday 17 January 2016

Day 934

Day 934;

So today I have forgotten my lunch, as I went to watch a football match after eating it, and the football match the team that I support should have at least managed to get a point from it but they lost it with the opposition teams first attacking move and they’re final attacking move, final score 1-2.

But today for breakfast I had my usual, a bowl of cereal and a banana, in a box. Meanwhile for lunch I had a… I’ve forgotten. But for dinner I ate a piece of chicken wrapped in bacon which was accompanied by some sausages, peas, potatoes and I’m thinking carrots. Then not at meal times I have eaten a load of those Jelly Bears.

But I have had a creative ida about football, one which could probably be exported to any sport, and no pain nor suffering is necessary, as it includes the use of 22 VR glasses type things, 22 harnesses as well as 22 individual suits which measure how much force you are putting out of each extremity, like a leg and foot when you move it to kick a ball or your head when you nod it toward a ball to perform a header so you get all of the exercise of running around on a pitch and having a kick about with your friends and you can actually play it with some friends, but without the inconvenience of actually going outside, and you could avoid injuring yourself or anyone else that your playing with, and a manager could sit at home with a computer at half time and say to the players via webcam e.g. "what were you doing out there, you've got to get the ball and shoot it into the oppositions goal, not just pass the ball around between yourselves in your own half of the pitch, you bunch of pansies" and the pitch could be a to scale 3D graphical representation of a real football pitchAnd the referee/assistns/linesmen could all be built in to the system lets have an infallible referee software, to eliminate all mistakes that could be deemed human error. That's not all that my system would enable as it would enabsle anybody to play without risk of injury, substitutes will still only be allowed when ever there's a break in play, but it wouldn't have any effect on the time actually played as within the game the clock would stop until the substitution was made and at any incident so that you would always play until the 90th minute, no additional time.

Saturday 16 January 2016

Day 933

Day 933;

You know yesterday I failed at gathering up those rupees for buying that cheer costume as I wrote that It was true I had yet to reach enough rupees but then I had wrote that before 11 o’clock, so I was playing Trifoce Heroes for 3 hours, or there about, until I got enough rupees to afford the final piece of frilly fabric and acquire the final 100 rupees but I hot it all and I purchased the cheer gear but then, I shut down my 3DS and I finished off my blog post without updating my earlier writing between the hours of 2 and 3..

Today for my breakfast I ate a bowl of cereal and a box of banana again. Then for lunch I ate a pizza. Finally for dinner I had… I can’t remember, but I can remember what I have just eaten now, as I was typing this food section of my blog, as I have just eaten some of my Jelly Bears, which I think I got as a gift for the winter solstice celebration just past.

Now today I have watched some more of the first season of the X-Files. I thought I saw some advert, on YouTube which was for the X-Fies. I enjoy watching X-Files. 

But I must have put back on at least the weight I lost yesterday which puts me back on track to reaching my goal again within the however long I put for me to reach it. 

Why is t the 12 days of x do they say that to piss piss the super naturals? With all of the talk about the number 13 being unlucky? So they are like let's just start from 1 and then only go up to 12 to stop all of the super superstitious nuts going ape at us every time that we say 13.

I don't know, sounds a bit far fetched for me.

Wooah welcome back Red.

Friday 15 January 2016

Day 932

Day 932;

Now today I have been laughing a lot, thank you Deadpool, working out n the gym and playing some more Legend of Zelda Triforce heroes.

For breakfast today I had the old usual, which was a bowl of cereal and a box of banana. Then for lunch I had a thing of macaroni and cheese, the thing is either a dish or some kind of cross between a dish and a plate, I can't remember what I ate for my pudding with that meal, But then for dinner I ate a pizza and I ate some of my box of chocolate which was last emptied a couple of days ago.

Now of the 3 things I have started writing about above I shall start with the third, and I have failed to make it up to 3000 rupees today, so I'm guessing that means no cheer outfit for me, at least not today. 

But I shall type something about Deadpool, so I am about to; the thing is that Deadpool is part of the X-men universe. But in a Captan America: Civil War trailer the way Tony Stark was talking it seemed like they were about to start getting a Super Powered Persons Registration Act, which made me think of the Mutant Registration Act, of the X-men, but I thought that couldn't be correct as apparently spider-Man is on Tony Starks side in the civil war, and he wouldn't like to reveal his true Identity to anyone, but he does, occasionally. But ow back to Deadpool as both of the two characters Spider-man and Deadpool have similar costumes, they are both Mutants and they are both quite witty,

Now it's out to the gym, which was funny as today I was on the lateral cross trainer, which basically simulates a motion like skating on roller blade, which is great fun.

Thursday 14 January 2016

Day 931

Day 931;

So I’ve had some technical difficulties tonight bringing this day to you, but I have had the idea to write down what I have done today tonight, so I can just copy and paste it into my internet browser when it starts working again.

For my meals of the day I have eaten some cereal. For lunch I ate some cold pasta, cheese, ketchup and a sausage roll did I have a pudding? But for dinner I had a beef pie, carrots, peas and some new potatoes but then I also had some Tiramisu.

But today I have played some more Triforce Heroes now I’m attempting to get a costume which coats 9100 rupees in total, it’s the one that you have to buy 3 rolls? of frilly fabric which cost 3000 rupees  a time and you’re only allowed to purchase one of them per day, and the 100 rupee left over from the full cost is for the actual work that is to be done on it in the shop. so yesterday I had just over 3k in rupees so I bought my first then today I haf been playing it also to get  my total up to 3k and I had got it up to approximately 2.7k and it was then that the internet stopped working for me and I was just running around Hytopia, aren’t Hytops a brand of shoes? So I was just smashing the pots and cutting the weeds to raise the rupees needed  to make item of clothing.

So that is what I have been doing over the past few days and I remembered something else do you know "Rune Scape’? It’s an old game that I used to play, it’s a MMORPG, if Nintendo built a Hyrule similarly to Rune Scape’s world as in as a MMORPG then you could have giant hordes of people traveling in packs across Hyrule so you could meet a marauding band of Stalfos's one night and you may choose to eliminate them, or yu may chooose to not interfere with them, at least not until they start to dine of on your Hylian flesh.

At least I have finally figured out what had happened to my stuff from my gym bag as I have been attempting to figure out what has been missing from it for months now, and I found out today that Mich had pinched it and he was using it, as Tini said to Mich  "does "Savage" know that your using his gym towel," asa matter of fact I didn't and I couldn't even remember that I had a gym towel, until you said those words, then I as like "so that is what my gym bag is missing.

Wednesday 13 January 2016

Day 930

Day 930;

But I had a dream this morning but that is all that I could remember of the dream by the time that I had rolled over to allow me to reach my floor.

Today I have eaten a bowl of cereal and a banana for breakfast. For lunch I ate a cheese and ketchup toastie, why do I feel like I should burst into song that time I typed those words? Thank the stars that I can't physically sing and even if I could int's not like I'm going to subject ant one to that horror show, I may be cruel but I do have some mercy. For dinner I ate pasta cheese and bolonase I had a slice of chocolate bread.

But I have been thinking about my, personal, mythological universe. This universe of my creation is vast, it is the universe of My Overactive Imagination (MOI) and It has got many characters, such as Jackdaw and her traveling companion a mute, from the origins of humanity, Mac the man that killed an angel and he has been cursed with a red halo to warn angels if he's close, Suzzie the offspring of an Angel and a human, who has wings but no halo which is due to the fact that no angel initially has a halo but they come from a separate dimension and they imprint themselves into the dimension of MOI as a creature of the race from the planet that they're in,; so then for my Planet numbered 123 it's the planet of the cats, and the angels will take up whatever form that cats perceive to be angelic and it could change due to who's perspective you are looking at it from.

Tuesday 12 January 2016

Day 929

Day 929;

Today was weird as I just had a big rant in my head and I have forgotten it, like I usually do then.

For breakfast I had the same as yesterday I'm thinking, well that is if yesterday I had a bowl of cereal and banana. Lunch I had some cheese, chicken and bacon  on pasta I think, but for pudding with it I ate some chocolate cheesecake. Next for dinner I ate a spaghetti hoops on toast then I had some fruit cake for my desert.

But I have been thinking about the statement "what if the 'feminazis' ruled the world" how much would the word change, it would turn into a Matrearcle society, instead of an equal society as the general feminist opinion would have you believe, As that is what feminism is, an ideology for the rights of females to increase, there is none of the other stuff that is generally lumped in with it, like the trans rights ext don't actually have anything to do with feminism but then feminism is just attempting to big itself up with all of the other "minorities" to make themselves a majority, but honestly of the whole western world are women really as disenfranchised as the feminists on the feminist right put out that they are? No, I think not, maybe if we were living in the eastern world, at least the islamic part of it you may have a point, when women have to marry they're rapists, not here in the west as in the west it is a crime to rape and if you get convicted of it you will get a hefty sentence of jail time at least.

But today in bad news David Bowie is now dead.

But today I have done some more athletics, which was fun. But the long jump I can't see where he was getting that I beat my old score by 50cm when it was only about 20cm.

Monday 11 January 2016

Day 928

Day 928;

But today in football my team, the team that represents the place of my birth/Oxford United, from league 2, killed a giant of premiership fame so it was the first giant killing of this FA cup.

So today foe breakfast I ate the old usual/a bowl of cereal and a banana. Then for lunch I ate a little thing called a bacon sandwich, I ate some fruit cake for my pudding. Then for dinner I ate a some chicken, tika masala and some chicken pasanda, but I ate naught for pudding today.

But today I reached my BMI goal on Wii Fit, 22.01, so I've got a whole year to attempt to replicate that score as many times as possible.

But yesterday I know that I went to a football match but I also went to boccia training to not play boccia.

Oxford United beat Swansea, which is a place in Wales, I do believe. I wonder where the Scottish teams would rank. If the English snd Welsh football associations suddenly became the British Football Association. 

Sunday 10 January 2016

Day 927

Day 927;

In the football team that I support's last away game they managed to stop they're loosing streak with a 1-1 draw. but today they managed to get they're first win under their new manager and it was in the FA cup's third round.

For breakfast I had a bowl of cereal. For lunch I ate a cheese toasty, with a portion fruit cake as afters. Then for dinner I ate a chicken pie, with peas and I'm thinking potatoes, for pudding I ate a slice of cheese cake.

The football game that I saw today was a FA cup match, so it matters not, directly, in their bid for league survival, but indirectly it apparently does help which is really weird due to the fact that the pundits have been saying things like "a break from football should help all of the teams, as about now they have got a lot of matches in competitions and league matches to play so they should be allowed to have a break through the winter months", or something like that.

But the strangest thing was that they caused a bit of an upset and the team that I saw beat the team that I supply was beaten by a team that is in the same league as the  team that I support, lets call it division 3: Now starting again...

Lets just say that both of the local teams to me are in division 3, the local team that I support is down the bottom of division 3 and the team that they beat today is in division 2 but they are in a similar league position as the team that I support, Then the other local team the one that is somewhere in the top 10 places of the league, division 3. They were beat by the 3rd team from division 3 the one that is higher up than the team that I support and lower than the team that they beat, so it was division 3 that was supplying the majority of the upsets for today.

Saturday 9 January 2016

Day 926

Day 926;

Basically today I have watched another few episodes of the X-Files, and I just want to state. I want to believe, but I can't.

What have I eaten today?... For breakfast I'm unsure but I'm thinking I may have eaten a bowl of Cereal, Apple and Banana. Then for lunch I had some Spaghetti hops on toast which was followed by a chocolate fudge brownie, For dinner I ate some chicken nuggets, chips and peas, which was followed by a bowl of chocolate truffle.

Now above is a similar image to the one in the X-Files, without that eery little sound track that's playing when it appears,

I like the eery little sound track of that tv show, But just that being said I ant to believe but I don't, not that there are as other forms of life within this vast universe, as I am certain that there has been many different types of life in this universe before us and there will continue to be many separate forms of life during and after we are all gone. And I'm sure that I'm not the only one that is thinking this now, while I was typing this paragraph. they could have purple skin and a giant forehead but at this moment in time someone else will be thinking this, or similar thoughts.

I want to believe in aliens that come down to us and abduct us, but where's the evidence?

I know what you could say to me, which is if you want to believe then just do. Well I'be tried that logic on God already, and just thinking to yourself "I do believe in go, I do I do." is just pathetic and an all knowing all powerful sky dady would know that you weren't being sincere. Just as you wanted some prayers answered which hasn't ever happened, even though him in his all goodness should have already fed all of the starving people in the world.

Friday 8 January 2016

Day 925

Day 925;

Today I have got around to begin my adventure through the potentially weird world of the ten-files, I'm sorry I meant the X-Files.

But before I go through that I'm thinking I should first start off by informing you of my eating habits, and for breakfast I had a bowl of Cereal, some Banana and some Grapes, so I was only an Apple missing to make it into Cereal and a BAG. For lunch I ate a margarita pizza and for pudding I had some more of my Chocolate box. For dinner I think I ate chicken in batter, peas and something else I think, at least I know what I ate for pudding as it was some more chocolate truffle.

Today I watched the below YouTube video, which demonstrates that the Onion man's perspective is flawed, on just about everything. Stupid boy (wonders if anyone notices the slight Dad's Army easter Egg).

"Maybe we are just beasts with big brains?"

Quote from the X-Files, it was what Fox Mulder says in an episode, But I would like to add onto the end of that statement is the fact that not many people use their brains productivity, like Mr Onion man. As if everyone used their brains to accomplish one objective, we may actually achieve it. But then there's the funny thing about us being human we each have our own priorities, agendas and wills (by this I mean our wants not our Williams).

Thinking about the Star Wars galaxy how is it made up? Is it made up having lots of stars and then around them are the planets? How big are the stars by the way as I was thinking that the star that the new improved death star from the new film ate must be tiny as far as stars go as I know it was giant in comparison to the old death star but either ways still tiny in comparison to our real sun, so how could it fit the power and the mass of that star inside of it? But even with the  new death star destroyed all of the planets that would have been circling it, would have all been moved out of position, alignment, by the suns movement .

Thursday 7 January 2016

Day 924

Day 924;

So today I have been exercising, thinking about stuff and obviously eating.

For my food today I have eaten probably another CAB, Cereal, Apple and a Banana, then for lunch I ate a cheese and Ketchup toastie with that for pudding I ate some of my chocolate from my chocolate box, but I'm starting to think that I should really be getting close to finishing my chocolate box by now as I've been chomping away at the same chocolate in that box for ages now. But then for dinner I ate a bag of chicken balls and some chips from the local Chinese take-away, I only managed to put on something like 0.6 to my BMI which isn't good enough.

Now I shall move onto the exercising that I have done today, as I have done the usual for this time of the week, as in I have gone to the gym. But this morning I forgot about the gym, and I changed into some jeans instead of some tracksuit bottoms/trousers, which would have been an epical fail but fortunately I remembered the day that it was in time so I changed into more appropriate attire, but today I got allergy actually doing some exercise as well so allergy is happier about her weight but she still needs to loose something like 12 pounds to reach her goal. Her goal that she set.

Finally today I have been thinking thinking about stuff like Star Wars, I have they're rankings, within my opinion below;
Episode V
Episode VI
Episode IV
Episode VII Provisionally
Episode II
Episode III
Episode II have only put episode VII in a provisional fourth position as I don't believe it to be fair to judge a film on one view in unideal circumstances to state the least.

I know all of the massacred younglings in episode III does help it but the point of Padme's death doesn't help it at all due to the fact that leah can actually remember her from her childhood, as Luke asks her in 6 what can she remember about her mother and she answers with she was very sad and such like but wouldn't her adopted family show her some her mothers happier times if any so that means that she was alive for at least, how long ago is your first memory mine is about from when I was 3 years old, as I can remember being a little blond kid with a very good friend who was also blond and I can remember going to the same play group as the friend it was attached to the old library but it was just known as the library back then, My friend lived up in Station Road on the other side of the town centre to where I lived at the time, but my voice was so high back then, I'm not sure of which to prefer having a high pitvhed voice or having no voice what so ever?

Wednesday 6 January 2016

Day 923

Day 923;

today I saw the below music video, which I think is pretty good;

Today I ate a CAB for breakfast, Cereal, Apple and Banana, then for lunch I ate 2 sausage rolls and a Belgium bun. for dinner I ate a cooked breakfast, ŵell it was Sausage, eggs, ham, spagetti hoops and fried bread (but I thought the fried bread was toast, when I was looking at it). But for desert I ate a piece of chocolate trifle.

Within the past day or two, I have been watching the three Star Wars films that push the force awakens into fourth place, in the pantheon of the best Star Wars films of my opinion, but I honestly cannot wait until/if I get Star Wars: The Force Awakens, on (Disney) DVD as it would be nice to see the film without so many distractions , the distractions in the cinema include clapping, unpleasant smells, even pleasant smells (are distracting)and unwelcome background noise. But I know that I have put both "clapping" and "unwelcome background noise" on the list should it all be counted under the unwelcome  noise category? Well it could but I haven't as the clapping at the end almost sounded as if it was a computer generated sound so I was wondering if it was a canned clap, similar to a canne draught to entice the the audience to clap/laugh along. 

Tuesday 5 January 2016

Day 922

Day 922;

Today I have been forgetful about almost everything I have done.

Now today what I have eaten I've almost totally forgot. The almost part is just the bowl of cereal, apple and banana, that I ate for breakfast. I've forgot the  rest of the food that I have eaten today.

But I have been looking at a website which is titled "George Lucas nearly wrote a perfect prequel trilogy. He just didn't notice" or click here to see it. Even I who enjoyed the prequel trilogy can see how much of an improvement that would have made on the prequels. It would also make more sense to me that balance in the force wouldn't be the animation of the Sith/the darkside users. At least Yoda was incorrect in his statement that there is always 2 darksiders at any one time as what about the bald dude from "The Force Awakens" the bald dude that is Kylo Ren's master in the darkside/Snoke, wasn't that a little dog that used to have it's own television program*, of the force that said something about Kylo Ren and the completion of his training but I think that the force has the more balance now than at any other time in the franchises history except from during the time of the empire as for the majority of the empire saga there was only 2 Jedi left over, Yoda and Obi but then in episode 4 Obi was replace by Luke then as Yoda died he was replaced by none but Anakin turned back onto the light side of the force towards the end or it you ended up with one grey sided user of the force in Luke Grey sided is balance between the light and the dark sides of the force, or it should be. But now that Snooke has crawled out from under the woodwork it is now to be his turn back to the lightside of the force with Rey as his apprentice, so the force is balanced now.

Who is Rey? Is Rey Luke's Daughter? Could be potentially but she's unlikely to be something like that, as she says she's still got her parents waiting for her back on Jack... I've forgot how to spell the name of her home planet but I remember that it started Jack.

*oh dam it the dog I was thinking of was called Snoopy and he came from the Charlie Brown show so he didn't have his own show, so I was pretty much exactly incorrect in that observation.

Monday 4 January 2016

Day 921

Day 921;

So today I completed my watch through of Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. season 2 and the way that it has turned out is is a lot like the monetary/parliament of GB as if they have left Coulson as Director and they have appointed a board to keep him in check.

for breakfast I ate a bowl of C and a bowl of Strawberries. then for lunch I are some pasta and meatballs, which probably weren't meatballs; as they were most likely quorn (a meat substitute). Then for dinner I had some cheese, Hovis biscuits and grapes.

But today I watched the latest Star Was film at the cinema, but I have spotted 2 things wrong with the physics of the film. the second one I am not going to type it now as it is quite a considerable spoiler. But the first I'm thinking doesn't have any consequence to it as it is about Rey's speeder at the begging of the film, as I noticed that the speeder when it's moving it floats which is ok, I may not understand the exacta reason how it floats but I can understand that it's the speeders propulsion that gets it hovering, but it's when the craft is stationary and it's still floating the speeder wasn't being used but the engine could have been one of those supper silent ones that keeps running all the time and only "kicks up a fuss", makes a loud noise, while it's in motion which may explain the lack of noise while it's stood stationary,  but the planet that it's based on is a sandy planet if any force downwards or downwards pressure was bring applied by the speeder in it's standing position you should have been able to see the sand getting repelled by the force/pressure of which I saw none (not saying that there was none just that I didn't see any). The second physics complaint includes a slightly big spoiler and I wouldn't like to spoil it for you.

Ok just by the way what happened to Luke's first Lightsaber? I mean the blue one that he got from Obi Wan as he was in a fight with Darth Vader and I know he got his hand cut off by Darth but didn't the attack also damage the lightsaber or did the damaged  lightsaber happen, in the 2nd or 3rd episodes and it was just lost in the days of Luke's fight with Darth it fell with his hand.  But I didn't like any of the soppy parts like the part near the end between Rey and Fin, well it was Rey that was the aggressor in the situation.

But with all those complaints about the physics I also have some complaints about the story but the film was excellent, seeing as the film snuck some easter eggs in also, which were some of the funny parts of the film like the part when Han was discussing the Millennium Falcon doing the Kassel run, I'm unsure if Luke's first lightsaber counts as an easter egg or not but I'm guessing so. So that is it for my day in Star Wars.

Sunday 3 January 2016

Day 920

Day 920;

Today was a day which I watched some more of the Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D season 2, I think it's additionally interesting as the way that the season has played out is questioning the dictatorship of S.H.I.E.L.D with Agent Colson as it's head being taken over by a more democratic system.

Today in food I have eaten a bowl of C and a  bowl of fruit salad. Then for lunch I ate a bowl of tomato soup, but it wasn't very nice, fortunately I had some of my chocolate box for afters. Then for dinner I ate a plate of jumbo potatoes, peas, carrots and Pork Pie,

But I have been thinking that I have got some sunburn on my ear for a little while now, but if it was sunburn wouldn't it 1 have to be sunny? and 2 shouldn't it burn, instead of being another patch of solid skin on top of my ear?

But today Mich bought a scarf, as he's such a troll, which probably only happened as I heard a Rugby team mentioned that we would be going to watch a game against a team that my uncle and cousin support and I noticed that they were at the top of the Rugby Union league that they play in, I think that's how it's put down, as I know that there's 2 separate types of Rugby played Union and League, and to make things complicated Rugby League has got a whole load of leagues as does Rugby Union, so they don't have a collective group of teams called a union, it's still called a league.

Well I have got the below 2 YouTube video's that I have watched today which are both about feminism

Saturday 2 January 2016

Day 919

Day 919;

Today was another day of my existence where I have forgot almost all that I have done and eaten.

I'lll start off as usual with what I have eaten, All I have got for today on the meal front was a bowl of C, for breakfast as well as a bowl of fruit salad, but I cannot remember anything else that I ate at any of todays meal times.

For what else I did \today, what did I do?

You played on that Triforce Heroes Zelda game didn't you?

Oh yes, I did, thanks Yellow.

I gave also started watching the second season of Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, Now that I'm on the topic of Disney, Star Wars thank goodness they have finally developed a Lightsaber with a cross guard so what if it's a Sith's Lightsaber.

Friday 1 January 2016

Day 918

Day 918;

That day was today, which was the last day of 2015, and the winter solstice e-card that I was making, failed which means that I failed such a great way to finish a year, in failure.I should have no excuses for my lack of action, but it would be a lie for me to tell you that.

Now for breakfast I had both a C and a B, so in other words I had a more traditional, for me at least, breakfast. And I cannot remember a thing that I ate for lunch today. Then next up was dinner and for dinner we here having guests around, also Allergy had gone out, probability to "bang" with her boy friend/ so we had a special dinner tonight 3 cooers meal, first it was a soufflé,then it was some bird like meat could g= qirh potatoes carrots and peas, but then for pudding I ate some fruit salad.

But I have been wondering when was it that Anakin Skywalker got asked to join the Jedi council but he wasn't made a master? As I was thinking that it was in episode 2 but then if it was in episode 2 did he bury his lustration so deep inside of him selves to become a Jedi Master in the Clones Wars that happened after Attack of the Clones but before Revenge of the Sith. Because it'd make more sense, having it in Revenue of the Sith, but by then he had already become a Jedi Master.