Wednesday 13 November 2013

Day 130

Day 130;

I know I epically failed at my explanation of the armistice yesterday but I got put a little bit off track by the Misfits.

Freaks “of nature” is a little idea of mine it has got the immortal telepath from before humanity, that I created in as well as some others including Jackdaw (telepathic bird). Owl (William Wills), 1011000 (88). Miss Volts 1.0 (Annie Volts), Miss Volts 2.0 (Android). Thundress (Julia Qwerky), Kurt Angelskye (Male Angel). They are just the characters that I have already written a bit about so far, and it’s set in the not to distant future within a parallel world to this one (so that is why it is going to have some addition al species in as well like angels).

So for next Halloween, I’m still attempting to conscript some people for it, singers and musicians.

Aren’t singers musicians?

Well I don’t know I guess they are but I wouldn't class them as musicians unless they were any good. 

What don’t you want any decent singers, or something?

Well yes I would like some decent singers to sing my lyrics but I’m not being too optimistic look I have already asked Alice if she’ll it for me to record but she declined and she said “as you know I’m a terrible singer” then I was thinking to myself ‘then if you know how terrible you are why do you always sing?’ so I have got to find some other singers and some musicians to play sing and/or dance along to one of the tunes that I have made the lyrics to go with. I know what I could do; if I asked my friends that are in a band to make a hard rock soundtrack cover to one of them which ever one they choose they could record it in their studio then if they released it to me then I could put a karaoke/ding along version up on youtube then if others recorded themselves sing along to it then by sending them off to me I could then mash them up together into one big Halloween video, so what do you say? 

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