Monday 4 November 2013

Thank you again Asea

Firstly, Prophet Mohammad was not educated, he could not write. So, therefore he never wrote the Quran. A distinguished and knowledgeable person such as yourself should at least have this knowledge. 

A distinguished and knowledgeable person wow now those three things that I have never been called nor do I claim to be; am I a person or knowledgeable or even distinguished for that matter? But why was he given the time of day to spout out his ideas/concepts of the origins of the earth and all things let alone have a whole religion devoted to him, which Islam basically is, just wait a couple of seconds the next time you hear someone say “Prophet Muhammad’ Peace be upon him” or something similar as almost every time that one of my friends that are Muslim ever said prophet Mohammad they’d say something similar to what I have stated. But just for your knowledge, and in actual fact everyone’s knowledge that decides to read this blogpost, I didn't know that Muhammad didn't write his teaching down himself, now there was I thinking as it was claimed to me that one of the Qur'ans strength as opposed to the many books off the bible, that was written by different authors many years after the facts supposedly happened. Now what you’re stating is actually weakening the claim of its authenticity and in fact Mohammad’s.

Let me rephrase what you have been stating to turn it into how it seems to me:

A mad man stands on a box and says that the sky’s falling down and then he starts claiming stuff from previous mythology (in your case, Asea, the Jewish and Christian myths, as he heard them from another person some other time) and just because some people think that he’s on to something they start writing it down, and then they have got a religion.

Lady Asea, my namesake, was queen who picked Moses out of the river and named him Moses, which is termed Moosa in Arabic. It means "the one found in water".
Lady Asea’s your namesake so you are a female? Well I have learnt something new today if that is the case, but if not I have still learnt something new, that in Arabic Moosa means "the one found in water" but for my education for today I thank you, as I’m still wondering what authority the sayings of a “mad” and “uneducated” man the very type of man that no one in the western civilised world would take very seriously let alone dedicate a whole religion to him, at least not in a court of law.

Now, since Prophet Mohammad did not write the Quran, we aren't worshipping him

But you are worshiping what he apparently said, and it’s exactly like the Christian mythology in that sense as the Jesus character never wrote a single word at least not in the bible, it is as if he never existed which I do not think he ever did the same goes for your Mohammad character. As in how do you know it was he that told the lies that are within your Qur’an?

The "mad man" as you term him, spoke a language called Arabic and transcribed it to the tribe he was in. The educated people there wrote it down and it was later, after the Prophet's death, bound in the book you see today.

The “mad man” as I also recall stating as well as the following; that I don’t believe existed. But why did the educated people of his tribe bother writing it down if they did in fact ever exist?

Til now, none of the logics presented in this world has proven it wrong or has changed it.

Now I didn't actually properly understand this did you mean “until now nothing, within this world at least, has proven it to be fiction, and nothing has changed it”, but what about now? The moment isn't that what’s worth living for? But beneath this there is a you tube video that demonstrates some of the falsehoods that are within the Qur’an now I feel like I am cheating you because I didn't share any part within the following YouTube video’s production, as I haven’t even checked it for mistakes as of yet, but I will in the future but in the mean time could you please check it for mistakes and post them below, please, only if you wanted to, because I will when I get around to checking up on it.

The mention of Jesus, or Isa as we call him, and Mary (Mariam) is obviously present in the Quran. Why? Well, I did say we accept him as our Prophet. Therefore, the Quran is the amalgamation of all the "mad men" book into one book intended for the entire world.

I know as I stated tithing that text that I did for your last text I don’t in actual fact believe in anyone called Jesus or Isa, but an ISA is an Individual Savings Account where I am from. But then if it was for the whole world to read and to understand, why did it get a started by a man from the east that couldn't read or write/he was illiterate in a language that relative few can understand and even fewer still can read, if you were God/Allah within all powerfulness wouldn't you be able to think of a better way of spreading his message than an old and unreliable book.  

The Christians, and Jews are our book cousins since they are mentioned in Quran.

The Bible and the Torah are mentioned in the Qur’an, yes I know but why isn't the Qur’an mentioned in the other two? I have two cousins and they are each younger than I, their names are Christopher and Maria, now if you look there I have just named to two of them, why didn't the God in the Torah state the two names of the books that would come after it? Then there would be no more fighting between yourselves as to who got the correct prophet, and you may state that the books weren't yet written; but what about your Gods capacity an all knowing entity?

Please note another information. The Bible mentioned that Prophet Mohammad would come. Also, the Hindu scripture Vedh, mentioned the similar thing. Now, if a book of a Hindu religion mentioned this, then were there so many mad men? Or is there indeed Allah?

No the bible didn't mention anything about the prophet Mohammad I searched Google for the bible verses that you have above inferred and the top two results as voted for by others, are as follow, you can read the full list by clicking here.

“The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you, from your brothers—it is to him you shall listen

But I am struggling to find any part that mentions Muhammad, but there was a mention of a prophet.

And when they give the book to one who cannot read, saying, “Read this,” he says, “I cannot read.”

Even this doesn't single out Mohamed as at the time that the book was written illiteracy levels were very high and only very few of the poor would have been able to read. Plus the Hindu book couldn't in a million years realistically be attributed to any Monotheistic religion (a religion with one god e.g. Islam, Christianity, Judaism) as Hinduism is a polytheistic religion (a religion with multiple gods e.g. Hinduism, Ancient Greek, Ancient Egyptian).

I, of course, will support Allah. My faith lies with my religion

Why, when it is demonstrably incorrect and inconsistent even within itself/the contradictions within the text, as that is all there is to do with your faith, in fact any faith it all comes down to a book that was written so long ago, too long ago to do any fact checking on it? I don’t know why you people have to have some old book that probably tells you nothing more about how to run a successful society than I.


  1. My comments are not personal attacks, but merely an attempt to have a healthy discussion. You and I are both entitled to our beliefs and criticisms.

    The Quran describes the perfect way of life. In fact, it encourages the best way to work and live with your family and friends. It also provides the best way to provide for the needy and encourages education for both men and women. It also encourages research and questioning of the Quran. It encourages the race to ask why and how. I assure you, you will find no flaw if people simply try to learn and not judge.

    The mention of the Prophet is not by name. It's for the same reasons as why the Big Bang is not referred to by name in the Quran. Because the people of that time would not have understood. Indeed Allah is knowledgeable and provided them the simplest of terminology. Now, science proves that the universe was created through the Big Bang while the Quran mentioned it 1400 years ago.

    The terminologies used now are as foreign to the people back then as electricity was to mankind when it was first invented.

    The Hindu was a term used by the Arabs to refer to the people living near the Indus river. They called them Hindos. Their book "Vedh" refers to the Prophet. There are many sects in Hindus, just as the Christians do. The Vedh clearly says that there is one God. But just as the Bible was molded with Paganism, so too was the Vedh molded.

    Every book was revealed for a specific tribe before the Quran. And as I mentioned before, Quran is an amalgamation of the messages transcribed in the entirety of the time the mankind has existed in this plane.

    Know that the basis of our beliefs lies in this: This life is a test, it is not reality. We will be tempted and tried. Therefore, it is a test of faith.

    Yes, if worship means to love and have reverence for a deity, then we worship the words of the Quran, therefore Allah, and the Prophet. We follow those words and teachings of life.

    Ah, forgive me. I didn't provide the proper information. Despite the fact that the Prophet was uneducated, he was the one who wrote the seal of Islam. The tribesmen good not accuse him of making things up because he could not read. The verse you quoted occurred with the Prophet during his initial stages as a Prophet. Therefore, making things up from previous mythology, or saying that he merely copied the knowledge is thrown out the window. He had no practical capability to read or write. The authenticity of the Quran being a miracle rather than a mad man's claims is more believable now.

    Also, we Muslims have people who have memorized the Quran. The Christians and the Jewish do not. I have never heard of anyone who memorized the Bible and every version of the Bible. Whereas there is only one version of the Quran and every person who memorized it has the same knowledge as any other person who memorized it. Thus, the promise Allah made to us, that the Quran can never be changed, is fulfilled.

    The answers are there to those who seek it.

  2. Also, the video, I cannot view it due to some issues. Please provide me the title of the video and I will search it and view it myself.

    Your kind cooperation will be appreciated.

    1. It is called "why the Quran is a pile of lies" and it's by a YouTuber called Grace Bride, I hope that helps.
