Friday 15 November 2013

Day 132

Day 132;

So it’s day 132 that I have just experienced, here today but it should be day 133 by the time that you get to this. That is assuming that you read this on the day that this post goes live, which I acknowledge may be the majority of you that read this blog, I just don’t know.

But what have you done today?

Of what I can remember, I have woken up twice today but the first time that I woke up I thought I got out of bed but I mysteriously found myself back in bed X number of minutes later when I woke up for a second time, at least, today; and that is the way that I remained until a time after 23:00 hours tonight/yesterday night.

But that day I also remembered to contact the band that I know 3 out 4 of the bands members which isn’t too bad, which reminded me of a Meatloaf song, which goes by the title of “2 Out Of 3 Ain’t Bad”, of which you could listen to by clicking on the below youtube video,

So If they accept my proposal then my Halloween project will be taking it’s first step’s towards it’s being completed on time and to it’s projected completion date witch isn’t until next Halloween, did you see what I did there?

Yes, I get it, a pun; which is the lowest form of wit, as well as the only one that you have mastered.

I’m unsure if that was a compliant or not; does anyone else know? As you said that I had mastered it but that was after you said some inflammatory shenanigans against me.

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