Tuesday 26 November 2013

Day 143

Day 143;

Today (yesterday) I decided to watch the Doctor Who television series that I intended to watch yesterday (two days ago).

I know what I have had a super lazy day today as I have been spending my day so far today watching the ninth Doctor’s series. I know I’m one series behind where I previously stated that I would be in my prior blogpost, so I should be able to get onto the Tennant Doctor.

But I have realised that from all previous accounts of the Dalek’s attack on Gallifrey the Dalek fleet actually burned. The TimeLord’s apparently also burned which makes sense in relation to the 50th anniversary episode. As the Doctor 8.5 (9)/John Hurt had to push a big red button to burn all of the Dalek’s but then that also means that all of the TimeLord’s would have died as well. This rings true within the context of the television programme “Doctor Who” well it does accept from the one episode “end of time”.

That Is aproximatly it for the discussions that I have had within my head today, well of them that I can remember at least/

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