Wednesday 6 November 2013

Day 123

Day 123;

It’s Day 123, but today I have been sitting downstairs, as I was requested to yesterday.


It’s as I had to answer the door today as Tina was expecting a lot of parcels today.


I’m only guessing but I know that Tina did a big online shop for gifts for all of us for the Annual celebration of the winter solstice, the other day so that might be what some of the stuff is but there was a lot of parcels, so some of it may even be some of the stuff that I requested for people.

What, for people like me?

no not you. I said people you aren’t a person you are an animation of my conscious thought.

What about me?

Yes you two are both animations of my conscious thought, but red was around first yellow.

I know that Red was around first on this blog but wasn’t I around back when you were smaller still attempting to work out what a Christian actually was as I remember you saying that you were a Christian as you’d been Christian but when you were smaller still but you didn’t actually believe in God.

Hold up a second, how long ago was it when I said that I don’t know exactly but I am guessing it was approximately 13 years ago.

Ok so when I was around about 8?

Yes, probably.

So in other words when I didn’t understand what being a Christian was all about?

You just thought that you were born into a Christian country so much so its own branch of Christianity named after it.

What the Church of English, that either me or Alice used to call it that.

Aye that’s t' one me bucko,

Ok sorry but I do not have a Scottish accented voice on my iPad to make a character for you green.

I’m not Scottish you infernal imbecile!

Ok then green what are you, a sailor/pirate?

Aye me little old bucko

Ok now with all of that excitement about the new pirate you seem to have forgotten what day it is today.

What the fact that’s the 5th of November, or was, today?


Remember remember the fifth of November

Gunpowder, treason and plot.

I see no reason why gunpowder, treason

Should ever be forgot...

it is the Anniversary of the supposed plot to kill the king of England in order to put a Catholic monarch in his place but the Catholic MP they warned Robert Cecil who was the kings chief of security, so Robert ordered for the basements of the houses of parliament to be searched and they found Mr Guido Fawkes with his co-conspirators red handed as it may be said. Actually along side the gun powder in a storeroom underneath of the houses of parliament, basically.

Guido Fawkes got himself hanged drawn and quartered.

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