Friday 22 November 2013

Day 139

Day 139;

So I have decided to work out a way to get people to live in cyber space like in the Matrix but it’s only a head set, and I've got my check-list finally later on in this post.

The Matrix/Inception/Doctor Who (Dream Lord) musings, I have included three instances of waking up to find you within the real world, or so it seems. My musings are if there was a machine that you could sit in, on or wear and it would be a link to a world in cyber space that looked similar to this world but it was peaceful no one ever got sick, everyone was nice to each other and you knew what you had to do so you did it much like a computer and it’s parts, I’ll expand within another probably terrible analogy;

Now a computer has some operation to fulfil in order to keep running like when the on button is switched on it will run through its boot up operations and then when you get to the start-up page you have to select the account that you want type the password in to the computer using the keyboard, if you have one, then the computer has to check the password that you used against the one associated with that account. Then it logs you onto your account with all of your files allocated on the system available for your personal use, as long as the computer that you were on has the programs necessary too load up the files, e.g. a check will run.

Now what I was intending to meaning by that analogy was that you have to have a user name and a password in order to get onto pretty much any computer or system and the password is linked for that one username,

ok so after the Epic Fail of that analogy I should get back onto my main point of this it could mean the end of people dieing senseless deaths in combat as if you had a matrix world which was inside of these hat like things you could have a massive battle with other countries but all of the fighting would be done in a Matrix world that is inside of this one but the difference is when you die in The Matrix world you wake up in this world so therefore no one actually dies now where it gets confusing would be if someone gets hacks into the program and stacks the cards in their favour if it was against the expected outcome of the battle, but other uses of this technology could be to give everyone on the planet a chance to experience everything, e.g. I could be hanged drawn and quartered the day before I had sex and I gave birth to twins, but in a game but the point to getting this helmet/hat thing to cover your head would be to shock your brain with the kinds of low level electrical charges that are associated with the feelings and sensations of giving birth, sex and being hanged drawn and quartered you could even be shot through the heart. Like in the beginning of the following song;

Shot through the heart and you’re too blame.

You could even create an actual hell with the electrodes positioned and acting upon just to the correct nodes of the brain you could make the person that you were experimenting on/me believe that my body was burning causing me hideous pain or excruciating agony without damaging a cell from within their body. The next moment you could be sampling the heavenly delights of your favourite hotel or you could go into your favourite video game as the main character. Even if your female and you went to play Legend of Zelda as Link who’s the male lead character of the games you’d just have an additional piece of equipment to play with down in front of you to play with,

I have completed the production of my next check-list, and here it goes.

My check list:

Date of completion
Complete my YouTube project episode 1.

Complete my response to more Religious shenanigans (Islam- Asea).

Complete my story “Tell me lies...?” which I made the prelude of all the way back in 2011 Click here to view first draft (for the second draft just look down this article).

Complete writing My Sci-fi Book of which I thus far only got the first chapter which can be viewed by clicking here.

Finish all of the rest of the stories that I have only wrote part of.

Type up my personal guide to surviving a zombie apocalypse.

Get a better score than my previous high score of two on the planet rock anorak quiz.

Complete the first issue of The Savage Acts; my endeavour into the comic book world (not it’s full name).

Complete my life (Die, again?)

But I realise that I can’t actually tell anyone when I next die unless it is like the last time but all that I can say is it will probably be when I stop typing these posts. Then you’ll know that Red has finally fulfilled his end of our agreement.

What agreement?

Yellow, what can’t you remember?


It was only the other day when Red said he could tell me but then he’d have to kill me, and then it told me, but he still hasn’t put a date on the execution yet; as he probably won’t until the act is done.

The Savage Act of my murder I’m looking forward to it. But I have also decided to put my second addition of the tale’s prologue that I made up in 2011 as a tribute to Ronnie James Dio, you can see the original by clicking the link in the table above.

Just another chapter to another Tale of which I have concocted in my mind...


From the first time they touched with their eyes.
The male was struck by a strange compulsion to move over towards the female.
Somehow the female was struck by a similar compulsion.
Then as soon as they were within an audible distance of each other, the female began to speak.
“Hello” she said to the male,
The male just waved back at her as he couldn't speak.
Nothing else was spoken between the two of them, at least not for this moment; this moment of briefly prolonged eye contact.
The male was intrigued.
Questions like “What has just happened?”, “why me?”, “what’s so special about me?” and “who is she?” were racing through his head.
He replayed the key events of that incident in his mind multiple times.
The only things that he could think about were the same questions over and over again like an infinite loop, oh how fun it is to program one of those into a computer; well it’s fun attempting to create one in C++ anyway, but I think you’d need a lot of random numbers/integers to create something like the number thing in the Matrix, and even then you’d need to formulate a way to get the text to sit the correct way (it sits in multiple layers. one on top of the other) and you’d need a way to change the colour of the text. Look beneath this text to see The Matrix.

The male wasn't sure of much but he knew one thing, which was that he liked her, as a friend at least.
But I am not going to jump to any conclusions towards the females feelings because female’s feelings are too complex to understand, especially for the likes of me,
But I am guessing that she liked him as she didn.t shy away from him in later confrontations, although she acted nervously, but in quite a few of the later confrontations the male was attempting to help her with a little bit of programming as he felt compelled to help.

Oh I almost forgot to introduce you to the two characters, so here goes. Now the female is one Miss Susannah and the Male was called Mac (not to be confused with either of the other two types of Mac’s). 

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