Sunday 10 November 2013

Day 127

Day 127;

Today was day number 127, today I went to another football match, shame that the referee didn't know the rules.

So I am typing about the referee now I’m unsure if you had realised this but rarely complain about referees but I think that today was an exception.

It was in a first round “Proper” FA cup match which is the Football Association Challenge Cup, commonly known as the FA Cup, is an annual knockout cup competition in English football and is the oldest association football competition in the world.

But the team that I went to support lost the game 3-2, which I would under normal circumstances I would have no problems with and the team that I was to support made an actual fight of the game that they went behind 2-0 by the end of the first half of which they managed to get the score back to a tie at 2-2 before the referee literally gave them the final goal to make the final score of the game 3-2, But by the terminology literally gave the goal I don’t actually mean that he just said to the other match officials give the opposing team an extra goal I meant by giving the opposition team a penalty kick which the opposition kicker sent the keeper the opposite way to the way that hr was kicking the ball. He did that by standing slightly on the goalies left hand side of the ball so the goalie thinks that you are going to kick the ball into the left hand corner but then as you strike the ball use your right foot to kick it into the goalies right hand side of the net/your left hand side.But it may work better if you took a  quick glance to the corner of the goal that your not aiming for as well, Anyway that is my fuess from my observation. 

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