Friday 29 November 2013

Day 146

Day 146;

What have you done today, that you were supposed to be doing?

Wow, you’ve finally worked out how to type it correctly.

Shut up, now I know for a fact that you wanted to put a double negative as well as how I was about to type it,

I know that I’m as flawed as you,, but that still doesn’t any right to write a sentence like  “What have you done today, not that you weren’t supposed to be doing?” as that enhance is easily confused, anyway what had I set myself to do?.

Oh yes it was the check-list that I had given myself to do which looked like this

Date of completion
Complete my YouTube project episode 1.

Complete my response to more Religious shenanigans (Islam- Asea).

Complete my story “Tell me lies...?” which I made the prelude of all the way back in 2011 Click here to view first draft (for the second draft just look down this article).

Complete writing My Sci-fi Book of which I thus far only got the first chapter which can be viewed by clicking here.

Finish all of the rest of the stories that I have only wrote part of.

Type up my personal guide to surviving a zombie apocalypse.

Get a better score than my previous high score of two on the planet rock anorak quiz.

Complete the first issue of The Savage Acts; my endeavour into the comic book world (not its full name).

Complete my life (Die, again?)

Complete my watch through of the Doctor Who Series’ fortunately there has only been 9 of these so far including the 1 specials series for the tenth (eleventh) and the new television film which came out last Saturday.
Of which I had up until 50th anniversary special only in 2D.
Complete my watch through of the Doctor Who Seasons well I've got 26 of these to watch though. then the film of Doctor 8

But I know that I have posted quite a bit about Doctor Who over the past day, which is because I am thinking that I have always, well as long as I have been alive, been interested in the concept of time, but more to the point of defying the seeming like laws of time. As best I could but I had a few experiences of deja view that I can remember from a time of plus 7 years ago.  So now I’m unsure if they are real memories or if they are just my mind on walkabouts with the faint memories I have of my ancient childhood, it probably only seems that old as my memory seems to have a lot missing from it since I got KO by that car, or those cars depends how big a deal you want to make of it, but from before that fateful day, I'm not meaning to romance it. but I’m thinking of it as one of those days that without I probably wouldn't be sitting here and typing al of this stuff down.

But I most probably would still like Doctor Who if I hadn’t though, as I had been watching the new Doctor Who incarnation since nine (Christopher) But now I’m unsure of when my first Doctor Who book arrived I know it was one with the seventh Doctor in and it was a soft cover book which I had picked up in WHSmiths on one Saturday morning, I'm thinking.

But I have always, from my memory, liked sci-fi be it Doctor Who, Star Wars, Star Trek, Men In Black or even a little bit of X-files.

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